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Oh boy...grab some tissues...here we go! You should know what to do by now :) 


Wandavision Episode 8 Watchalong



thanks for the upload, will keep the tissues handy this evening! :D


oh man, achara might have shed half a pound watching this episode..more than the episode, it was looking at her so emotional that made me feel sad :'(


It was heart breaking! 😭😢 I’m not quite sure why it hit me so hard. Like Jaby says, it’s not like it’s something I’ve experienced in my life but for whatever reason anything like that in a movie makes me cry buckets. - AK


yeah, the show did a good job of making us empathize with the characters; it was tough to see Wanda lose people she loved and cared for, one by one, eventually having to grieve all alone, with the world still seeing her as a threat more than a superhero. I am worried in the finale, she will have to go up against Vision himself(the newer, I assume "evil" version). It will not be easy for her to fight someone who looks like her beloved. Anyways, much excited for next week, also hoping for a cameo appearance from our fav sorcerer Dr. Strange at the end!😁

Rene Aavik

I think grief is something we can all get even if we haven't experienced a lot of it ourselves. In fact it might especially hit you harder in the latter case. This is the episode where they really went all in on the grief aspect of this show, even though it has been the theme throughout. And man, the performances in this episode... I'm sad Elizabeth Olsen didn't get the Emmy, she really outdid herself in this one. But at least she got the nomination.