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I found this channel on YouTube and I think they have very interesting content. I thought it would be cool if Achara and I reacted to this for you guys. I didn't realize we would then go on to discuss it at length! Let us know your thoughts on the topics discussed. I'm really interested to hear what you think! 

Peace out! 



Original Upload Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJgoTcyrFZ4



First of all, I would say that one of the main reasons people speak English in India is because it is widely accepted all over the country, that is, people in Delhi speak Hindi whereas people in south speak other regional languages but the language which is common for both the cultures is English and because of which people can interact in a more simplified manner. This is just my observation and I kay be wrong. Secondly, if the western culture or any other country makes fun of Indian accent, it's not because they want to humiliate or offend anyone, it is only for for the purpose of providing entertainment. I'm living in the States for quite sometime and no one even once made fun of my accent. Thirdly, regional languages can never disappear from Indian culture because most of the population in India is not very well educated and does not have the ability to speak good English. So, this is not true that Indian regional languages will disappear just because people desire or try to speak English. Again, all these are my thoughts and people may disagree with the same.


English has and will be the lingua Franca in India for the foreseeable future. Hindi is spoken by 25% of people in India statistically. Its a common misconception that Hindi is the national language (even in India). It’s one of the 22 national languages as scheduled by the constitution. Also, I don’t think the South Indian guy said people in the south were smarter. He said, they are more educated. That’s kind of true going by the statistics. That’s part of the reason why people from the south are more in to high paying jobs where as people from the north are more in to entrepreneurship. Courtesy of the British and their colonisation English (majorly) ended up being the language of business in this world. So, to survive and lead a better life it’s good if one learns English. I don’t think there’s any immediate danger to the regional languages in India. As long as we have the urge to preserve the culture, the language persists.


The people interviewed in this video vastly overestimated the percentage of Indians who speak English fluently. Not surprising, given their age and their geographical and social location. There are vast swathes of India outside the major metropolises where you would be hard pressed to find any people who speak fluent English. A more credible estimate of English speakers in India is about 10%. As for Hindi being a national language, we don't have a legally decreed national language, but Hindi and English are the "official" languages for government use (although state governments might use other langauges). The Indian Constitution lists 21 other languages that have "official" status. The State is supposed to ensure the preservation and development of these languages.


Also, I think the Indian accent sounds hilarious (I say this as someone with an Indian accent). There's something about the retroflex d's and t's (pronounced with a curled back tongue rather than with the tongue at the teeth) and the "sing-song" cadence that allows the accent to be easily exaggerated for comic effect. Even comedians in India sometimes make fun of heavily accented (and grammatically lax) Indian English.

Anubhuti Dhawan

<a href="https://youtu.be/Rc-kwHE2ZGo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Rc-kwHE2ZGo</a> I would suggest you react to this as this is an actual news debate over Indian Languages and will give you a better perspective than an interview of random 18 year olds outside some college in Mumbai :)

Mellenker Lansoor

According stats, south are more educated that why he said smarter. You can ask your Hindi friends if you want. Because population plays an important role. Hindi population is like a around 600 million people. Not every child in a family member can go to school. This make people living in north the space for dense. So it hard to build proper school and proper facility. and north west india, people does not want to live their because tension between pakistan and india. The kashmire problem. Delhi area is hot dry and humid. Population plays an important role. Only riches which are dumbs kids get access to proper schooling then poor who are way more intelligent then kids that are from rich family. This leads to lack of education in north compare to south. Combining four south indian states malaylam, tamil, telugu, and kanada. That 266 million population. So people would have more education or space to build I.t hubs &amp; factories &amp; similar to Silican Valley in hydrabad, chennai, and banglore. South have more opportunity to work in educated job then north. This video down vote not because south is smarter. It funny one guy in the video said the western people should learn english from us and indian accent is better then english speaker. That is ignorant and arrogant. We don't want to lose our native language and these dumb interviewee wants make english superior. That is the down vote for. Yes, I understand English is important to communicate but people should be happy that we speak different language from other and they are speaking couple of tough languages in the world. That is a gift.

Shean Roldhan

fun fact: ceo of google is from tamil nadu which is from south india. He studied all his education in south. Only he did graduate program aboard. The kid is right. Plus majority high paying it jobs, business, manufacturing located in south. North is known for artistic &amp; entertainment lifestyle.


Yeah.. what the South Indian kid said is a fact. It doesn't matter if people in the North are offended by that... facts don't care about feelings.

Pravin Rana

U lost this debate jaby achara is right about preserving cultural language

Anurag Rana

So, yeah, English is thrust upon children by their parents, because they think knowing English will make them more successful in career and life in general. I guess it is a remnant of the British rule, because British were the lucrative employers then. But its also applicable in the context of globalization and finding jobs abroad. South India IS more educated and developed than North. I'm am a North Indian and I agree with that statement. It is just a fact. India does not have a national language, nothing is "decreed". India has 22 "official" languages instead. Hindi however is spoken by a large portion of the population (41% native speakers), including many south Indians. Other languages are spoken by groups of 10% or less. Unlike the numbers you saw, actually, English is spoken only by 12-13% of people. It is more prevalent in bigger cities, richer and more educated people.


Thank you Jaby and Achara for reacting on this video! Big fan of your videos! Firstly, English has been in India because of the British. One of the few good things that the British gave us was their language and it definitely gives Indians an egde over people from other nationalities who can't speak that well, so let's respect that. Secondly, I don't think regional Indian languages would disappear. Indian culture is almost 5000 years old rich in scriptures, writings and stuff like that. It's the duty of each Indian to make sure that he/she knows atleast something about these writings and that would keep our languages intact. Lastly, let's not worry about the accents. I've been staying in the US for quite a while now, meeting people from all over the world. Everyone tends to make fun of everyone's accent and that should be taken with a pinch of salt. Either give back a fitting response or just ignore it, that's what I feel! Apologies for the lengthy comment.

Karan Deshmukh

Contrary to popular belief, Hindi is NOT the National language of India. In fact, the Indian constitution doesn't assign any particular language the status of a National language. We have 22 official languages, out of which Hindi and English are the two official languages of the Central Government. In a linguistically diverse country like India, it would've been a travesty to provide one particular language a constitutional pedestal.