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Hello Patrons!  The plain Jaby Koay Patreon is now going to be called "Encore Jaby"!  Some of you might already be aware of this if you've taken a look at the page in the past day or two.  I'm updating Patreon to include rewards for specific tiers.  Just an FYI, these are not officially starting until June 1 which is when I will officially announce it.

So why am I doing this?  I really want to enhance the Patreon experience to thank all of you who are already supporting and incentivize anyone else considering becoming a Patron.  Once the roll out begins, you don't have to do anything as everything functions by post and I set the post to become available to specific tiers. 

As I mentioned, I'm going to officially announce Encore Jaby on June 1.  So as of right now, it's not technically active and we're still on the old "system" until then.  That being said, I thank all of you immensely for your support especially since it came before there were any rewards at all.  You supported just to support the channel and keep it going.  Now I want to invest more energy into all of you and express my appreciation in (hopefully) a more meaningful way.

And please give me feedback as we roll into July.  Let me know how you're feeling about the rewards, if it's working for you, if you dislike it, if you enjoy it.  It helps me to improve the Patreon.

If this goes completely to shit and is utter chaos, I'll remove the rewards system and restore it back to simply being what it was before.

Again, you have my deepest gratitude for your support.  You all are amazing, wonderful, warm-hearted and generous.  You're helping this awesome thing to keep going and I can't thank you enough.



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