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Slimes are a wonderful and diverse species, found all over the globe. Found under any color of the rainbow, with many different sizes and shapes, there is estimated to be hundreds of slimes for every human on Earth.

Yet slimes are as different from each other as birds are to bees. From feeding habits to reproduction, how they act and how they interact and how they fight, each species is almost completely unique to each other.

Join us as we explore the world of slimes and its vast mysteries. We'll learn how each species lives, follow them on their journeys, and collect them in our Slime Studies.
The country of Australia is home to some of the most dangerous creatures in the world, and its selection of slimes is no exception. The slimes that make their home in the country are a collection of the most poisonous and territorial slimes on this planet.

That being said, despite the subject of our study being one of the most poisonous slimes on the planet, the tale we're following is a romantic one. This is the tale of the ten second slime, a slime so poisonous it was rumored that touching one would kill a person in just ten seconds, and what it does in the game of love.

Here we can spot one right now, slithering across one of the country's great beaches. Let's call it Tammy. It usually takes this amorphous form for travel, using it to glide across the rough sand like it was as smooth as ice. Ten second slimes are some of the best when it comes to transforming, a result of their bodies having a higher liquid percentage compared to most other slimes. This ability is used in a myriad of ways, from intimidating predators to hiding in tight spaces, but it's also what they use to find partners.

While ten second slimes often appear to be ferocious, they are actually obligate herbivores. These slimes exclusively eat only plants and fungi, crafting their poison by dissolving the poisonous food in their bodies. This poison is used to defend itself against predators, though there are a few that can resist or completely neutralize the poison. That's why they also use their transformation abilities to make themselves as big and intimidating as possible when attacked. Evolutionarily only the toughest and mightiest of the ten second slimes got to pass down their genes, and that's all thanks to the unique way they breed.

It looks like Tammy here is about to get into the mood, as you can see it molding and shifting itself into another form. In order to attract mates ten second slimes morph into a more extravagant and humanoid form. It's far more simpler than a human, its head is just a sphere with a mouth and its arms are just tubes and the large oversized breasts have no nipples. The form didn't even have legs, simply waddling about with the bottom of its torso.

Becoming such a form would make it easier for other ten second slimes to notice, but it was also a display of power. Being able to maintain this form without getting devoured by predators meant that the slime must've been incredibly ferocious, which was quite the attractive quality. It could almost be interpreted as a declaration of challenge, like the slime is saying it can't be beaten in battle.

Another ten second slime seems to accept the challenge, transforming into a similar form. Once the two noticed each other the mating ritual began. One could liken this ritual to a sort of dance, the slimes shaking their chests and hips as they approached each other. Before long the two had pressed their bodies together, their large chests squishing together like water balloons pressed into each other.

The offspring of ten second slimes are unique from most other sexually reproductive species in a surprising way. For most species the offspring has 50% of the father's DNA and 50% of the mother's, but for ten second slimes the split is more 75-25. As a hermaphroditic species, that meant the one that penetrated would pass off more of their genes than the one that got penetrated.

So for the ten second slime mating was a battle. All ten second slimes desired to be the father, and none wished to be the mother. That fact is true of Tammy as well, and this other slime Tammy is facing has the same goal.

Look at their form morphing once more, making rods emerge from their lower halves. They're even pressing against each other now, like their battle for mating has just started. This newly constructed organ looks remarkably similar to the human penis, and it has a similar role functionally as well. Any part of the ten second slime's body could be penetrated and the job would be done, but a special film around their bodies makes it tough for these slimes to mix. It takes some strength to push through the film and finally get your sperm into the other's slime, so it looks like the slimes will have to push if they want their way.

And now the two slimes are pushing their bodies together, shoving their pseudo-penises into each other. The winner would be the one whose penis penetrates the other's, so they're pushing as hard as they can. While you might focus your attention on those penises, you may not realize a battle is happening elsewhere. A ten second slime has the ability to create as many pseudo-penises as it wants, only really limited by the size of its own body. With this ability, of course the best strategy for mating was to attack with as many penises as possible.

You can see Tammy forming more pseudo-penises on its body right now, and it's poking them on its opponent's skin. Its opponent is doing the same thing, some of those pseudo-penises even pressing directly against Tammy's own. It may look like they're directly penetrating each other, but a look through their translucent bodies would show that there is still some film holding them back.

And so the two slimes pushed against each other, even more ferocious in their assault. Only the most ferocious ten second slime could survive in these parts, and only the most ferocious ten second slimes got to pass down their genes. Survival of the fittest was incredibly literal for these slimes, which only encouraged them to push harder and harder.

Was that a pop!? It looks like a penetration was successful, but for which one? Did Tammy do the penetration or was Tammy now getting penetrated? This is incredibly surprising, but yes. All of the penises have ended up poking through at the same time, even the ones that were pressing against each other are now fused into a single long rod. It can't be understated how remarkable this is, situations like this have only been recorded twice before, and not with this many penises. Such an incredible amount of might being equal between them, it's history in the making!

The two immediately began shooting their sperm into each other, the act giving off a sensation similar to orgasm. While it looks like the two will just inseminate each other at the same time there also appears to be a source of strain between them. The fused penises between them are shaking, and even seem to be inflating slightly. Is the sperm getting caught in its attempt to pass through? Such an event has never been recorded before now, so it's not clear.

If this theory is correct though, it means that even their sperm are struggling to be more ferocious than each other. It looks like their doing everything they can to overpower each other, straining like they're only pushing even harder. Their penises are swelling up at an alarming rate, their bodies are filling up with more and more sperm, the sensation of orgasm is certainly hitting them throughout the entire thing. Who will come out on top? What will become of these two ten second slimes?

What's this? It looks like the two are now tearing each other away. Have they satisfied themselves with how much they've inseminated each other, or is the pressure growing to be too much for them? The fact remains that the two are now separating, with means tearing the connected penises in half. That is an incredible amount of semen leaking out from the previously conjoined pseudo-penis, it looks like the sperm fight theory may be accurate after all.

Tammy becomes blob-like once again and slithers away from its mate, and this may be the last we ever see of the ten second slime. While ten second slimes seem to be exclusively herbivores, not even attempting to eat animal flesh, there is one exception to this rule. Newborn ten second slime devour the body of their mother as soon as their born, a process that helps the newborn slime develop its potent poison. This process has led to ten second slimes becoming more and more poisonous with each passing generation, so caution is advised if you spot one in the wild.

That means in a few months Tammy will no longer be of this world. To say that mating is a battle for a ten second slime is accurate, as losing means you're sacrificed for the sake of future generations. Tammy will eventually give birth to even more ferocious and toxic slimes, but that's another story. For now, these have been our slime studies.


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