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Millions of light-years away from the planet Earth two spaceships were about to meet. One ship contained a conqueror that aimed to get his hands on the universe's most powerful weapon. The other contained a mutant freak, permanently scarred by contact with the device. The meeting of these two was a significant event, but the Gwens had no idea of the sort of things going on in the wider universe beyond them.

Their foremost concerns were on the Omnitrix itself.

"This way," Gwen grunted as she tried to turn the Omnitrix's faceplate.

"No, this way," Gwen grunted as she tried to turn the Omnitrix's faceplate.

The Tennysons were currently on a boat, witnessing the great sights of Niagara Falls. As they were riding the Gwens were discussing the events of the previous few days, and thoughts of the Omnitrix sprung to them. They discussed the possibilities of there being more hidden aliens in the Omnitrix, others they had yet to make use of, and so they casually scrolled to see if there was a single new face.

There wasn't however, which confused them. There was no way there were only twelve species of alien in this device, that just seemed too small of a number for this vast of a universe. And it wasn't like they randomly became Wildvines or Cannonbolts before a few days ago, so maybe the extra forms were locked in some way. If that's the case, how do they unlock those forms? That was what they wanted to figure out as they messed with the Omnitrix, struggling over which way to turn the faceplate.

They yelled at each other as they grasped the faceplate, before it suddenly sunk back down like they were about to transform. Instead of transforming them however it rotated and flashed, like the device was bugged in some way. The Gwens anxiously glanced at each other in shock, unsure of how to proceed.

"You don't think this thing is broken do you?" Gwen's voice wavered a bit.

"Who knows? Maybe it just needs an upgrade." Gwen sheepishly laughed, though still worried about the Omnitrix. Funnily enough one of the forms in the device was named Upgrade...

Suddenly a flash of light completely consumed them, changing their form in an instant. A single body formed of liquid metal sat where the Gwens once were, the combined form ironically being the very Upgrade they were thinking of. Or was it ironic...?

"It's like the watch responded to what you said," one of the Upgrades said. "It'd be like transforming into the Diamondheads as soon as I said-"

In a flash of light they transformed into the Diamondheads.

The two looked at each other with glee, realizing the implications.


In a moment the two were Stinkflies.


The next they were Wildvines.


Soon the two became Wildmutts.


And then they became Ripjaws. Even without the ability to speak they could transform, did it react to their thoughts?

"It's like we've unlocked a sort of master control," one of them said.

"No time between transforming and seemingly no cooldown too," the other said. "It's amazing!"

Joyous smiles spread on their faces as they realized what this meant. There were many aspects of there hero work that they weren't fond of, but if they were to pick a worst it'd be the transforming itself. They were supposed to be the same person, so why did they so often fight over the form they wanted to become? Often they'd end up in a form that neither wanted, and were stuck like it for ten minutes.

But like this? It was like they had full control over their bodies now! No longer was one at the heed of the other, the both of them could just change form whenever wherever! Excited at the prospect they laid by the boat's edge, knowing that even if they fell off they could become Ripjaws and swim away.

Oh right, they were already Ripjaws.

"I wonder what else this can do?"
"We need to try more combinations!"

Without even turning back the two still fiddled with the device, ready to see what could happen.

"Warning!" A robotic voice came from the device. "You are about to shut off the uninhibited transformation sequence. Do you wish to do so?"

The Ripjaws were a bit confused until they realized it was talking about the master control.

"No no no," they said. "Don't!"

"Shut off denied," the watch said, allowing the girls to sigh in relief. They were going to have to try something different.

Unfortunately they didn't have much more time to experiment, as trouble immediately found them. A man fell overboard after seeing the two, shocked by what he thought was a monster, and fell into the depths prepared to drown.

The Ripjaws just nodded and immediately dived down, acting as if they were one synchronous being. Once they leapt out of the water with the guy in hands they immediately became XLR8, speeding across the water's surface so fast they left waves behind them. They found a nearby rock and became the Four Arms to leap off of it, transformed into the Stinkflies right after to aim their landing, then landed safely in the boat with the Cannonbolts protecting them from the landing. They made sure not to damage the boat, timing the transformation into Grey Matters to make sure the boat didn't get scratched was anxiety inducing but exhilarating. The guy was in their hands the whole time, safely dropped into the boat like nothing happened at all.

"What was that!?" Ben approached the Grey Matters with excitement. "From one alien to the next without timing out, how did you do that!?"

"We seem to have unlocked the uninhibited transformation sequence," one of the Grey Matters said.

"But master control rolls off the tongue better," the other said.

"It makes you wonder why the Omnitrix has a time-out function in the first place," Grandpa Max said. "Maybe it's possible that staying in an alien form for too long can be damaging in some way, and the time-out helps prevent or mitigate it? I don't know, but until we know more about the device you should probably just stay human and try not to misuse it. Got it?"

The Gwens, having become XLR8 to reread their personal library in a few minutes, didn't hear a single word of that warning.

And so the entire day the two were in alien form, enjoying their life. They hadn't realized before, but when you're not worried about timing out and a supervillain appearing being an alien could be incredibly fun. Running around with Wildmutts, swinging on trees with Wildvines, taking in the breeze as Stinkflies, it was like their bodies had become more free.

But with new freedoms often came new problems.

"Stop transforming us into Heatblasts!" One of them screamed before a flash of light turned them into Diamondheads. "We're going out to get wood, and we're using the Diamonheads to chop the trees!"

"We already have a bit of wood, let's just start the campfire already!" The other screamed before a flash of light made them become Heatblasts. "It's just a second! We could've been done with this already if you didn't like arguing so much!"

"We also could've chopped down the wood in this time, but you just don't want to listen!"

"You should listen to me! We're doing what I say and that's final!"

Grandpa Max tasked the Gwens with setting up the campfire, and near immediately an argument started. Their form was constantly shifting, going from fiery at one moment to crystalline the next, neither getting the form they wanted.

"Fire!" They transformed into Heatblasts.

"Wood!" They became Diamondheads.

"Fire!" They transformed into Heatblasts.

"Wood!" They became Diamondheads.

"How about neither!?"

The Diamondheads were tackled to the ground, hands clutching onto their diamond necks. They glanced up at their alien attacker, someone with a grip strong enough to crack their diamond skin, and were shocked to see who it was. The galactic conqueror was one that hadn't shown his face to them in a long time, yet was the one who came closest to getting his hands on the Omnitrix.

"Vilgax," the two growled. "Back on Earth already?"

"Not the only one you losers!" Yelling at them from the top of the RV was a mutated mix of many of the Gwens' aliens. Heatblasts' flames, Wildmutts' claws, Diamondheads' crystals, Grey Matters' brain, Stinkflies' wings, Four Arms' four arms, XLR8's speed, Ripjaws' gills, Upgrade's technology, Ghostfreaks' spookiness, they had the powers of all of the Gwens' original ten aliens. They were the Kevins E. Levin, and their appearance meant trouble.

"This is payback for leaving me back on that ship," one of them yelled.

"And for giving me this awful form," the other yelled. "You deserve a hundred years of torture!"

"But first," Vilgax said. "Give me the Omnitrix!"

The Diamondheads didn't comply, transforming into Upgrade in the blink of an eye. With just one head and a metallic slime body they were now easily able to slide away from Vilgax's grasp. They flowed onto the RV, upgrading it into a gigantic mech that towered over the two and a half villains before them.

"Never," the two said. "You'll have to face us first!"

Upgrade attempted to blast the villains, but the Kevins phased through it while Vilgax easily dodged. They tried to follow Vilgax with their shots but he was incredibly quick, and he tackled the humongous mech to the ground. He didn't have time to rip the Omnitrix off of them though, as Upgrade became XLR8 at the perfect moment to avoid the attack. They charged forward for an attack before becoming the Four Arms at the last moment, delivering a punch that seemed to knock Vilgax into the horizon.

The Four Arms were nearly next to fly into the horizon, being attacked by the Kevins with a similar combination of speed and strength. If they didn't become Wildvines and root themselves to the dirt near immediately they would've flown off like birds. They tried to use their vines to grab the Kevins this time, but the Kevins' flames burned through them easily. A large stream of flames were thrown their way, but the Wildvines had since become Diamondheads and powered through the flames. A diamond punch met the Kevins head on, and the two pairs continued to brawl with their fists.

Grandpa Max and Ben arrived back from their shopping trip to see a battle unfolding. The Gwens and Kevins were in the middle of a fistfight, using every alien ability they had access to to duke it out. The Gwens were constantly shifting forms, changing between one alien and the other to try and get the edge on the Kevins, but the Kevins were just as easily able to keep pace.

When Vilgax showed up, having run the distance back to attack the Gwens once more, Grandpa Max knew something had to be done. He snuck back to the now flipped over RV, searching for a device he knew could change the tide of their battle.

Cannonbolts attempted to crush Vilgax under their roll, but the conqueror stopped them with his own two fists. The Cannonbolts immediately became Ripjaws, biting deep into Vilgax's arm with their incredible jaws. Vilgax smashed them into the ground, and the Kevins tried to follow with a diamond hard spear, but the quick transformation to Grey Matters meant they missed. The Grey Matters then became Stinkflies, ready to stab both opponents at once, only to notice the ground glowing beneath them.

They could see it out of the corner of one of their eyes. Grandpa Max pointed the Null Void Projector in their direction, opening a portal to the dimension right below their feet. Vilgax and the Kevins must've realized it as well, considering that they were currently falling right into the place.

The world seemed to flow in slow motion for them. The Null Void looked alien with its floating landmasses and purple and red atmosphere, yet it's environment was even more alien. The place was full of dangerous aliens that were imprisoned there from the outside world, it was likely best that they escaped as soon as possible. But at the same time it looked like Vilgax and the Kevins were about to escape the sudden sneak attack, and wouldn't it be in their best interest to keep the villains in the Null Void? What should they do?

One of the Stinkflies attempts to fly up but the other had other ideas, turning them into Four Arms with a single thought. She grabbed the Kevins and Vilgax and dumped them down into the Null Void, but Vilgax held on and dragged them down.

"What are you doing!? You know how dangerous the Null Void is!" The other Four Arms admonished her partner.

"That's why it's important to keep them locked up here as long as we can!"

She tried to stomp her foot down but they were forced to transform, becoming Stinkflies and once again approaching the portal.

"Enough! We're leaving immediately! No we're not! Yes we are!"

The two fought over their form in midair, swapping back and forth between Four Arms and Stinkflies as they went up and down and up and down. The two were surprisingly balanced, staying virtually around the same spot in midair as the result of their clashing. That only annoyed them though, as that meant their individual goals were no closer to being achieved.

"JUST LISTEN TO ME ALREADY!" Once they transformed into Stinkflies again one of them attacked the other with her breasts. Her tits were forced hard into the tits of her conjoined double, the attack making her shriek for a moment.
This momentary attack was just what she wanted to take advantage of, using it to turn them into the Four Arms. Her double was too dazed to turn them back right away, allowing her to fall down just a bit further.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOULD LISTEN!" Now that they were Four Arms the other now performed her attack. All four of their breasts were grabbed and squeezed, the sensation causing an intense shock to her partner.
That shock was all she needed to transform them once more, making the duo become Stinkflies once more. Her double was too shocked to transform them back once again, allowing her just a bit more distance.

They became Stinkflies again, where one forced her breasts onto the other. Insect flesh pressed against insect flesh, and insect nipples momentarily clashed.

They became Four Arms again, where one forcibly groped their shared breasts. Their hands handled enormous masses of flesh with expertise, and twirled the nipples between their fingers.

Over and over again they transformed, attacking each other as they did. At one moment their breasts would be together, then they'd be groped. Docking, groping, docking, groping, it seemed to repeat over and over again in the blink of an eye. The pleasure brought about by each form started to melt into each other, bringing them a combined pleasure that just made them feel like they could melt.

But then something charged into them, knocking their shared form into a floating Null Void landmass. It looked completely alien, like a grey orb was given a ravenous mouth, bat wings, and what looked like a trail of tentacles for a tail. Was this thing some sort of guardian for the Null Void, like a Null Guardian of sorts?

Regardless, the two knew they couldn't stay there. The Null Guardian seemed to be calling its allies, and the two didn't want to become the creature's lunch. In a momentary truce they agreed to become XLR8 and ran off.

"I don't see the Kevins or Vilgax anywhere," one of them said. "Chances are they could've escaped by now."

"Can't spot the portal we entered through either," the other said. "Chances are it's already closed."

"It's your fault!"
"It's your fault!"

The two frustratedly turned their heads away from each other, not speaking a word to each other as they ran. Both of them just found the other far too frustrating to deal with, it annoyed them. They thought they were done arguing after the Ghostfreaks' incident, but it looked like the two could get on each other's nerves without an alien ghost influencing them. It was a bit sad now that they thought about it, but they pushed the thought aside and moved on.

The two suddenly came to a stop when they heard yelling in the distance. They looked for the origin of the yelling, spotting the Kevins screaming at each other. They seemed to be blaming each other for something or the other, fighting over their shared body as a result of this disagreement. Despite the odd formation of their somewhat shared head the two still attempted to bite each other, their Ripjaws DNA allowing their jaws to open up to an incredibly wide size. That seemed to be enough to allow the two to kiss though, which the Gwens would've insisted impossible if they didn't see it. Truthfully it looked more like the two were biting each other's faces off more than anything, though the Gwens could just imagine their tongues wrestling in there. The Kevins' body was covered in slime, sticking their hands to their breasts as they erratically flew about, so chances were this battle was going on for a while before the two got there.

Still the XLR8 couldn't help but watch, blushing the entire time. Seeing the Kevins fight reminded them of themselves, which they hated, but there was something surprisingly mesmerizing about the display. Their eyes were glued to the Kevins, which meant they couldn't notice who was behind them.

Vilgax grabbed them from behind, pinning them to the ground. He did it so quickly too, barely giving the speedy aliens a chance to react.

"Kevins!" Vilgax called to his allies. "The device!"

"Got it!" A metallic device that looked like a long cylindrical arm and claw emerged from the Kevins' Upgrade parts, something the Gwens didn't know the usage for but they could tell it wasn't good.

"Not so fast!"
"Not on my watch!"

The XLR8 became Upgrade in an instant, leaping into the machine to try and turn it into a weapon. The Kevins tried to absorb it back into themselves, causing their slimy metallic parts and Upgrade to temporarily mix for a bit. The process was like a shock to the brains of all involved, like their nerves were directly struck, but during the entire process both tried to latch onto whatever part of the device they could. The Kevins kneeled, their back looking like a crazed blob as the two technological beings fought over the single device.

Vilgax ripped Upgrade off the device and grabbed it for himself. He charged towards Upgrade with the device in hand, and the Kevins weren't far behind. Upgrade charged back towards them, but such a form wasn't going to be suitable for combat.

One turned them into Diamondheads, ready to charge into the Kevins and take them down, but the other immediately turned them into XLR8 right after, ready to use their speed to grab the device right out of Vilgax's hands. The sudden shift made them a bit disoriented, allowing them to speedily crash into the nearby structure.

"Ow! What was that!?"

"I should be asking you that! Don't get in my way now of all times!"

They turned into Diamondheads and then XLR8 and then Diamondheads and then XLR8. The moment they became Diamondheads one of them stuck a hand into their shared pussy, the diamond-formed sword reaching the deepest crevices. The moment they became XLR8 the other stuck a hand into their shared pussy, fingering them with a speed that was impossible for a human to replicate. One moment it was deep, the next it was fast. Deep, fast, deep, fast, the sensations they shared in their pussy was incredible.

Vilgax struck when they were XLR8 since it was the weaker form, grabbing them by the tail and throwing them towards the Kevins. They transformed into Wildmutts in midair however, biting down on the Kevins right in the tits. At first the Kevins recoiled in pain, but somehow they ended up finding it a bit arousing. They didn't think of themselves as masochists, but the biting did seem to squeeze their breasts in just the right way. They weren't just going to take it standing though, using the flexibility they got from the Wildmutts to attack their attackers' breasts with their feet. Each foot squeezed onto one of the breasts of one of the Wildmutts, making them whimper from the mutual assault.

Vilgax attempted to knock them away with an attack from behind, but the Wildmutts smelled his presence. In a flash of green light they seemingly disappeared, but it wasn't long until Vilgax located them. They had become Grey Matters and latched onto Vilgax's device, prepared to find a way to dismantle it. What ended up happening instead was the two quickly getting into an argument, the result being them now fighting over the way to go. They tugged and pulled, the sensation feeling like their own pussy was getting pulled in half. It was a bit much, and they could barely handle it.

The Kevins weren't faring much better themselves. They tried to used their enhanced secondary brain, courtesy of the Grey Matters, to plan out the perfect assault, but it was virtually impossible when the two shared it. The both of them trying to think a somewhat more intelligent thought at the same time felt like a mental tug of war, and the Kevins quickly got frustrated at each other as they tried.

They attacked each other's breasts out of anger, but their hands ended up phasing through. These were the powers they obtained thanks to the Ghostfreaks, and before their hands could reel back their breasts were made tangible again, essentially fusing the hands into the breasts. Every hand movement felt like groping the breast from the inside out, making them shiver and shake and want to scream from the excitement. It was hard to hold it in, but they were getting closer and closer to climax.

Vilgax yanked the Grey Matters off the device so they transformed into Cannonbolts to try and crush him, only to once again argue over who's turn it was to roll forward. They simply decided to become Heatblasts to take him down, but they tripped and fell out of a lack of coordination. Enraged they blasted heat into their shared pussy, making them nearly melt from excitement, but that wasn't enough. So they became Wildvines and wrapped themselves up in vines, too angry to notice Vilgax coming with the device. They were too focused on their squeezed breasts and vines riding their pussy to notice...

With a swift kick Ben came down to save the day. He wore a protective suit, and was hanging from a bungee cord, swinging on it in order to deliver a great blow to Vilgax.

"Grandpa Max sent me down to get you," Ben said. "I'll distract Vilgax, you two do your thing!"

"Got it!"
"Got it!"

Vilgax wasn't the only enemy that needed to be dealt with. The Kevins were right there, having removed their hands from their breasts in preparation of battle with the Gwens. The two pairs glared at each other, eyes filled with animosity. This struggle was ultimately a long time coming, and the time to settle it had finally come.

The Gwens became Ripjaws, and ripped the shorts off of the Kevins. The Kevins' dual pussies were exposed to the world, dual pussies that came in contact with the Ripjaws' as the four in two bodies came together with a trib. They moaned as all four pussies made contact, a pleasurable wave they couldn't imagine overtaking them all.

The Ripjaws and Kevins sat up, allowing their breasts to meet. Both pairs shared three breasts, and while they were far from equal in size they were still easily able to press against each other flat. All four of them felt the same shocks in their nipples, and moaned at the electric feeling of their pussies rubbing together. Double the pussies seemed to quadruple the pleasure, only making it harder to think straight as they tribbed more and more and more.

Finally all four came, exploding with an orgasm at the exact same time. They burst with excitement, alien fluids exploding out of their four pussies. It was too much to handle, they thought they'd go numb from the pleasure, it was hard to stand afterwards. All four lost, all at the same time.

"STOP!" The Ripjaws turned around to see Vilgax, who lifted a defeated Ben in his arms. "Willingly relinquish the Omnitrix, or he gets hurt."

The Ripjaws turned to each other for just a moment before knowing what they should do. The choice was obvious, but it wasn't going to be easy. And with this master control on Vilgax would be able to do even worse with the device than ever before.

But that couldn't replace Ben.

In a flash of light the two became Gwens again for the first time in a long time, and willingly gave themselves up. Ripping the Omnitrix off of their skin hurt like hell, and it left them surprised that there weren't any marks left permanently, but it had to be done. At least they made sure to disable the master control, even if they likely couldn't remember what the code to access it again was. Vilgax just shouldn't be allowed to have it.

"Finally!" Vilgax cheered as he held the Omnitrix, ready to put it on. "With this I'll be unstoppable, and the entire universe will be under my command!"

"Nuh uh!"
"Not so fast!"

The Kevins knocked Vilgax away, grabbing the Omnitrix for themselves.

"I'll be putting this to use," Kevin said. "And I'll finally be able to get rid of my parasite!"

"You're the parasite in this situation," Kevin said. "I'm the one getting rid of you!"

"That belongs to my cousins!" Ben snatched the watch and threw it towards the Gwens. "Catch!"

The two leapt towards it, ready to don the device once again. Finally things could go back to the way they were, with exciting battles, saving the world, having to share everything with your copy...

Gwen pushed her double out of the way before putting the Omnitrix on. She never wanted a double, much less a double that was permanently attached to her. But now was her chance. Now she can finally be free and alone, or at least she thought. Once it was on a flash of green light blinded her, and there were two Gwens wearing the Omnitrix. The Gwen that was pushed away from the Omnitrix just looked from the outside confused by her new duo of doppelgangers.

"The device must be glitched," Vilgax said. "It must be genetically duplicating everyone that wears it. No wonder two are forced to share it, the device clearly needs maintenance."

He pressed a button on the device and it just flew off the Gwens' hands, likely a result of the device he used earlier having already loosened it off. Instead of him being able to grab the Omnitrix though the third Gwen put it on, immediately realizing just what Vilgax meant. In a flash of light she became two as well.

There were now four Gwens. Two wore the Omnitrix and two didn't.

Chaos immediately began to ensue. Vilgax would take the watch off, one or two Gwens would put it on, and they would duplicate and fight. The two wearing the watch would push their breasts into each other, trib, kissfight, anything to try and dominate each other while the Gwens without the watch would pile over the two that did, fighting for their chance to put it on. It was an ever growing cloud of chaos, before long hundreds of Gwens filled the Null Void, all fighting each other ravenously.

Two Gwens watched, disappointed. Why did their arguing come to this? Why was it impossible for her to get along with herself? They had to admit, sharing a life had already proved to be a grating situation for the both of them, and they'd rather have their own body when doing hero work, but maybe it wasn't that horrible. Even if they fought they still liked reading together, and they could talk anytime something bad happened, and they agreed that Ben was a doofus, and they shared the same taste in music. Maybe living together wasn't so bad after all.

They looked into each other's eyes, knowing the two of them were coming to the same conclusion.



The two Gwens noticed something as they observed the other Gwens fight over the Omnitrix. There seemed to be some moments when putting on the watch didn't duplicate them. The watch's faceplate would blink grey for a moment and then when put on there was a flash but no duplication. Often two or more Gwens put on the Omnitrix at the same time when that happened anyways so the others didn't really notice, but it was their only chance to get out of there with the device. They just had to wait for the perfect moment...


The two grabbed the Omnitrix and put it on when it was grey, getting the flash of light but not the duplication. That wasn't the hard part though, the hard part was getting past all of the other Gwens after this happened. They ran to Ben, and without even saying a word they climbed back to the portal on his cord.

The hundreds of other Gwens were like a discordic entity, racing to take down the owner of the Omnitrix. Many of them sabotaged each other in their attempts though, determined not to let them get to it first. It wasn't long until the hundreds of Gwens tore at each other once more, too enraged to even care about the ones that got away. Hundreds of Gwens fought in the Null Void, and forevermore did they stay there.

Grandpa Max hugged his grandchildren as soon as they exited the Null Void, nearly crying from the worry he felt. Such a tale was ultimately a small blip during a summer vacation such as this one, as the two immediately headed out for a new sight to see.



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