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As the two girls stood there the universe around them seemed to be moving backwards. Galaxies were unforming and returning back to their base elements, all of them converging towards a center point in the universe. The universe was returning to a state before the Big Bang, yet only two figures seemed to be unaffected by this.

Those girls stood precariously on a shrinking asteroid, the space rock slowly returning to its base elemental structure. They didn't care about how the world they knew was falling apart, about how the people they once knew were seemingly being lost to time. All that they cared about was the person they blamed for causing such a calamity: each other.

How did this come to be? What event caused such a calamity? It will be hard to determine what counts as the beginning, so we'll simply start from the perspective of one of the fighters.


Harriet never expected to be in a situation like this. Her life in the past few years had been consumed with the thoughts of the woman that humiliated her, and she thought she had achieved her revenge. Yet here, at the edge of time, a painfully different message was being sent to her. Somehow, the two were completely equal.

How long had she been there? It was impossible to tell a couple of seconds from a thousand years, and she couldn't count how many times she faced this lady. How many times did they 69? Titfight? Trib? She genuinely couldn't count. She could've only fought this lady once, she could've fought her 5 million times, it all felt the same in the end. It didn't matter anyways, as it all seemed to communicate one truth to her: the two of them were completely equal.

She punched her fist into the ground at the very thought. How!? HOW!? She stewed on this hatred for three years, she spent three years preparing to dominate the figure that lived rent-free in her head, and they were EQUAL!? The more she tried to deny it the more that fact just loomed over her. Somehow or the other, they were equal.

Harriet glared at her rival, only to see something glimmer in her peripheral vision. It was some sort of device, one that Harriet was incredibly familiar with. This device could be mounted on the wrist and send a person through any point in time. It was the device that her opponent was wearing when they first met, the one she managed to find and repair and used to try and get her revenge. She thought she had lost the device permanently, having dropped it through the timestream likely to be lost to history.

At least, that was what she thought, before seeing the device lying right within her reach.

She glanced towards her opponent, who seemed to have the same thoughts as her. This was the ticket for one of them to escape and leave the other trapped at the end of time. They both leapt for the device, desperate to grab it before the other did. The moment the two touched it a large flash emerged from the device, and Harriet was completely blinded.

The next thing Harriet saw was her home. Then she saw her enemy's home. Then she saw some house she never saw before, from an entirely different era to her own. Every moment she seemed to be in a completely different time and a different place, seemingly none of it to her control. Moments she knew and moments she didn't flashed before her, each moment leaving her before she could move onto the next.

Many moments she saw were from her own childhood. It was odd seeing her own life from a third-person perspective. Her first friends, her late parents, her first love, her life wasn't the greatest but there were many happy and loving moments she could remember. She saw some of her sad moments as well, like when she tripped and dropped her ice cream on a hot day. It was just one small moment, she forgot all about the day after, yet this moment stood out to her. Because she never noticed that she didn't simply trip on air that day but someone tripped her, and the person that tripped her that day was the enemy she so dearly hated.

She was only in that time period for a moment so she almost thought she imagined it, yet the next time she saw her own past her rival was there once more. Every time she tripped, every time she lost something, every time something of hers seemed to go awry it was all because of her. It happened so much it was almost maddening. Was every bad thing that happened to her that bitch's fault!? The longer she watched the more she began to believe that to be the case. How petty did a bitch have to be to do this to her entire life, to make her whole life hell for what!? What did she do to deserve this!?

How long did she go through this? She genuinely couldn't tell. From the amount of stuff she's seen and at the speed she's seen them she'd reckon it'd take more than a minute to make a person go mad, but she had to have been experiencing this for at least an hour or so by now. Or was it a few days now? Her sense of time was completely messed up by now, she just couldn't tell anymore.
No matter how long it was, she was somehow able to stabilize herself. She was able to access a mental brake of sort, keeping her within the same time period for as long as she wanted. A bit of practicing later and she was no longer drifting through time, instead capable of going to any time period she wanted with just a thought. She could reverse time if she wanted, slow it down, freeze it, she had basically become a god of time.

And where else would she go but to get her revenge.

She went to a time when her rival was a child, enjoying some nice ice cream outside in the sun. Harriet then tripped her, forcing her to drop her ice cream, and disappeared before she could be caught.

She went to every time in her rival's past that she could find, and messed her up in any way she could. It started off by just tripping or pushing or shoving her without noticing, but it later evolved into much more. She spread rumors to humiliate her rival among her friends, put her rival in intense humiliating positions, and even murdered some of her loved ones. She laughed in a wicked delight when her rival heard the news of her parents' death, never to know who was really behind it. At some points she thought she was going to far but the thoughts were drowned out by the memories of what was done to her. This was all her fault, her rival was the one who picked a fight with the wrong person, she was the one who needed to pay!

To calm herself down she visited one of her happiest memories. She watched from the distance as she beat up her rival, the time when she first made the time machine and humiliated the bitch. Her rival was fisted relentlessly before being brought into orgasm, making both Harriets laugh, but the sound of the door unlocking meant they couldn't stay.

The (relatively) past Harriet left, while the (relatively) current Harriet continued to stay hidden. Thanks to her device the past Harriet quickly disappeared to another time period, soon to get into another fight with her rival and become the current Harriet here. Blue and purple sparks appeared in the air before what seemed to be her own device appeared, likely where it ended up when she first lost it.

Harriet stopped time and approached the device, shocked at what she saw. She worked on this device intensely for three years, she knew exactly what went into it and how she managed to repair it. She had received this device when it was broken and she repaired it herself, and she thought the situation would be roughly the same here. Yet the broken device here was unrecognizable to the broken device she received. Every gear she added and broken part she replaced was still in this device, yet every part she didn't add was simply gone without a trace. It was almost like an inversion of the broken device she ended up with, which confounded her a bit. Was this supposed to be some message from her rival? Was this some issue of challenge? She couldn't tell what this was supposed to mean, but she didn't like it.

She continued to watch over her enemy during the three years that she repaired the device, still keeping completely out of sight. Every addition her enemy made to the device Harriet slightly altered, laughing in her mind at the thought. She knew the time machine like the back of her hand, and could recreate it in as miniature a scale as possible. She attached these mini time machines to every part her opponent added, programmed to send each individual part to the end of time after a certain while. The goal was two-fold. First this would destroy her enemy's time machine, preventing her from using the device for further torture and (hopefully) changing her own past. Secondly, in the off case that she began to lose these new time powers she could locate the tools needed to rebuild it far away at the edge of time.

And to the edge of time she went, ready to do just that.


Aleka never expected to be in a situation like this. Her life in the past few years had been consumed with the thoughts of the woman that humiliated her, and she thought she had achieved her revenge. Yet here, at the edge of time, a painfully different message was being sent to her. Somehow, the two were completely equal.

How long had she been there? It was impossible to tell a couple of seconds from a thousand years, and she couldn't count how many times she faced this lady. How many times did they 69? Titfight? Trib? She genuinely couldn't count. She could've only fought this lady once, she could've fought her 5 million times, it all felt the same in the end. It didn't matter anyways, as it all seemed to communicate one truth to her: the two of them were completely equal.

She punched her fist into the ground at the very thought. How!? HOW!? She stewed on this hatred for three years, she spent three years preparing to dominate the figure that lived rent-free in her head, and they were EQUAL!? The more she tried to deny it the more that fact just loomed over her. Somehow or the other, they were equal.

Aleka glared at her rival, only to see something glimmer in her peripheral vision. It was some sort of device, one that Aleka was incredibly familiar with. This device could be mounted on the wrist and send a person through any point in time. It was the device that her opponent was wearing when they first met, the one she managed to find and repair and used to try and get her revenge. She thought she had lost the device permanently, having dropped it through the timestream likely to be lost to history.

At least, that was what she thought, before seeing the device lying right within her reach.

She glanced towards her opponent, who seemed to have the same thoughts as her. This was the ticket for one of them to escape and leave the other trapped at the end of time. They both leapt for the device, desperate to grab it before the other did. The moment the two touched it a large flash emerged from the device, and Aleka was completely blinded.

The next thing Aleka saw was her home. Then she saw her enemy's home. Then she saw some house she never saw before, from an entirely different era to her own. Every moment she seemed to be in a completely different time and a different place, seemingly none of it to her control. Moments she knew and moments she didn't flashed before her, each moment leaving her before she could move onto the next.

Many moments she saw were from her own childhood. It was odd seeing her own life from a third-person perspective. Her first friends, her late parents, her first love, her life wasn't the greatest but there were many happy and loving moments she could remember. She saw some of her sad moments as well, like when she tripped and dropped her ice cream on a hot day. It was just one small moment, she forgot all about the day after, yet this moment stood out to her. Because she never noticed that she didn't simply trip on air that day but someone tripped her, and the person that tripped her that day was the enemy she so dearly hated.

She was only in that time period for a moment so she almost thought she imagined it, yet the next time she saw her own past her rival was there once more. Every time she tripped, every time she lost something, every time something of hers seemed to go awry it was all because of her. It happened so much it was almost maddening. Was every bad thing that happened to her that bitch's fault!? The longer she watched the more she began to believe that to be the case. How petty did a bitch have to be to do this to her entire life, to make her whole life hell for what!? What did she do to deserve this!?

How long did she go through this? She genuinely couldn't tell. From the amount of stuff she's seen and at the speed she's seen them she'd reckon it'd take more than a minute to make a person go mad, but she had to have been experiencing this for at least an hour or so by now. Or was it a few days now? Her sense of time was completely messed up by now, she just couldn't tell anymore. No matter how long it was, she was somehow able to stabilize herself. She was able to access a mental brake of sort, keeping her within the same time period for as long as she wanted. A bit of practicing later and she was no longer drifting through time, instead capable of going to any time period she wanted with just a thought. She could reverse time if she wanted, slow it down, freeze it, she had basically become a god of time.

And where else would she go but to get her revenge.

She went to a time when her rival was a child, enjoying some nice ice cream outside in the sun. Aleka then tripped her, forcing her to drop her ice cream, and disappeared before she could be caught.

She went to every time in her rival's past that she could find, and messed her up in any way she could. It started off by just tripping or pushing or shoving her without noticing, but it later evolved into much more. She spread rumors to humiliate her rival among her friends, put her rival in intense humiliating positions, and even murdered some of her loved ones. She laughed in a wicked delight when her rival heard the news of her parents' death, never to know who was really behind it. At some points she thought she was going to far but the thoughts were drowned out by the memories of what was done to her. This was all her fault, her rival was the one who picked a fight with the wrong person, she was the one who needed to pay!

To calm herself down she visited one of her happiest memories. She watched from the distance as she beat up her rival, the time when she first made the time machine and humiliated the bitch. Her rival was fisted relentlessly before being brought into orgasm, making both Alekas laugh, but the sound of the door unlocking meant they couldn't stay.

The (relatively) past Aleka left, while the (relatively) current Aleka continued to stay hidden. Thanks to her device the past Aleka quickly disappeared to another time period, soon to get into another fight with her rival and become the current Aleka here. Blue and purple sparks appeared in the air before what seemed to be her own device appeared, likely where it ended up when she first lost it.

Aleka stopped time and approached the device, shocked at what she saw. She worked on this device intensely for three years, she knew exactly what went into it and how she managed to repair it. She had received this device when it was broken and she repaired it herself, and she thought the situation would be roughly the same here. Yet the broken device here was unrecognizable to the broken device she received. Every gear she added and broken part she replaced was still in this device, yet every part she didn't add was simply gone without a trace. It was almost like an inversion of the broken device she ended up with, which confounded her a bit. Was this supposed to be some message from her rival? Was this some issue of challenge? She couldn't tell what this was supposed to mean, but she didn't like it.

She continued to watch over her enemy during the three years that she repaired the device, still keeping completely out of sight. Every addition her enemy made to the device Aleka slightly altered, laughing in her mind at the thought. She knew the time machine like the back of her hand, and could recreate it in as miniature a scale as possible. She attached these mini time machines to every part her opponent added, programmed to send each individual part to the end of time after a certain while. The goal was two-fold. First this would destroy her enemy's time machine, preventing her from using the device for further torture and (hopefully) changing her own past. Secondly, in the off case that she began to lose these new time powers she could locate the tools needed to rebuild it far away at the edge of time.

And to the edge of time she went, ready to do just that.


The two could intuitively tell that their climactic battle took place at the edge of time itself. They didn't have their devices to tell them that fact, they could just tell the moment they were there. It wasn't like time didn't exist there, it was quite the opposite in fact. There was too much time. Hours felt like seconds and seconds felt like hours. It was some place outside the timeline, allowing one to look at the flow of time from an outside perspective. This was the location for the girls' first battle, and where the girls intended to battle once more.

There was one problem though: it was seemingly impossible to get to the edge of time. They could remember flying through the timestream, falling until they reached the end of it, but these new powers didn't seem to allow them to do that. If they wanted to end up at a certain time period they didn't fly through the timestream like the device allowed, they just thought of where to go and ended up there. This didn't allow them to go to the edge of time though, the closest they could get was some incredibly far off future. They were billions upon trillions upon quadrillions of years into the future, the universe having expanded so much that the sky looked like a pitch black void. Distant planets and stars have torn apart and simply become mere atoms in the sky. All that could be seen for millions upon billions of light years was a lone asteroid, which the two girls arrived at.

The girls found it a bit odd that they could survive in such a situation. They never thought about it but ever since the fight at the edge of time they haven't eaten, drank water, nor even taken a breath. Was it their status as gods now? Did it just mean those experiences truly were no longer than a few seconds? All questions left their mind when they saw each other though, and only anger remained.


They growled at each other, both confident they could crush each other. Now as gods with a great power over time itself a fight should be able to provide a victor. With just a snap of her fingers each imagined her opponent to be frozen in time, free for her to do whatever she wanted.

So they snapped their fingers, but nothing happened.

Time was indeed stopped. It was impossible to tell but nothing in the universe was moving except for them. Both had stopped the flow of time at the same time, both were just as powerful as the other, the both of them were still left moving.

The evidence of further equality flew over their heads, and it likely would've crushed them if it didn't. So they just tried again. And again and again. Yet each time they did the other would still be moving. Why couldn't they stop each other!? Why couldn't they do something as simple as this!? Why were they deemed to always get in each other's way!? All they wanted was the device-

A thought entered their heads. The pieces of the device they broke should've ended up at the end of time. They could've noticed the pieces at some point during their battle at the edge of time, yet they were too focused on each other to notice. But what if they did notice? Theoretically each piece could arrive in the time period in the exact perfect position needed to recreate the device, and maybe the presence of multiple mini time machines had an adverse effect neither knew about. It was a plausible theory, but they wouldn't be seeing a full device in that case, would they? Each had only applied their tampering to half of the device, the only way the full device would be there would be if the other half was tampered with at some point...

When the two managed to connect the dots they were furious. Time started to move once more, and much faster than before. Both of them focused on bringing time backwards instead of forward, compressing the expanding universe back to a far earlier state. Billions of years reversed themselves in mere seconds, bringing stars and universes that were previously too far to be seen back into view. Galaxies that were long dead reformed themselves, only to come apart the way they were born. Black holes became stars again, only to become the clouds of gas they once were. The universe was reverting back to before the Big Bang, and the girls were in the epicenter of it all.


That was the plan. They each wanted to leave the other in the center of this reverse Big Bang, finally ending them once and for all. Of course that meant getting the other to stay behind willingly in this event, they were both able to just travel to yet another point in time after all. And the only language both of them seemed to understand was violence.

They approached each other, holding up their breasts for one more clash. They slowly brought their boobs together, fully prepared to make them clash, only to orgasm immediately before they touched. Their clothes had instantly become mere shreds on the ground, their breasts had felt like they were groped and massaged a million ways at once, their pussies felt like they were fingered a billion ways at once. Before they could even make contact the two were immediately subject to an immense orgasm.

They slumped to their knees, humiliated, all of existence prepared to come together and crush them. Yet their anger hadn't subsided. Before they could be crushed by the reverse Big Bang they went back in time, to right before the fight was about to begin.

The moment their past selves were about to touch breasts the two stopped time. Each girl went to her past rival and violently ripped all of her clothes off, handling each other's exposed nipples immediately. They locked eyes and it was immediately a challenge. Who could cause the most pleasure to their past enemy? They violently groped and massaged each other's breasts, fingered each other's pussies as much as possible, did everything they could to cause pleasure to their past selves.

Then they orgasmed.

Not their past selves, their current selves exploded with pleasure. They weren't even touched, yet they felt a pleasure even greater than before. It was like all of their parts were pleasured with an intense voracity they could never imagine, leaving them unable to attack each other any further.

They needed some time to regain their bearings, and being gods of time they had all of the time in the world. Once they did however, they were only left with anger. They went back in time once more, and dealt with their past selves.

An odd feature of the two's ability to stop time was that technically there was still some time moving every time this occurred. If time completely stopped the entire way neither would be able to move at all, so by technicality there was always time moving.
And as long as time moved, time could be stopped.

The two went back to when they were assaulting their past selves' bodies, and stopped the time of those past selves. It was with the bodies of their past selves that they continued their competition, doing everything they could to pleasure each other's past selves' bodies and more so. Nipples weren't just massaged, they were sucked on and devoured as well. Their pussies weren't just played with, their clits were pleasured in every way possible and their tongues devoured their pussies like they were trying to annihilate them.

Then the two inexplicably felt another orgasm, one even stronger than before, and immediately knew what could've caused such a thing. They once again went back in time, and attacked each other's past selves with more voracity than before. And when they felt another orgasm they would go back and attack those past selves in stopped time, and this happened again and again and again. Each time they did this they were far more ferocious and thorough than before, doing more than before to pleasure their past selves. Their tongues explored every precipice of each other's bodies, their fingers went through every nook and cranny, and their bodies were forced to go through the pleasure of thousands.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of this sort of competing they were seemingly able to clash directly. After having done this enough times for the frozen bodies of their past selves to loop around the entire universe, the two were close enough to meet once more. As their mouths were glued to their past enemies' pussies their own pussies were forced into direct conflict. They grinded desperately, doing their best to give each other the greatest pleasure possible while resisting their own arousal, but failing all the same. An orgasm struck the both of them at once, putting them in a whirlwind of pleasure that they just couldn't stop. The feeling just cemented to the two that they were still equal, no matter what they wanted to believe. They came at the same time, with the same pleasure, and the same thoughts went through them both, an anger that could never be quelled.

Time was resumed, and the two watched from a hidden location as their past selves went back in time over and over again. The entirety of the universe was imploding in on itself, and the girls in the center of the event were slumped over in shame. It was over. Three years of training and the power of a god couldn't let either win the battle. All they wished was for this enemy to die...

A wicked idea flew into their heads. They didn't need to do all this. They could've ended each other ages ago. They were gods of time now, this shouldn't have been a problem for them.

The two travelled in time, arriving at the time their enemy was born. Even the cruelest villains might hesitate when seeing their enemy in such a state, but the two lost any sympathy for the enemy centuries ago.

Never once did they stop to consider the implications of such an act. If their enemy was dead before even getting a chance to assault them they'd never learn about time travel, and if they never learned to time travel they wouldn't be able to kill their past selves. Their actions were about to create a ton of paradoxes that none of them even thought about, their thoughts only focused on finally getting their revenge.

A stab through the heart and their visions went white.



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