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Hanazono Hahari was in the midst of a predicament. Her daughter was fighting against herself. Her maids were fighting against themselves. Right in front of her was another her, a duplicate she could only feel malice and anger towards. She should have been facing down this doppelganger, proving herself as the original compared to her. But instead...


"Don't announce it!"

Hahari couldn't help herself but be drawn to Hakari and Karane's battle, to which the two only responded with annoyance. The two broke away from their battle, separating just before Hahari could take a picture.

"Don't be mean." Hahari pouted. "Every mother wants to take photos of their child's growth."

"Growing where you pervert?"
"Mother, I'd rather you didn't."
The two immediately shot her down.

"Come on! Can't you indulge your mother just this once!? I want to mommy you! LET ME MOMMY YOU!"
The previously calm and collected woman, who was introduced to everyone as a serious and dangerous antagonist, was now rolling on the floor and crying like a baby. There was only one word Hakari would use to describe what she saw, and that was cringe.

"This is odd though," Karane noted. "Isn't Kusuri's drug supposed to make you fight yourself? Why aren't you?"

Hahari's reply was simple. "Whay aren't you two?"

"M-M-Mother... she was the one who came to me... because... you know..."
"I-I'm just attacking the fake for her... n-not like I'm enjoying this or anything!"

"Sure..." She wasn't fooled. Their extreme denial was cute though, so she allowed it.

What wasn't cute was her doppelganger standing only about a meter away, seemingly copying her exact actions with Hakari and Karane's own doppelgangers. Looking at her was disgusting to Hahari, who only saw a perverted wench that could corrupt the very girlfriends she also loved. Someone like her shouldn't be allowed loose, especially after such a humiliating display.

"What are you doing?" Hahari's expression became stern as she approached her doppelganger. "Is that the appropriate way for someone of your age to act?"

"Look at yourself." Hahari's expression became stern as she approached her doppelganger. "No reasonable parent should be behaving in such an unruly manner."


"If only you could act like this more often Mother..."
"Somehow this is worse than how you usually act..."

The Hakaris and Karanes just stared in shock as the Haharis approached each other, their prominent I-cups immediately making contact. The two winced, their breasts far more sensitive than their daughters, and their minds immediately rushing to incredibly lewd thoughts. Their nipples were pressing against each other through the fabric, hardening together and jostling against each other. They could feel it in their souls, their breasts felt like they were welling up with more than pleasure. If this continued, they feared they could potentially make a bit of a mess. They shouldn't be thinking such thoughts, especially with someone they had such animosity towards, and yet...

"I see the way you've been looking at my breasts," Hahari said. "You pervert."

"Don't act like you haven't been doing the same," Hahari said. "You freak."

"Pot, meet kettle."
"Please stop mother."

"I shouldn't blame you for being attracted to my superior breasts," Hahari said. "But your gaze disgusts me."

"Superior breasts!? It seems like you need your eyes corrected vermin," Hahari said. "My breasts have always been greater."

"My breasts are the softest of all, and the milk within is sweeter than honey. You have no grounds to claim superiority."

"Want to prove that? Tit against tit. Nipple against nipple. Milk against milk. Right now!"

Truthfully the two weren't actually able to lactate. They were still young, and despite being mothers they were truthfully virgins. They were also long past the point they could breastfeed their daughter (thankfully) so nothing was going to come out if they tried. The milk battle that was suggested was not really possible for them, and they knew that, but chose to ignore that part of the canon.

The two removed the top parts of their dresses, exposing their large and lewd nipples out to the world. The round and soft knobs painted in a lewd pink color seemed to draw the eyes of the Haharis, making them drool uncontrollably as well. They had to pinch themselves to snap themselves out of it. One second longer and the two would probably have pounced all over each other, stuffing their nipples in their mouths and completely losing control of themselves. At least now they could think clearly. Just ignore the waterfall of drool coming from their mouths and the other waterfall coming from down below.

"Whenever you are."

They pressed their nipples together, and immediately orgasmed, exploding with an intense and immediate burst of pleasure. They nearly fell to their knees, overwhelmed by the immediate pleasure.

"You're good..."
"You as well..."
"Wait... THAT'S IT!?"
The Karanes, who were surprisingly invested in this battle, clearly didn't like this.

"Of course," Hahari said. "This isn't over!"

"Of course not," Hahari said. "We must fight milk against milk!"

They put their nipples together yet again, doing their best not to orgasm immediately this time. They carefully made sure their nipples were completely lined up, before pressing their breasts together so hard they went flat. The two were struggling even more with holding it in now, squealing and wailing right before they made their release.
Milk poured out from their nipples, clashing together in the space between their nipples. The Haharis strained as they felt their milk battling over where to go, pushing each other as they attempted to rush into the other's breasts. It was a hard clash between the two Haharis, their breaths heavy and faces red from how hard they fought. They pushed and pushed, their milk trying its best to overpower each other, and struggling to do so...

Or at least that was what they imagined. Their nipples were perfectly aligned and clashing with each other, but they weren't actually having a milk battle within. This story isn't conflicting with canon, so the two were just using an extremely vivid imagination to have the milk battle they desired. They (and Kishika) would describe it as the 'breast milk of the soul' but it was basically imaginary. Yet even in their minds it was impossible to imagine anything that wasn't a draw, but they still tried anyways.

"Couldn't she just use one of Kusuri's drugs?"
"Kusuri's definitely made a drug for that before..."


After some time the Haharis finally separated. They could 'feel their milk spraying out of their breasts', the result of a hardly fought battle.

"You fought well," Hahari said. "But your breasts are still inferior."

"You mean superior," Hahari said. "We simply need another way to evaluate it."

Hahari turned behind her, where Karane and Hakari were watching her.

"Hakari, come suck mommy's boobies!"

"No." Hakari's response was quick and immediate.

"Please? Do it for Mo-"


"Well ca-"




Hahari looked sad for a moment before immediately perking up again.
"Karane," Hahari said. "Come suck mommy's boobies!"


"She'd love to!"


Hakari shoved Karane towards her mother, completely against her will,

Karane was kicking and screaming the whole time, though Hahari just ignored that as she forced Karane's mouth onto her right nipple. Karane wanted to protest, but something about the breasts just seemed to draw her in. Maybe it was the scent and the soft sensation associated with them, it reminded her of Hakari, not like she liked that or anything of course. But still, she wanted to put her tongue on it for just a moment...

"Hwah! My booby! Sucked my booby! She sucked! She hwahwawagabaabaga...!" Hahari started to become completely incomprehensible as she spasmed from the pleasure of getting her breasts sucked. She knew she had to stay composed, this was part of her competition with the other Hahari after all, but she just couldn't help herself.

After some time getting her booby sucked Hahari went to her doppelganger. The other Hahari was getting her own right breast sucked by the Karane doppelganger, the two Karanes too blissful to notice each other.

"A mother's breast would be the most attractive to any child," Hahari said. "It was inevitable the battle would reach this state."

"Whichever ones the Karanes prefer are the real ones," Hahari said. "And the real breasts obviously belong to the real Hahari."

They brought their bodies closer together before forcing their left nipples in the other Karane's mouth. Each Karane was now sucking on the left nipple of one Hahari and the right nipple of the other, a sensation that made the Haharis unable to stand tall. Their nipples were tingling excitedly. Their nipples were being rubbed against each other, licked by intensely passionate Karanes, poured in a mix soup of ecstasy. They had already climaxed quite a few times during this encounter yet their feelings weren't slowing down. More and more and more...

The Hakaris angrily ripped the Karanes off of their mothers' boobies, definitely not out of any sort of jealousy. They simply walked their separate ways from this maternal nonsense, leaving the Haharis to collapse from all of the pleasure they felt.

This wasn't good. The two were so aroused by the breast sucking that they forgot to keep track of who was being favored in this battle. They tried to recount the previous encounters, but their minds were filled with breasts instead. The large breasts belonging to the mirror images before them, the nipples and areolae attached to them looked delightful. They wanted to suck them. They had to suck them. They needed to suck on them boobies!

They ran towards each other on all fours, mouths wide open and tongues out, ready to take up as much of each other's breasts in their mouths as they could. They leapt for each other, ready to suck some boobies...

...only for their lips to suck each other instead.

The resulting kiss was passionate and mature. Their tongues forced themselves into each other's mouths, wrestling and clashing in a sloppy and passionate mix. The unquenched desire of the two virgin mothers culminated within this kiss, their tongues only caring about trying to inflict as much pleasure as possible.

The two had to force their mouths apart, their tongues still connected by several trails of saliva. They looked at each other in the eyes, hearts filling their sight. They hated each other, that wasn't wrong, but their horniness and desire for each other was simply far stronger.

They laid down on their sides, their heads next to each other's breasts, right before the both of them stuffed each other's nipples in their mouths. The perfect nipples that they had been admiring for all this time, with shining areolae and the lewdest pink color, were now being stuffed completely down their mouths. Their tongues were absolutely rabid, slathering each other with so much saliva they might've permanently left a mark.

Another orgasm hit the both of them, making them curl up with excitement. Breast milk of the soul hit the both of them in the throat, and an actual fluid burst out from their pussies. The pleasure was the greatest they had felt in their lives, it was far greater than anything you'd get masturbating by yourself.

Yet they never let go of each other's breasts.
Their mouths stayed locked on, their tongues still craving whatever milk they could receive.

And that was the fate of the mothers.


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