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The alarms blared, guards were running everywhere, and the entire prison was in shambles. When the guards first saw the girl behind this carnage they didn't think she'd be capable of doing this. She looked like your average girl when it came to her build, and her make-up and attire just looked like some random goth girl. No one expected her to actually be magic, causing explosions and breaking walls with just a flick of her finger.

The girl wasn't just destroying things for the sake of it, she was a woman on a mission. Deep in the deepest area of the prison, locked off from everyone else, lied the most powerful prisoner in this facility. His area of the prison was the most locked up and defended area in the building. Even this wasn't enough to block the girl, who tore through these protections with just her fingers.

"You're late." Alone in this confined room was the magical supervillain Hex, levitating and meditating while facing away from the door. "My niece, if it were me this building would be destroyed in seconds."

"Then why not just break yourself out?" The girl rolled her eyes, but Hex's overwhelming pressure immediately shut her up.

"Charmcaster, you know well why I had you come here. Did you bring it?"

"Yes Uncle Hex." She reached into her pouch and brought out a long staff that didn't look like it'd fit inside.

"Excellent." His eyes glowed with excitement as he held the staff. "With this we can finally begin the ritual, and all of my enemies will fall before me!"

And who were these enemies?


The Four Arms were struggling on the floor, pulling their four breasts with their four arms.

A bus was about to fall off a cliff just a few moments earlier, so the Gwens had become Four Arms in order to pull it back to safety. The bus was fine now, no one was hurt, but the two didn't have the easiest time during the rescue. They argued over their shared body, claiming that the other wasn't able to do enough. After completing the task the Four Arms went to attacking each other, grabbing at their breasts and pulling and squeezing them as much as they could.

The two were on their back, kicking their legs up in the air, fighting over their large four breasts. Their massive hands were completely engulfed within even more massive tits, those tits being jerked back and forth by the brawling aliens. Tits were being jerked back and forth, from one side of the body to the other, the two fighting over their position as hard as they could.

"It's been a while since the two have fought like that," Grandpa Max said. "I wonder if something's happened between them."

"Just using these powers for petty squabbles again?" Ben groaned as he went into the RV. "I would be far more effective if I had powers."

But there was one such time when he had superpowers, a time when he was Lucky Boy and was an incredible force in battle. He held a magical charm that gave him supernatural levels of luck, and after defeating Hex he had a whole array of those charms to choose from. Yet his choice was to destroy them all, to make sure none of them arrived in the wrong hands. It seemed like the right choice at the time, yet he always found himself wondering what if things didn't have to be that way? What if he had kept on to those charms? What if Lucky Boy was able to live on?

A flash of red light occurred outside, transforming the Four Arms back into Gwens. At that moment the two seemed to form some sort of silent agreement, reluctantly walking to the RV without even a word. Ben still couldn't figure out how the two were able to stand each other. If he was permanently attached to a dweeb 24/7 he'd be arguing all the time as well, so the fact they even got along at all was like a lie to him. It'd probably be more annoying if the fighting truly did have no end though, so maybe it was good they seemed to get along at some points.

"Next stop, Las Vegas!" Grandpa Max hit the pedal and drove straight for the city.

Ben's eyes lit up as he got there. The heart of the city seemed to be engaged in this amazing magic convention. Magic shows were being performed left and right. Gift shops were selling magical looking antiques. Everywhere you went there were puffs of smoke and bursts of confetti. Today he was going to enjoy himself.

"This is mine!"
"This is mine!"
Ben could hardly eat. The Gwens were so loudly fighting over every single fry on their plate that he could barely pay attention to how his food tasted.

"We should get this!"
"We should get this!"
Ben saw a cool bracelet at the gift shop that reminded him of the magic charms and wanted to buy it, but the old cashier lady barely heard his request over the girls fighting.

"You're stepping on my foot!"
"You're stepping on MY foot!"
The magic show should've been fun. Everything that happened in it should've been fun for him. So why did the background noise have to be filled with Gwen and Gwen arguing so much!?

Ben walked away from the group, needing some time alone. It felt like the Gwens were beginning to ruin every aspect of his life. He looked at his bracelet, the one souvenir he managed to get, and stared at the stone. It reminded him of the one time in his life that he actually had power, a time that was now long gone. Was he doomed to be like this forever?

Ben heard the sound of an explosion followed by some screams. A helicopter looked like it was about to crash down at any moment, and there was someone hanging by the bottom of it. Ben could see a flash of green light in the distance, from which emerged the Stinkflies. The Stinkflies flew towards the site of the danger, ready to save the day and rescue the poor person and... they were fighting again.

The Stinkflies had gotten into a dispute in midair and began to attack each other over it. They pressed their breasts into each other, flattened each other's boobs with their own, angrily doing the best they could to maintain supremacy. With only one head between them it was tugged between the two of them rather relentlessly. Back and forth, never in a position that looked comfy, Ben could imagine that sort of thing hurt. Despite only having one head the two could still glare at each other though; a courtesy of having four moveable eyes. All four eyes were locked together in a staredown as the Stinkflies battled with their breasts.

Ben groaned. It was always like this with those two, but he might as well just not worry about it. That attitude quickly left the moment he saw the helicopter propeller snap off. The spinning blades were crashing to the ground at incredible speed, and it looked like it was on the path to hit Grandpa Max!

It was like Ben's legs moved on their own, as even he failed to believe what happened next. He ran towards his grandfather, running faster than usual. Cars were in his way, but for whatever reason he decided to go over the cars instead of around. A quick somersault and flip was all he needed to get over them, and in just a moment he was easily able to shove Grandpa Max away from the spinning blades.

"How?" Grandpa Max was dumbfounded. "How did you do this?"

"I don't know." Ben was just as clueless. "I guess I was lucky."

Ben looked at his bracelet, reminiscing the days he played hero, only to notice something odd. The stone charm in the center was glowing, something it had not done before. Ben had seen a mystical charm glowing before, and that charm gave him the power of luck. This charm was just from some gift shop, and yet...

"I'll be back!" Ben ran back to the RV for a moment, preparing the costume he wore once before.

Meanwhile, the Stinkflies were still struggling with each other in mid-air. They twirled in midair, beginning to approach the ground, still shoving their nipples into each other. They growled, wanting to tear each other apart, but the screams of the person hanging from the falling helicopter caught their attention again. Without the propeller the helicopter was ready to crash right into the city, likely crushing the guy hanging under it.

"I got it!" The Stinkflies shot goo from their eyes, aiming to use them like a trampoline to soften the guy's landing. They're eyes didn't fully turn away from each other as they blasted though, the two accidentally dousing each other with soft and sticky green goo. It was like a disgusting and smelly glue, coating their breasts and their entire bodies with the shiny liquid.

"YOU PIECE OF SHI-" For a moment the two forgot all about the person in trouble and focused their assault on the alien attached to them. Goo-covered breasts were shoved directly against each other, sliding and slipping against each other repeatedly. Their nipples repeatedly brushed against each other, each bit of contact making them shiver with excitement. All eyes were on each other, leaving the guy to fall to his supposed doom.

He gripped onto the edge of the helicopter, partially in tears. The ground was approaching any second now, and it didn't look like his passing was going to be a peaceful one.

Suddenly a purple figure leapt through the air, far more graceful than a ballerina. The figure caught the guy in midair, landing safely on his feet far from the landing and exploding helicopter. The man that was just in danger a few moments ago was now cheering immensely, as the last person he would expect had come to save him.

"It's alright," the purple figure said with a smile. "Lucky Boy is here to save you!"

The day was saved, and Lucky Boy was the star of the show. The Stinkflies, having long reverted to slime-covered Gwens, just watched as Ben soaked up the attention. He looked like he was having the high of his life, which annoyed them somewhat.

"I thought all the Charms of Bezel were destroyed!"
"How in the world did you find another one!?"
Back at the RV the Gwens were both struggling to use their laptop at once, trying to research anything they could about the new charm.

"It was just being sold at some random gift shop," Ben said as he admired it. "Nothing special."

"Well this is very special!" Gwen's jaw was agape. "That's the legendary lost Keystone of Bezel!"

"That charm enhances all of your physical and magical abilities," Gwen said. "It's too valuable to just be in some gift shop!"

"Well you know Lucky Boy!" Ben just smiled. "Must be the residuals of the old charm."

Now that Ben had a superpower again, his day went by much smoother. While nothing really changed, his every moment was still interrupted by the Gwens arguing, his mood had improved tremendously. It was easy to ignore their arguing when your head was filled with thoughts of your potential heroism.

The Tennysons were in wait for a magic show, standing in the crowd that formed by the stage. The Gwens seemed to argue about something or another again, but Ben's eyes were completely locked on the stage. Now that he had magic on his side once more the topic of magic became much more attractive to him, and even if this wasn't real this magic show sounded like a fun time.

Yet the magician that walked on stage wasn't the one he expected. This guy wasn't wearing a black tux and a top hat, but instead donned red and black robes as his attire. Ben recognized this guy, this was the villainous Hex that attacked last time he was Lucky Boy, but why was he here? Shouldn't he be in jail? Were the people in danger right now? Some girl that Ben didn't recognize stood next to Hex, just smiling and waving to the crowd. The Gwens didn't even notice the guy on stage, simply arguing amongst themselves about who stepped on the other's foot.

"I can detect the presence of the keystone in the audience," Hex said. "Charmcaster, can you do the honors?"

"Really?" Having been the one to get them here and restrain the original magician for this event, Charmcaster was feeling like she was being made to do all of the work.

"Are you defying me?" Hex's eyes glowed red, and a distinct magical pressure filled the air.

"No Uncle Hex. I'll do it right away."

Charmcaster reached into her pouch and pulled out three small totems. They didn't look incredibly impressive, but when thrown their forms began to change. They transformed into gigantic monsters made of stone, their eyes glowing out of a pink magical energy. Upon gaining sentience they immediately turned towards Charmcaster, awaiting her orders.

"Find the Keystone of Bezel and get it!"

The rock monsters roared and ran towards the crowd, causing a fright from the audience. Ben quickly went to grab his costume. This was no time to rest after all, it was time for Lucky Boy to take action. Grandpa Max tried to lead everyone he could to safety, leading them to refuge in the hedge maze. The Gwens didn't seem to notice the danger until they were confronted with one of the rock monsters themselves. The beast stood right next to them, growling like a rabid dog.

"Let's settle this later."
"Let's talk about this later."

The two hit the Omnitrix at the same time and transformed into Wildmutts, their arm-fused beastial form that didn't even have the ability to speak. With this form they pounced on the rock monster in front of them, attempting to rip it to shreds with powerful bites and claw attacks.

"Stop right there Hex!" On the stage Lucky Boy had arrived to confront Hex. "I don't know what your plan is this time but you won't get away with it!"

"So you're the one with the keystone." Hex seemed very amused. "Charmcaster, you know what to do!"

"Yes Uncle Hex." Charmcaster leapt towards Lucky Boy with a ballerina's grace, tossing some dust from her pouch towards him on the way. That dust exploded as it approached Lucky Boy, but he easily evaded it by leaping backwards. Lucky Boy attempted to respond to it with his own roundhouse kick, but Charmcaster avoided it just as gracefully.

Meanwhile the Wildmutts were crushed between two rock monsters, struggling to break out. A brief disagreement over which monster to attack resulted in the two getting crushed between them, their faces mashed together and breasts squished into one space as a result. They managed to break themselves loose, but there was still disagreement on how to proceed. When the two leapt for the ones on their respective sides the fused arm would bring them back together, making their furry asses come together with a snap and putting them in an uncomfortable back to back.

The two had nearly lost it, roaring in their attempts to jump at each other and destroy each other. The rock monsters didn't allow that though, each grabbing one of the Wildmutts and trying to pull them apart. The Wildmutts forepaws were gripping onto each other, like the duo was holding hands and trying to use that to come back together. Their hindpaws were gripped onto each other's pussies, most of the toes clasped onto the area around while a single toe is dipped right inside. The 'toeing' was quite pleasurable, it made them want to howl to the moon, but their primary focus was bringing their bodies together. They pulled, desperate to be in an embrace, while the rock monsters pulled, desperate to rip them apart, both pairs struggling with all of their might.

Lucky Boy and Charmcaster's battle brought them within the hedge maze, where neither had gotten a leg up over the other. Charmcaster didn't expect Lucky Boy to have mastered the keystone in such a short time, easily evading even some of her more potent magical attacks with ease. That didn't mean Lucky Boy didn't have trouble with Charmcaster, still completely unable to get a single hit off on her.

"Impressive," Charmcaster said slyly. "I was wondering how those arguing buffoons managed to beat my uncle, you must've been doing all the work."

"Of course." Lucky Boy couldn't help but boast a bit, even if it involved embellishing the truth. "Honestly your uncle was a cakewalk, I could beat him in my sleep."

"Well since you're having trouble dealing with me does that mean I'm stronger than him?"

"Doesn't mean you're not going down!"

The Wildmutts stayed in the same position, struggling to pull each other together. Their toes began to shake from the strain they were feeling, like small vibrators within their pussies that threatened to make everything erupt. The Wildmutts panted, whined, desperate to resist the pleasure that came, yet being completely unable to resist it for much longer.

In a single burst they came, and as they did they finally separated.

As the Wildmutts were getting pulled apart Lucky Boy finally managed to catch Charmcaster off guard. While she was still able to avoid his punch the shock made her stumble a bit, and it was just enough for Lucky Boy to yank Charmcaster's pouch right off of her. With no pouch to pull spells out of she lifted her hands up in defeat.

"Please spare me," she said. "My uncle is not going to take kindly to my loss."

"What do you mean?" The way Charmcaster sounded made Lucky Boy a bit worried. "He's your uncle."

"He's also a power-hungry control freak that is always searching for more power. If he takes that keystone of yours to the highest point in this city he can do a ritual that'd bring back all of the other Charms of Bezel, and he's got many more abilities up his sleeve. When he finds out I failed to beat you, it's going to be horrible!"

Ben's heart sank. Was this girl truly not evil this whole time? Was she just being manipulated by Hex during the entire battle? A hero couldn't just let this damsel in distress continue to be in distress.

"No need to worry." Ben extended his hand to the worried Charmcaster. "I'll make sure you don't have to worry about Hex ever again!"

"I don't need to."
Before Lucky Boy could react Charmcaster snatched the keystone and her pouch from right under Ben's nose and made a run for it. Lucky Boy tried to catch her, but the combination of Charmcaster's normal speed and the Keystone of Bezel was too fast for a normal Ben to catch up to.

With a snap of her fingers Charmcaster made all of the rock monsters disappear, leaving the Wildmutts in a daze about what had just happened.

"Uncle Hex!" Charmcaster showed the charm off to her uncle. "I have retrieved it!"

"Excellent," Hex said. "Let's do the ritual at once!"

"Wait!" Ben tried to rush towards the magicians. "We have to stop them!"

The Wildmutts didn't listen, growling and scratching at each other as much as they could.

With a wave of his cane a tornado lifted Hex into the sky, and a smaller one lifted up Charmcaster. The two were lifted far and long distances away, never to be caught on foot.

Ben fell to his knees, punching the ground in frustration. It wasn't even a full day, yet the source of his powers was already gone. He could no longer be a hero anymore.

And it was all their fault once again. The Gwens could've caught up to the magicians easily, they could've taken the charm back from the magicians, it was all their fault. Never will he be able to escape them, never will he be out of their shadow, never will their battles stop annoying him.

The Gwens, having transformed back, noticed Ben kneeling alone and approached him.

"You okay?"
"You seem down."
The two spoke at the same time.

"You think I'm okay!?" Ben yelled back at them. "My powers are gone and those two are about to perform a ritual to recreate the other charms! There's nothing I can do, my days as a hero are over!"

"Being a hero is not about the powers though."
"As long as you have the heart to do what's right, you can be a hero."

"But without the power, how will I stop Hex?"

"Do you have to ask?"
"You have us!"
Speaking at the same time again annoyed them once more, but tried to continue showing strength.

Ben tried to be a bit optimistic, the Gwens' having actually perked up his mood a bit, but still felt down. How was he going to stop the ritual an idea flew into his head, one that seemed to come to him out of nowhere.

"Hey Gwens," he said. "Remember that hoverboard Tetrax gave you?"


On top of the city's tallest skyscraper a storm was beginning to brew. The Keystone of Bezel floated in the air as Hex began his chant, his staff lighting up with a mystical power. Clouds of magic swirled up in spots around the keystone, solidifying into their own stone structures before completely forming the Charms of Bezel.

"I have done it!" Hex laughed, while Charmcaster only looked on slyly. "With these I can finally be unstoppable!"

"Not so fast!" Slowly hovering next to the skyscraper was a familiar figure that Hex didn't like. "I, Lucky Boy, will be the one to take you down!"

"Lucky Boy!?" Hex growled. Why did he always have to come at a bad time? "How are you levitating? You shouldn't have access to magic anymore!"

"But I do have alien technology!" Lucky Boy flew atop the skyscraper with the hoverboard, tackling it right into Hex's chest. For a completely alien device that even the Gwens had yet to use Ben quickly realized that this was incredibly easy to use. Just lean your body in the direction you want to go and you'll just go there. He didn't exactly get how he was supposed to brake, and he was thousands of feet over the ground right now, but he'd probably figure it out soon.

"No, we're going XLR8!"
"No, we're going Heatblasts!"
And from the stairs emerged the Gwens and Grandpa Max, the former arguing over their next alien form and the latter immediately aiming a laser gun at Charmcaster on sight. Charmcaster responded with a toss of some of the magical dust in her pouch. Grandpa Max easily avoided it but the Gwens were hit head on, and as they were flung back they accidentally smacked the Omnitrix in the process.

"That hurts..."
The two looked down at their new body. It wasn't either of the forms that they had wanted, but was instead the stringy plant-like body of Wildvines. They sighed with annoyance, but there was an active threat in front of them so they decided to shelf that for now.

As the Wildvines attacked Charmcaster Lucky Boy was struggling against Hex. Hex levitated in the air and attacked with magical blasts from his staff, which Lucky Boy easily weaved and dodged. He repeatedly tried to approach and ram the hoverboard into Hex once again, but Hex has grown wiser to this attack. He teleported out of the way each and every time, frustrating the hero in his attempt. Still, he just couldn't give up.

Similar struggles were happening for the Wildvines, whose explosive seeds and sharp thorns couldn't hit the weaving and bobbing Charmcaster. It was partially her incredible agility and partially the Wildvines' inability to cooperate, one wanting to throw an explosive pod while the other wanted to try and stab her opponent or vice versa. It frustrated them, and they were even more annoyed than usual.

The two usually weren't this aggressive towards each other, but something about them was feeling off lately. Every little glance felt agonizing, setting off a voice in their heads that they should destroy each other. They just couldn't stand it, they couldn't stand it anymore.

Their viny arms wrapped around their shared body, tying them up in their vines and completely immobilizing them. Their leafy breasts were squished and pressed into each other, their vegetative pussy was forced to grind against their long and viny arms, their root-like legs were bound together and their body was made completely immobile. They glared at each other, their singular eyes staring each other down, filled with intense hatred.

"You're slowing me down," one of them said. "Just leave control of my body to me if you're going to do this."

"Your body!? This is my body," the other said. "I know what I'm doing, if anything you're the nuisance that needs to move."

The two squeezed, squeezing their arms down on their shared body and crushing their shared existence. Their breasts were crushed flatter, their pussy was ground harder, the two could nearly feel themselves burst from the force. They wanted to scream, they wanted to beat each other to a pulp even more, yet as they saw Ben fly in the corner of their eyes they found a new desire.

Hex laughed, ready to smite Lucky Boy with his magic, only to be caught off guard by an explosive seed. The Wildvines caught the magician by surprise, and he fell to the ground violently. The force left him barely able to stand, weakly reaching out for his cane, which was now at the feet of his his niece Charmcaster.

Charmcaster picked up the cane, and without a moment's notice blasted her uncle off the building.

"I've been waiting for this moment," Charmcaster said wickedly. She lifted up the cane and drew magic from the charms into it, surrounding herself with a magical pressure so high it could turn a person to stone. "That stupid uncle of mine didn't even realize he was being duped since the beginning! It is finally time for me to gain my rightful power!"

Lucky Boy froze as he approached Charmcaster. Getting too close felt like it was dangerous, but he couldn't just let her get away with this. He looked up at the charms floating in the air, and had an idea.

"Gwens! The charms!"

"Got it!"
"Got it!"
The Wildvines grabbed the various charms with their wild vines, squeezing them before they were completely smashed.

"NOOOOO!!" Charmceaster felt all of the magic leave her body, looking like a burst of pink light rising to the sky. She tried to blast the Wildvines in retaliation, she tried to do anything with her staff, but nothing came out. "Do you realize what you've done!? Our magic is no more!"

"And that's how it should be!" Ben knocked her out with a punch, and the two magicians were not going to be able to cause magical trouble for some time now.



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