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The Sword of Ek Chuaj was said to be mere legend, yet if that legend was true it'd change the world. According to legend it was created thousands of years ago, kept hidden deep within ancient Mayan society. A single swing of the blade would level multiple cities, and that was said to only be a fraction of its power. It could then be considered rather fortunate that such a weapon was merely a myth...

Or was it?

The Tennysons were just having lunch when all of a sudden an alarm went off in the Rust Bucket. Grandpa Max went to the driver's seat and checked for the cause of the alarm, his expression immediately changing when he looked at his screen.

"A code red..." Grandpa Max shivered as he spoke. "The Mask of Ah Puch has actually been located..."

"Grandpa, what is going on?" Ben ran over to Max's side.

"You said something about a mask?"
"What has you so concerned?"
The Gwens checked up on Grandpa Max with concern.

"This mask was stuff of legends," he said. "And it's said to be the only way to find the most powerful weapon on Earth: the Sword of Ek Chuaj! If someone were to get to the mask and find the sword... the consequences would be dire!"

"A SWORD!?" Ben's eyes lit up in wonder. "That's so cool! What if we took the word with us, then we cou-"

"Ben, this is serious. Such a weapon needs to be contained in a facility, don't even joke about it."
Max's voice was intense, sending some shivers down Ben's spine.

"Okay, geez," Ben said. "It was just a suggestion."

Max drove the RV to a far off building, one that looked like a museum of sorts.

"The mask is in there," Grandpa Max said. "Gwens, transform into Grey Matters and sneak in there."

"Wouldn't that be like stealing?" Gwen was concerned.
"This isn't much like you," Gwen said.

"This is for the greater fate of this planet," Max growled.

The Gwens didn't question it, more than a bit intimidated in fact. They just ran out towards the gutters outside the building, turned the Omnitrix's faceplate, and transformed into Grey Matters like Grandpa Max told them.

"Can't believe Grandpa Max," one of them said. "He really wants us to steal some mask."

"This is just unbelievable," the other one said. "But I don't think he'll accept us loitering here. Let's go."

The small grey aliens were connected by the groin, so it was difficult to figure out how exactly to crawl through there. If one were to go forward normally she'd be dragging the other behind her, and neither was willing to just be dragged backwards through the gutter, so they forced both heads through it at the same time. It was a bit hard, they could feel the area where their crotches fused forced to bend as they shifted positions, looking less like two aliens scissoring and more like they were hugging. Now that they were like this they could push both heads through at the same time, though it was a bit tight.

The two pushed themselves up and through the gutter, squeezed incredibly tightly by the small space. They could feel their chests being forced together, they heads forced to share the same space, their thighs repeatedly rubbing against each other, and more and more. Their faces felt like they'd explode, were they blushing? Could aliens blush? They wanted to look at each other's faces to confirm, but somehow it felt embarrassing.

"Let's exit down there." One of the Grey Matters pointed to the vent below them, leading to the bathroom.

"Yeah," the other said, trying to avoid the thoughts of her arousal.

They climbed down and snuck out, crawling under the bathroom door. They didn't want to think about the embarrassing situation for much longer, so they went straight for the exhibits.

And when they were there, finding the mask was an easy task. There was only one item that could be considered a mask there, a grey stone face with green gem eyes and golden handles, and right next to it seemed to be a archaeologist talking to some familiar figure...

The Grey Matters hid. They had seen that outfit before.

"That knight is from the organization," one of them said. "The same one that tried to dissect us when we were stuck as Grey Matters."

"How unlucky it is to encounter one again," the other said. "And in this form again, is this some cruel joke?"

"We can't just watch though, we need to get to the mask."

"I got it, we just need to make as little noise as possible."

And so the Grey Matters crept, slowly but surely making their way towards the mask. They climbed atop the exhibit, double-checked that the knight wasn't looking their way, and lifted it off its stand. They were fortunate there wasn't any sort of alarm attached to the thing, but they didn't have the time to worry much anyways.

They leapt off the exhibit and tried to run, only to be pinned to their exact spot. Each Grey Matter had tried to run, or crawl, in a separate direction, and that left them in the exact spot.

"This way," one whispered. "It's the way back."

"This way," the other whispered. "It's faster."

"We'll get spotted for sure down that way!"

"It'll take too long that way! They'll realize if we're gone for long!"

Each held onto one of the mask's handles and carried it over her back, pulling and tugging as they tried to go down their respective path. They felt their fused groin forced to stretch and stretch, like a pussy that was potentially there was being forced to stretch out, which made them struggle to keep standing. They pulled and pulled and pulled...

"How have negotiations been going?" Another knight from the organization approached the previous one, this one having a golden mask and a sort of "crown" on his suit. "Is the museum willing to give up the mask?"

"Not at all," the archaeologist said. "This mask is an important historical artifact tha- THE MASK!!??"

The alarm was set off, with the archaeologist finally noticing the mask being missing. The Grey Matters heard this and just ran, just bolting off in a random different direction since neither was going to agree anyways. The golden masked knight was easily able to catch up to them though, lifting them by the mask with a wicked glee. Before he could run off with them the knight was punched in the face, freeing the Grey Matters from his grasp. The person that did so was...

"Grandpa Max!" The Grey Matters cheered with awe.

"No time!" He grabbed the two and the mask, before bolting out of the museum. The knights gave chase, but Grandpa Max was already in the RV and bolting towards the highway.

"What the-" Ben was in just as much shock as the Grey Matters, only to look out the window in shock. Multiple black cars were on their tail, trailing just as fast as the RV. And within...

"Are those the knights from the Organization!?" Ben's jaw was ajar. "They're still running!?"

"They're called the Forever Knights," Grandpa Max said coldly. "I've done research on them after our last run in with them and it turns out they're an incredibly large organization. The group seems to be run by a king that calls himself Enoch. He's the one in the gold mask, and his policy has always been to make the organization as powerful as possible."

Gunshots were fired at the RV, cutting Max's speech short.

"Sorry," he said. "I'll be back."

He set the RV to autopilot and grabbed a gigantic gun from the back of the RV, which he proceeded to use to blast the Forever Knights all around him. The Grey Matters and Ben were only able to watch in shock, still unable to take in what they were just told. If there was any reason to doubt Grandpa Max's sword story they were all quashed at this moment. Still, there was a lot to take in. Forever Knights? A King? A sword so powerful Grandpa Max would fight this hard for it? They couldn't fight much anyways so they just sat back and watched, trying their best to process it all.

Hours of nonstop driving followed before Grandpa Max parked the car, the Tennysons having somehow chased the Forever Knights off their trail. Despite not being the ones driving Ben and the Gwens were completely exhausted. It felt like they had run a marathon, their hearts anxiously beating hundreds of times each minute. Grandpa Max showed no signs of exhaustion, glaring intensely at the mask as he stepped out. If one were to glare at the eyes they'd notice what looks like a map of sort within the gems.

"According to the mask the sword is being stored nearby," he said. "Unfortunately the RV is out of gas, so Gwens, you need to take us there pronto."

The Gwens hesitated, still catching their breath from the chase.

"Something's off Grandpa," Gwen said.
"You're not normally like this," Gwen said.

"Gwens..." His voice was low and intense, striking their adrenaline with one word.

"Yes yes-"
"Right away-"

With a quick smack of the Omnitrix's faceplate they once again became the perfect form for the job. With insect-like bodies, large beating wings, and a shared head that held the Omnitrix's faceplate, the two had become Stinkflies. With this new form they picked up the others, one holding Ben and the other holding Grandpa Max, and flew off into the distance.

"A bit forward. Now left. No, not that far left. A bit back." Grandpa Max was still holding onto the mask, guiding the Stinkflies on where exactly to go.

"Um, can we switch?" While the shared head often made it impossible to tell which Stinkfly spoke, the one speaking at the moment was soon kind of clear. "Compared to holding Ben, Grandpa Max is... I don't want to be rude but..."

"Just say he's heavy," Ben said. "He's too absorbed with that mask to care anyways."

"Now turn twenty degrees to the right and move forward a few meters." Like Ben said, Grandpa Max was still absorbed in the mask.

"Well it's not like holding Ben is easy either. Yeah, but I'm getting so exhausted carrying Grandpa, we should switch for just a bit. No, we're almost there anyways, just wait! Don't be selfish!"

The Stinkfly holding Grandpa Max tried to hand him to the other, while the one holding Ben tried to move away from such an offer. The Stinkfly holding onto Ben grew more annoyed, hitting the other Stinkfly away with her waist. The Stinkfly holding onto Grandpa Max retaliated in kind, and the two repeatedly shoved their waists into each other. Their flight was now subject to incredible turbulence, the two arguing and struggling the entire way.

"Gwens, the two of you need to slow down and go to the right." Somehow Grandpa Max barely noticed, while Ben was beginning to flail about in fear. The Stinkflies tried to argue but their words came out jumbled, the both of them trying to say two things at once. They mashed the sides of their bodies harder together, trying to get their point across as much as they could. So much so the sides of their bodies began to hurt. So much so they started to forget what the fight was originally about. So much so the Omnitrix began to time out.

The Stinkflies turned back into Gwens, and the Tennysons began to fall towards the forest below. Grandpa Max was unphased though, pulling out a gun-like device from his pocket and shooting a net down below. The net spread out between the trees, acting like a trampoline that allowed them to safely land on the ground.

The Gwens were immediately at each other's throats.

"A bit further than I'd like but this is okay," Grandpa Max said, not even noticing the argument. "Come on, this way."

"Come on Gwens." Ben had to tug the two along with him, whose arguing died down as soon as they stepped outside of the forest. Because out in the clearing were large Mayan temples, the pyramids making the Gwens stare in awe.

"I thought these sorts of structures were only in South America," Gwen said.

"To think such nations stretched this far up north," Gwen said.

Grandpa Max glanced around, noticing a few Forever Knights heading to another side of the pyramid. Despite all of this running the Forever Knights still managed to get there before him, and without a map of their own? This didn't look good. 

"No time." He threw the mask to Ben and ran to the pyramid. "We have to find a way in."

Max knew the legends. The temples that the sword was hidden in were made to be virtually indestructible, and only able to be entered through a special passageway. One of these bricks should act like a button, one that'd open up the inside of the temple once and for all. So he desperately tapped the wall, looking for any brick that's move even slightly.

"Come on, assist me here!" Grandpa Max turned to his grandchildren, who weren't of any assistance. The Gwens continued to argue while Ben was wearing the mask and pretending to be a hero. "The fate of the world is at stake here!"

"Grandpa..." Ben, still wearing the mask, walked towards the temple. "Under the mask, this brick looks like it's glowing..."

Ben pressed it, and suddenly the wall began to open up. A hidden door revealed itself, showing them the entrance to the temple.

"Alright. Now let's be quick before the Forever Knights get here."

Grandpa Max ran into the temple, and Ben quickly followed behind. He didn't notice the button on the floor as he ran, immediately opening up the ground and sending Ben into a pitfall trap. He would've fell for an incredibly long time if the Gwens didn't happen to notice and catch him right then.

"Thanks..." Ben answered softly.

The Gwens lifted Ben out of the pit while Grandpa Max didn't notice, merely hurrying along the path like before.

"What's taking you so long?" Grandpa Max only looked back for a second. "Hurry up!"

The Gwens and Ben were just shocked, unable to believe Grandpa Max would do something like that. Still they didn't want to be left behind, so they gave chase.

The following period was some of the most perilous minutes of their lives. Booby traps were everywhere, from more pitfalls to rolling boulders to thorny vines and more. The Gwens and Ben felt like they nearly died at multiple points, but Grandpa Max never seemed to care. It concerned them, even more than they already were.

But after some time they had finally made it. At the top of one long staircase the sword rested in a stone, shining with its radiant gold gleam.

"Finally." Grandpa Max stepped up to the sword with awe. "It's been forty years..."

"AND IT WILL BE FORTY MORE YEARS UNTIL YOU GET IT!" Enoch had followed the Tennysons into the temple, and used this very moment to shove Grandpa Max down the stairs. Max tried to give chase, but an incredibly buff Forever Knight held him down. There were two others holding onto the Gwens and Ben, watching as they struggled and squirmed.

"Take them to the hole," Enoch said to his followers. "I heard it was bottomless, but you'll just have to see for yourself."

Just around the corner, the opposite direction from where they came, was a dark and wide gaping hole. The bottom couldn't be seen, the hole stretching down so deep they wondered if there was a bottom. One quick toss of the Forever Knights and it looked like they were going to find out.

The Gwens were quick, not even hesitating before they got the Omnitrix ready. With a quick smack the two had become the tough and strong Four Arms, using two arms to catch their family and the other two to cling onto the wall. It took a moment for them to steady themselves, but with one quick leap they were up at the top of the hole again.

"This place might make me scared of heights," Ben said as he was set down. "But thanks Gwens."

"No problem."
"It was nothing."

"Why didn't you make chase!?" Grandpa Max was furious at the two. "It would've been much faster to leap out by yourself and grab the sword!"

"You can't be serious," Ben groaned.

"I AM serious. That sword is the most powerful weapon on Earth, it's the most important thing here!"

"What's most important here is that we almost died!" One of the Four Arms finally snapped, yelling at Grandpa Max.

"Listen Grandpa," the other said. "Ever since you've learned about this sword you've started to forget about everything else around you, especially what really matters."

"The sword is still important, but calm yourself down for a moment!"

"If you're going to forget what's truly important, then forget about it!"

"AAAAHHH!" Some screams came from the Forever Knights, which attracted the Tennysons' attention. They thought that by now the Forever Knights would be proudly carrying the sword in hand, yet somehow all of them were on the ground. The sword was still in its place, and atop the stairs was some grey muscular monster that was taller than the Four Arms. The clothes on it seemed like traditional ancient Mayan garb and its red eyes seemed to pierce the soul, which made its identity obvious to some.

"Ah Puch," Grandpa Max said. "The Mayan god of death. He's said to be the protector of this sword."

"And it looks like he's coming this way!" Ben ran as Ah Puch ran for the Tennysons, attempting to punch them back into the hole. His fist was blocked by the Four Arms however, who held his fist with all four arms.

As the two were holding back a god Grandpa Max ran for the sword. The other Forever Knights were doing so as well, but Grandpa Max's gun covered all of them with nets. In seconds most of them were completely bound, leaving only Enoch standing.

Meanwhile, the Four Arms were struggling to hold Ah Puch back, the god living up to his name in terms of strength. They were forced to kick him away, sending him into the wall hard enough to make a crater. Ah Puch easily shook it off though, running back towards them and trying to rush them with punches. While the two were able to dodge or deflect many of these punches they weren't the most coordinated, and a few strays hit their sides and chest. They wanted to hit back but Ah Puch's constant attacks were too fast, and they were starting to get slower and weaker.

"You need to speed up," Four Arms whispered to her bodymate. "We're getting thrashed here!"

"I'm going as fast as I can," the other Four Arms whispered. "You need to speed up a bit more!"

"What am I supposed to do!? I'm using my legs to the best of my ability!"

"And now you're going back to the 'my legs' stuff, they're my legs!"

Ah Puch managed to get a straight hit to the gut, before grabbing them by the shoulders and tossing them to the bottomless pit. The Four Arms barely managed to hold on, gripping onto the edge with their upper arms, but Ah Puch stood above them. He stomped on their hands and made the Four Arms wince, seemingly wanting to make them drop into the pit.

"This is your fault!"
The two blamed each other, punching each other's sides with their lower arms. They winced, hitting the same spots that Ah Puch had struck earlier. Their lower arms soon went to their pants, their hands forced under as both went towards the same pussy. The two of them quivered, shaking under the very touch of the fingers, before the both of them plunged them right in.


Meanwhile, Grandpa Max was struggling to capture Enoch in a net, who was slashing them away with a short electric sword. All the while the both of them were slowly inching their way towards the sword, neither seemingly overtaking the other. Every step up Enoch took would have Grandpa Max do the same and vice versa, leaving them at a stalemate. Ben watched from the bottom of the stairs, having restrained and tied up the other Forever Knights.

Enoch and Grandpa Max were both just one step away from the sword, perfectly silent and still. They were ready to move at even the slightest provocation, but for now just waited for the other to make their move first.

Then they moved.

Grandpa Max was about to run up, only to see Enoch throw his sword downwards. If it continued on its path the sword would plant itself right in Ben's forehead, with the expected fatal results. The Four Arms couldn't see it, being mostly within the bottomless pit, and even if they somehow could there was no way they'd be fast enough to make it.

Grandpa Max threw himself down the stairs before he could even think, knocking the sword out of the way. It singed his skin and burnt his clothes a bit, but at least his grandchild was safe.

"YES!" Unfortunately that mean Enoch was the one to grab onto the sword, and with a single tug he easily lifted it out of the stone. He could already feel its great power filling his being, the might of such a magnificent sword surrounding him. He pointed it at Grandpa Max and Ben, ready to smite them with its incredible power.

But all that came out of the sword was dust.

The sword began to crumble to dust, leaving nothing but metallic sand in Enoch's hands. The stone the sword was in became dust, the stairs started to become dust, even Ah Puch became dust. Like some spell was triggered everything seemed to remember its age and crumble.
Enoch fell to his knees as he looked at what remained of the sword. It couldn't be true, it shouldn't be true. He spent the last forty years looking for this, and was this all he had to show for it? Dust!?

"I was really that fixated on such an old weapon," Grandpa Max said to himself as he saw the scene. "Anything that old would be unusable today, unless it was made by aliens of course."

Rumbling was heard, and the temple was quickly beginning to collapse. It took some time to get the Four Arms to snap back to reality, but once they did the Tennysons were fast out of there. The Forever Knights stayed behind, their leader too distraught to move and the other knights restrained or knocked out. Now that they were buried under rubble this was, hopefully, the last time they'd see the knights.

The Four Arms became Gwens once again, their hands in each other's pussies as a result. For a second they lingered in there but the two quickly separated, though mentally keeping a grudge.

"Looks like that sword was a bust guys." Grandpa Max sounded a bit sad, but quickly laughed it off. "Oh well. You win some, you lose some."

"Something's changed."
"You're back to normal?"
The Gwens were caught off guard. The adventure was only half a day yet it felt like forever since Grandpa Max acted like his usual self.

"It's nothing. Now who wants to eat some dung beetle stew for dinner?"

Now the Gwens wished he wasn't his usual self again.



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