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Greta sighed as she struggled to drag the enormous log back to her village. The wood was more than twice her height, and it weighed nearly as much as her, but she didn't stop for a single moment. It may have been the fifth log she dragged that day, thirtieth or fortieth that week, but she still had to drag many more. Her village's base in the forest had recently been attacked by adventurers, and the village needed all the wood they could get to repair the walls.

Greta was a goblin; a small monstrous warrior race created by the demon lord, well one of them at least. In the past there were many demon lords, and they all created various monsters in a war with each other to conquer all. Each one called themselves the true demon lord and all others mere fakes, rallying the monsters they created into war against their inferiors.

In the end human adventurers ended the war, killing all of the demon lords and many of the monsters they created. The only monsters left belonged to one of two of the demon lords in this conflict: the earthly green Gaia and the enchanting purple Arcana. The goblins were one of these races, each of the demon lords having created their own versions of the monsters. Greta's tribe was created by Gaia, and they were still in danger.

That is why it was important for Greta to drag this log. Despite its weight and how immensely tired she was she simply continued to drag the log. It was a slow and long walk through empty grasslands to get back to the village, but she was willing to walk it. No matter how tiring it was her pride towards the demon lord Gaia and her people came first. It had been hours since Greta took a stop to eat, drink, or even stop to pee, and it looked like it'd be hours until she could do so again.

Suddenly Greta stopped, noticing an odd shape in the distance. Was delirium from walking so much making her see things, or was there an actual building there that was not there before? Couldn't be, she had walked this path back and forth for the entirety of the week, there was no way she wouldn't have noticed this. And yet it was clearly there, just a bit off from the path she always took.

She had heard of this phenomenon before. Some of the demon lords used their vast powers to create magical temples; buildings that would teleport to a different location every 24 hours. This was meant to make them harder to track, allowing these buildings to house some of the most powerful magical artifacts and spells, ones that could cause a whole country to burn if used correctly. Greta had thought it was all a tall tale, but there was the evidence of it right in front of her, and it was amazing.

She dropped the log she was dragging and ran towards the temple, her eyes glittering with wonder and excitement. The walls were covered in text written in Xyz, the language of the demon lords, and as Greta read them she became even more excited than she was before.

"This temple was created by the one and only demon lord Gaia!"
"This temple was created by the one and only demon lord Arcana!"

Greta turned her head and saw a nearly identical goblin stare back. The two were the same height, and their hair was similarly frizzy, but there was one incredibly obvious difference between them. Greta was green, like all creatures created by Gaia, while this other goblin was purple, like all creatures created by Arcana.

"Ew," Greta said immediately after seeing this other goblin. "It's one of those ugly purple things, and it's just as delusional as all the rest of them I've seen."

"Gross." The purple goblin, one that was named Purnell, responded immediately. "I've been dragging wood for nearly a week now, why is it now that such an ugly creature wants to show up?"

"You know this area of land was claimed by Gaia during the war, so a disgusting purple creature like you shouldn't be here alive!"

"Just like you green trash bags to call someone delusional while acting delusional. Arcana has claimed this land, or need I remind you!?"

For a brief moment there was silence, neither knowing how to respond.

"What were you saying about this temple earlier?" Greta changed the subject. "I know you purple freaks are dumb, but to actually believe this temple was made by Arcana is another level!"

"Do you even know how to read!?" Purnell responded with immediate anger. "The text all around this temple is an old poem made to praise Arcana, in what way can one believe it to be Gaia's?"

"Your brain must be missing, because this poem was made to praise Gaia. Only an idiotic purple freak could make such a mistake."

"I don't want a brainless green blob talking to me about mistakes! Your very existence is a mistake after all."

"Says the wretched purple trash!"

"Says the ugly green scum!"

They took one step towards each other and the text on the temple began to glow. Purple, green, and many other colors, the text radiated a magical light. The front door of the temple slowly began to swung open, creaking as if it was welcoming the goblins into its abode.

"Why don't you just step inside then!?" Purnell was first to speak. "I'm sure if you actually look even your disgusting green brain can realized who truly created this temple!"

"I've already realized, it's the great Gaia!" Greta yelled right back. "Though maybe looking inside could get the raisin you call a brain to recognize that fact!"

The two stepped inside, wandering into a large and empty room. While there were some green and purple marks on the floor and walls, the only structure of note was a short pillar in the center of the room. On top of it was some golden ring-like artifact, made to resemble a snake as it ate its own tail. Artifacts like this were what these temples were designed to protect, and its shine and glimmer awed the two goblins.

"The great Gaia created something like this..."
"Arcana's glory is all over this device..."

The goblins glared at each other, like they had just heard the most disgusting words to ever be uttered.

"To attribute the great Gaia's creation to a fake demon lord..." Greta gnashed her teeth. "Is an insult of the highest order."

"The great Arcana is the only true demon lord," Purnell growled. "So to attribute the results of her greatness to a fake is heresy."

All mature goblins kept their hair long, as it was a sign of pride in goblin culture. So when two goblins wanted to get into a struggle their hair was what they'd put on the line. Two goblins that wanted to engage in combat would start the challenge by tying their hair together, preventing either from running away. Whoever loses this challenge would have their hair chopped off by the winner, stripping away their pride from goblin society.

Greta and Purnell may have been created by different demon lords, but at the end of the day they were both goblins. The moment the both of them extended their hair towards each other they knew exactly what that meant. They locked their hair together in a braid, determined to be the only one walking out of the temple with hair that day.

"No longer can I accept such slander towards the only true demon lord," Greta growled. "In Gaia's name I will take you down!"

"Your slander towards the true demon lord will be no longer," Purnell growled. "In Arcana's name I will take you down!"

They attacked immediately, striking each other's chests with traditional goblin style palm thrusts. Their palms were pressed onto each other's breasts over and over again, sending intense shocks through their bodies each time. The waves of each strike reverberated through their bodies, making them shake and stumble and struggle to stand tall.

Purnell kicked Greta right in the groin, making her finally stumble and collapse to the ground. Purnell took the chance to pounce atop of Greta, smashing her rival's breasts in and jamming her knee into her pussy. Greta was not to go down without a fight however, and kicked Purnell in the stomach in order to turn the tables. In an instant Greta was the one atop Purnell, and smashed her tits and pussy the way it was done to her.

The two rolled over and over along the ground, trying their best to get atop each other and stay atop. Rage clouded their eyes as they continued to fight. They were in the building of a great demon lord, the only demon lord, the true demon lord, how could an inferior copy dare to insult her like that!? They must pay, they WILL PAY!

The two didn't notice where they rolled and ended up crashing into the pillar, making the artifact fall and shattering it into many pieces.

Their fight halted momentarily, the two simply staring at the broken artifact in shock. That was supposed to have the power to make countries collapse, and it was now just little shards on the ground. Their breaths stopped, the two frozen as they just stared at what happened. This wasn't possible, it shouldn't be possible, yet the results were right in front of them.


They wanted to rip each other to complete shreds, yet some odd sensation stopped them. There was an odd smell in the air, some scent that wasn't there before, and it seemed to be coming from the broken artifact. Their legs were growing numb and they each felt cold and wet spots on their crotches, internally hoping they didn't wet themselves by accident.

Their clothes disappeared, just gone in the blink of an eye. Their skin and flesh seemed to pulsate and tremble, before seemingly melting into green and purple goo. The bottom halves of their bodies looked liquid but were truly completely solid, their bones and organs still perfectly intact within the blob.

The blobs of goo that were their bodies' lower halves started to overlap, like their bodies were attempting to consume each other. Greta and Purnell winced, feeling their internal organs get mashed together. Some of them fused, connected to each other and forming one greater and stronger combined form. Others mutually destroyed each other, their shards dissolving deep into their now shared flesh.

Extra mass seemed to disappear until their was only enough mass between them for only one goblin. The result was the top half of Greta's body and the top half of Purnell's body, connected by the waist. Where one's legs should start was where the other's body would begin, conjoining them together.

Their immediate reaction was shock. They instinctively tried to shove each other away, but as expected it felt like trying to rip your own legs off. That didn't stop them from trying though, yet try as they might it seemed impossible to separate.

"Ew ew ew! What did you do to me you green scum!?" Purnell felt like she could puke. "Get off of me already!"

"I'm trying you purple stain!" Greta nearly puked herself. "This is all your fault! A purple beast like you should've never been let into Gaia's great temple!"

"This is Arcana's amazing temple! Your disgusting green fingers should've never touched it!"

"You purple-"

Suddenly a sense of relief began to fall over Greta, like a constant anxiety was now leaving her body. At first she couldn't tell what it was, until she started to see some liquid drip down Purnell's nose. It clearly wasn't snot, it was much thinner and a bright yellow color, was that piss!? Did the connection between their bodies mean her piss could now be forced out of Purnell's nose? What about her shit? Did it work the other way around? Such questions briefly came to her mind, but the relief that came from finally letting so much piss out made her forget about them.

"Looks appropriate," Greta said. "A purple piss goblin covered in piss, it's the perfect combination."

"This is..." Purnell, now realizing what was dripping down her face, was shocked. Her face was getting marred by some awful green goblin's piss!? It was unthinkable, it was disgusting, and she couldn't get away with this.

Greta suddenly felt something off. She suddenly stopped pissing, and it felt like the piss was floating back and deeper into her body. She could feel the piss flow back past her stomach, up through the back of her throat, and down and out her nose. Before she fully realized what happened her and Purnell's positions had swapped, with Purnell's piss now dripping down her face.

"Piss coming from the nose of a snot green goblin," Purnell said. "Very appropriate."

"You..." Greta grunted in frustration. The piss of a horrible purple goblin was running down her face, like the pure concentrated oils of the most disgusting trash. She was gagging, about to throw up from such disgusting filth on her face. She couldn't let this sickness continue.

It was clear what happened to some of their lower organs once the fusion happened. Their bladders, which were already incredibly filled, fused into one with the combined piss of both of them. What used to be their urethras were now connected to each other's nostrils, which meant both could push the combined mass of piss right out of the other. Did this mean similar things with their other organs? Where would shit and farts come from? What about period blood? The only question that entered Greta's mind however was how to make this purple freak pay.

Purnell felt her piss stop, and it began to slowly crawl back up to where it came from. Greta was actively pushing back against the piss now, and attempting to pour it back over Purnell's face once more. Purnell didn't take kindly to this, and just as the piss reached their shared bladder she began to push back on its charge. Greta didn't slow down in her push either, leaving them struggling to try and push the pee through each other.

Their bladder was crushed from both sides, two forces attempting to send the piss inside to two different directions. Greta and Purnell used all of the force they could to try and move the piss, doing the best they could to shove it through the other's nose. The pressure made it feel like they could explode, they strained intensely to force it through with all of their strength.

"Stop resisting you prune-skinned beast," Greta said as she did her best to push her piss as hard as she could. "Compared to your normal looks this will only be an improvement!"

"Only a mold-colored monster like you with farts for brains would think so," Purnell said as she pushed her piss with all her strength. "Your looks however..."

As the two grunted and pushed they began to notice something else moving within them. Not only were they holding in their urge to pee beforehand, the two were holding in their urge to shit. They could feel the waste rumble through their body, both sets attempting to excrete themselves automatically but coming in contact with each other. With the other pile of waste blocking the way, neither had the ability to escape.

The two put more focus on their shit, attempting to do the best they could to shove it out of each other. Now two forms of waste were being fought over at the same time, clashing in the middle of their now conjoined body. Piss pushed against piss. Shit pushed against shit. The two grunted, feeling the pressure build up more and more and more between them until...

At first each goblin was sure she won, feeling the piss and shit crawl through each other's bodies, but something felt wrong. Why could they feel it going up themselves as well? Their faces started to widen in horror when they realized they were both made to eject the other's waste. The shit and piss they were pushing ended up sliding past each other, meaning both of them were about to lose. They could feel the piss sliding into their noses, and was that the shit going up their throats? It looked like it was coming out of their mouths, and they had no way to stop it.

With no other choice, they kissed.

There was nothing more embarrassing than being forced to eject the waste of a goblin supporting the wrong demon lord, except for being forced to eat that waste of course. They sealed their lips together until their wasn't even the slightest opening, and pressed their noses together until not even air could come out. The shit and piss came out, only to meet its equal once again on the complete opposite side. A war to push them in different directions began anew, this time aimed to shove them down each other's throats.

They grabbed each other by the arms and held tightly, determined not to let each other go until their punishment was over. The pressure in their mouths and noses only grew more and more, with even vomit seeping in and making the space far more incredibly packed. Before long hardly any material could even move, the excrements so packed together that each attempt to push only slightly vibrated them. If one or both of them pushed even a little less for just about a second the shit and piss would start tumbling down their own throat from all of the force.

But neither was going to push a little less, not even a bit. Their eyes were wide open, refusing to blink as they glared at each other. Their eyeballs did all the talking for them, nearly touching as they glared into each other's souls. Insults like "green scum" and "purple trash" were communicated through eyesight alone, signaling that neither was willing to give up.

As if responding to the anger, the golden shards of the artifact on the ground began to glow. The goblins' lips and noses began to melt into each other, fusing together like their lower halves did. It was like a snake successfully consuming its own tail, except both of them were the heads and the tails at the same time. Now there was no hole of any sort for the shit and piss to exit, except for back into each other of course. The pressure within them began to rise even more, the two pushing harder now that they didn't have to waste energy holding their mouths together.

That was far from the only place that fused. They almost winced when they felt bones making contact again, the result of their arms now melting into each other. Their arms seemed to consume each other, shortening in length as they pulled their upper torsos closer and closer together. Their nipples made contact, and those fused together too, until they disappeared entirely as breast fused into breast. The milk ducts connected to each other right as the tint of pleasure registered to them, and milk was forced to press against milk in its own battle of supremacy.

Piss, shit, vomit, even breast milk now, everything that could possibly come out of their bodies now was being forced against its own equal instead. They sat there for hours, shivering as they struggled to push whatever they could into each other. Every excrement might as well have been frozen solid, not even able to move an inch from the force they used. And yet they only continued to push even harder, determined to make this green scum/purple trash finally get her just deserts.

The temple disappeared. The two weren't seen for years. The only evidence of their presence was the logs they carried, laying in the grass where the temple used to be. The two were carried with the temple wherever it went, never seeing the outside world again. Unable to scream or shout or even move, they just continued to fight in that temple.


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