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Until just about a week or so ago I was just a normal high school student, yet somehow I was turned into a dog. I barely remember how or why, being here has given me some flashbacks as to what I was doing before I became a dog, but I can't be too sure.

Where was it that I got these flashbacks? Well the pink and girly room I was in belonged to my junior Usagi Tsukishiro. This nice junior of mine seemed to have a crush on me back when I was human, and somehow seems to recognize me despite being a dog now. She was sitting on her bed right now, glaring at the person holding me right now.

And who was holding me? When I first became a dog I was adopted by my classmate and crush Karen Inukai, and she definitely likes me as a dog more than as a person. At school she was cold and harsh to basically everyone, but when I became a dog she always seemed so open and loving.

I'm sure she has no idea the dog she adopted used to be human, so she must've been upset when I ran away. I needed to remember how I ended up like this, and that's how I ended up meeting Tsukishiro again. She took me back home and that's what led to this situation, with Tsukishiro and Inukai glaring at each other.

"What in the world are you two doing?" Inukai's friend, Mike Nekotani, just anxiously watched from the side.

"Please put Senpai down right now," Tsukishiro said. "He's my dog, I don't appreciate the way you're holding him."

"What are you talking about?" Inukai looked at her with the coldest glare she ever had. "Pochita, by all means, is my dog! He has 19,016,200 hairs on his body, 11,032,925 of them are colored, he is 62 centimeters long, when his nose is touched he swishes his tail eight times, he has a hearing range of 45 meters, he breathes 'huff' and 'haa' alternatively, when he wants to be petted he pretends to lie down, and he likes to stare at my panties... in what way is he your dog!?"

Sometimes Inukai can be a bit scary.

"Well do you have actual proof then!?" Tsukishiro seemed a bit shocked but not completely intimidated. "Because I do! Senpai here has crawled into my clothes and sniffed my panties, it obviously means he likes me!"

Inukai's face seemed to absolutely devolve into jealousy, while Nekotani's seemed to devolve into disgust. I wish I could explain the situation to her, but all that came out of my mouth were small yips and barks.

"Well that's nothing." Inukai sounded like she calmed down, but her tightened grip on my body seemed to indicate the opposite. "Whenever I open my skirt and call 'house' Pochita will come right into my panties."

"Huh!?" Tsukishiro clearly didn't like that, standing up and grabbing my fur from Inukai's grasp. "That doesn't mean anything, Senpai clearly likes me more!"

"That's idiotic! Pochita would never like you." Inukai squeezed me harder, pushing my body into her warm and soft breasts.

"Stop deluding yourself! Senpai is mine!" Tsukishiro didn't let go, seemingly trying to pull me right into her chest. I could feel her breasts right on top of my head as well, feeling similar yet somehow having a different vibe to them.

"Pochita is my dog!" Inukai pulled back, but so did Tsukishiro. As they pulled harder and harder their breasts seemed to squish into each other and my head seemed to be crushed more and more...

"Stop it! You're hurting him!" Thank god Nekotani came to my rescue at the right moment, I felt like I could die there. Inukai still held onto me, but Tsukishiro had let go at least.

"That doesn't change a thing," Tsukishiro growled. "Senpai is still mine."

Inukai just glared back at her, and it felt like sparks were flying in the air between them.

"Maybe we should settle this some other way!" Nekotani anxiously defused the tension. "What about... Pochita! Let's let Pochita choose."

Nekotani actually seemed to get their attention, and the tension fortunately seemed to die down.

"Go on."

Nekotani continued. "Let's just set Pochita to the ground and have the two of you in separate directions. The two of you will call to him, and whoever Pochita goes to will be the one to keep him. How does that sound?"

I felt a bit of a chill up my spine, horrified something terrible was about to happen. But Inukai and Tsukishiro didn't seem to feel the same, nodding their heads immediately.

"I think that works," Inukai said. "Like I said, Pochita would always come to my panties whenever I call 'house'."

"That's not going to change anything," Tsukishiro said. "I caught Senpai staring at my panties when we were outside, he'll come to me."

I wish I didn't have a reputation of staring at panties.

Nekotani picked me up and took me to the other end of the room while Inukai and Tsukishiro went to the ends of Tsukishiro's bed. When I was set down I saw Tsukishiro to my left and Inukai to my right, the both of them opening their legs and widening their skirts. The sheer white panties were out in the breeze, facing Pochita in their glory.

"Pochita," Inukai said.

"Senpai," Tsukishiro said.


Well it looks like its time for me to choose. Never thought I'd ever be in a situation like this, forced to choose between two cute girls like this, but here I was. Fortunately this wasn't much of a question for me, since I was in love with Inukai before I even became a dog. She can be terrifying at some times, and may act weird with her dog at other times, I still want to spend time with her. While Tsukishiro's certainly a nice girl, I quickly decided I wanted to go back to Inukai.

As I turned right and walked towards Inukai, I could see their faces change. Inukai seemed to beam and smile with delight, while Tsukishiro seemed distraught. I mean, it did kind of hurt to see her feel so rejected, was this how it was like rejecting someone? Though, it's not like I could just change my mind and start going left...

I suddenly stopped, realizing that I unconsciously turned left.

I may have been sad about Tsukishiro, but that wasn't what made me lose track of where I was going. Rather, I could smell something coming from the direction of Tsukishiro's panties. Something seemed to bulge out of it, some sort of thick and large rod, and not the inappropriate kind. Rather, the thing coming out of her panties was a large and tasty bone, just for me.

But I'm not some weak-willed puppy that always follows whatever tasty smell is in the air. I'm a strong dog. I can easily resist the temptation, I can easily walk away from the smell of the bone, I'm just choosing not to. That's definitely it.

Inukai's face seemed to erupt in sadness, absolutely distraught to see her beloved dog going the other way. But what could be done? I was just going to go get a snack for a bit and be right back, no harm in it. Only, I started to smell a similar scent from Inukai's panties? Wait.. don't tell me... she wouldn't...

Inukai seems to have cheated too, with just as big of a bone stuffed into her underwear. I never believed Inukai could ever stoop so low, actually cheating to try to get my attention. Honestly, if she actually thought a simple bone can get be to completely turn around then she'd be absolutely right!

And so I continued my march towards Inukai, totally of my own volition. I'm a good dog, I can control myself. Trust me.

Tsukishiro groaned, likely disappointed at this turn of events. Inukai seemed to smile a wicked smile, one you'd expect to find on a maniac.

"Didn't I tell you?" Inukai spoke in a rather creepy tone. "Pochita prefers me. He wouldn't go towards you."

"Senpai!" Tsukishiro sounded like she could tear up, and I guess for a moment I felt bad for her. Not like there was anything I could do about it, I was now happily making my way towards Inukai and... Why do I feel something warm pressing against my sides?

That smell... feet!? Tsukishiro's feet! It looks like that girl wasn't done with her cheating, as she now had both feet pressed against my sides like she wanted to pick me up. I honestly can't believe her, and right after another instance of blatant cheating. I would fight against it, but I'm a rather small dog so it probably wouldn't have done anything anyways.

"Hey!" Inukai seemed to stretch out her leg towards me, and Tsukishiro's foot was pushed away. "Using your feet isn't allowed! That's cheating!"

As expected of Inukai. Of course she'd hold up the rules, and this will certainly continue to be a fair and well played fight... Why do I feel something warm pressing against my sides?

Inukai... not you too...

"Using your feet is cheating!?" Tsukishiro sounded offended. "Then why are you doing it right now?"

"I'm only doing it to stop you from doing it."

"Liar!" I heard what seemed to be a kick, releasing me from the grasp of Inukai's feet. Now I had a much clearer view of what was going on around me. The two had turned towards each other, using both feet to repeatedly and quickly kick each other. And I was right in the center of it.

It was like a flurry of punches in an action anime, repeatedly and quickly striking each other in the knees and shins and legs. In a quick smack the soles of their feet were pressed hard into each other, pressing into each other and attempting to shove each other as hard as they could.

It was so mesmerizing I almost forgot what I was doing there. I had to make my way to Inukai and ultimately make the choice of who I end up with. But the delicious bone smell from Tsukishiro's side seemed to be getting stronger, almost like it was getting closer. That Tsukishiro wasn't cheating again, right?

Unfortunately it seemed like she was, pushing her crotch over in my direction. She must've thought that putting it closer would've made me more likely to come towards her. While the scent was getting stronger, it wasn't like it ever overpowered the scent of Inukai's bone... wait...

Inukai was cheating too! I could see panties with a bone sticking out of them, slowly coming closer and closer to me. To think both Inukai and Tsukishiro were cheating this much, it was disgraceful.

Neither of their feet separated from each other, their legs spreading apart more and more as their panties started to approach me. Both of them seemed determined to claim me no matter what, and they continued to shout at each other even now. I could hear them saying "He's mine!" and "He's mine!" over and over again, and the way they said it it sounded more like they were fighting over a guy than a dog. But with such hard bones in their panties it looked like I'd get crushed to death if anything. I'll probably have to grab the bones at just the right moment.

I waited and waited with anticipation, silencing the two fighters in my head. I waited slowly, carefully, and moved as soon as the bones were a few centimeters away from my head, knocking them away with my paws. I did it! Now I won't be crushed to death by their bones.

I'll be crushed to death by their panties instead.

I felt both panties smashed right into my head, reaching it at practically the same time. I could feel the cloth rub into my fur, and for some reason it seemed wet as well. I could feel rough bumps underneath the cloth pressing against my skin, were those the... the folds of the... I'm not sure if I can say it. I could feel every slight shiver from every push they made, and the cloth just seemed to get wetter and wetter. Their yells made my head spin, neither of them giving in a single inch.

"That's enough!" Thank god Nekotani was still there, able to pull me away from those two crazy girls arguing over me. "You'll hurt Pochita like this!"

Tsukishiro and Inukai seemed to be ashamed by Nekotani's words, separating their feet and kneeling down in sadness. They glared at each other periodically though, so it seems like they still didn't like each other.

"Well it seems like you were caught cheating during our fair competition," Inukai said. "Which means Pochita belongs to me!"

"You cheated just as much as I did," Tsukishiro said. "And Senpai clearly didn't like you, he belongs to me!"

"Enough!" Nekotani shut them up. "Both of you cheated which means that according to the rules neither of you should be allowed to keep Pochita!"

The room was silent, not a fly stirred, and it seemed like the two girls had realized the error in their ways. Hopefully there won't be anymore cheating from these two, and then all will be well.

"So if neither of us gets to keep Pochita, who does?"

That one question seemed to permeate the room. There was one obvious answer to that question that none of us seemed to enjoy.

It seemed like this was the start of my life as Nekotani's dog.


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