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Ben groaned. His mind was growing blank, his body was growing numb, it was like the entire world was becoming white to him. Boredom was encompassing his entire being, a boredom that threatened to make him stop thinking entirely.

"Dweebs," Ben said with the last of his energy. "Why are we in the bookstore?'

It was a small bookstore in San Francisco, one that the Gwens were celebrating to be inside while their cousin Ben was feeling like he could die inside.

"You're the one that can't understand the greatness of classic literature you doofus," Gwen said.

"If it's boring you this much then just leave," Gwen said. "No one's keeping you."

"Well fine!" Ben grabbed Grandpa Max's arm and dragged him towards the door. "The new Sumo Slammers game is coming out today anyways, now's the best time to look for it!"

As Ben and Grandpa Max left the shop the Gwens just scoffed at them. Ben was just uncultured, he wouldn't know a good book if it smacked him in the head. And there were a lot of good books in this shop as well, so many to choose from. Gwen could even see an incredible looking book in the distance, for a moment forgetting who the Omnitrix bound her to.

"Hey," Gwen groaned. "There's a cool book this way, you need to check it out!"

"But I want to go this way first," Gwen said. "I'm sure you'd really love this book!"

"But we should look at this book first!"

"No, this one!"

The two pulled and tugged in two separate directions, each of them trying to get to the book she wanted. The Omnitrix may have been one of the greatest powers in the universe, something that gave them abilities even Vilgax envied, but it was also a chain. A chain that kept them handcuffed to each other as humans and forced to fuse as aliens. And this chain kept them from moving at this very moment.

"Come on," Gwen said, still struggling. "This way!"

"No," Gwen said. "This way!"

No matter how much they pulled neither of them budged, but that didn't stop the two from trying. They pulled and pulled with all their might, desperate to move each other by even an inch, but nothing happened. They were pulling for minutes on end, they might have exceeded an hour, they couldn't tell. They just wanted to tug each other towards the book of their choice.

"Gwens! What the hell!?" An enraged Ben burst back into the bookstore, grabbed the Gwens by their Omnitrix bound arms and dragged them outside.

"But my book!"
"I was just about to-"

Their eyes widened when they looked upon the destruction outside. Cars were overturned, fires were raging, and the police was doing all they could to calm the chaos. To think that this was happening when the Gwens were arguing, they just couldn't accept it.

"Why did you do this!?" Ben glared right at the Gwens as if he was directly accusing them. "I know you argue a lot, but you don't have to get the rest of the city involved!"

"Sorry," Gwen said. "We were just so caught up in our own world we didn't notice."

"Granted it's mostly her fault," Gwen said, pointing to her double. "She should've listened to me."

"That's no excuse to throw cars at each other!"


When Grandpa Max came back they finally learned the full story. It looked like Four Arms had landed in the middle of the city, and like the Gwens always tended to do in their alien forms they fought. This fight was far more destructive than usual though, with the two doing things like smashing each other's heads in with cars or pushing and pulling their shared body into buildings. The two seemed to stop when the cops were called, their gunfire triggering them to leap away. This is what led to Ben's anger as he ran to approach the Gwens, who seemed to have no memory of such destruction.

"I mean we were arguing," Gwen explained.

"And it was her fault," Gwen said, pointing to her double.

"But we never transformed at all during that fight!"

"Really?" Ben doubted it. "So there's just another two-headed four-armed red alien out there like likes to fight with itself and would probably destroy a city over it if they could?"

"I wouldn't destroy a city," Gwen said. "She would though."

"What do you mean I would!?" Gwen shouted back. "You would be more likely to!"

"No no, you would!"

"Definitely not, you would!"

"See what I mean." Ben sighed and crossed his arms. "We even have the footage, you can't lie."

"Maybe they just don't remember it," Grandpa Max suggested. "Maybe something is wrong with the Omnitrix."

"Nothing's wrong," the Gwens insisted. "That wasn't us!"

"Then you'll have to find some way to prove it. It certainly doesn't look that way."

The Gwens looked on the news to see what they were talking about. It looked bad for them, but it wasn't just Four Arms. There have been quite a few reports of odd alien attacks and crimes recently. The Heatblasts have been causing fires, there have been assaults by XLR8, and even the Ripjaws robbed a bank. So many accounts of aliens attacking and all of them were of their forms.

"If they did attack as recently as you say," Gwen said. "There's a good chance they're still around."

"In that case..." Gwen yanked her double out of the RV. "We need to get to them as soon as possible!"

The Gwens rushed out of the RV, with Ben and Grandpa Max quickly running behind. The doppelgangers rushed past the police force where all the destruction laid, anxiously looking out for anything that seemed slightly alien. Their was a glimmer of something in the alley, someone that seemed much taller than a person and with red skin. They ran down the alley to search for whoever that was, but whatever it was became a large fireball and flew away.

"Don't just run like that," Ben said, barely catching up. "Who's going to stop you if you commit more crimes?"

"Did you find the perpetrator?" Grandpa Max caught up seconds later, completely out of breath.

"No," Gwen said. "But we saw where they went."

"The US Mint building," Gwen said. "Probably adding robbery to their list of crimes."

While Ben was still skeptical the Tennysons made their way to the US Mint building, where coins were minted and sent to be used in the rest of the country. There wasn't any obvious sign of damage or crime occurring at the moment, but the Gwens insisted that this was where they spotted the impostor. The Gwens ran off and disappeared, leaving Ben and Max behind.

"There's probably no one here anyways." As Ben was just about to turn around and leave a loud explosion was heard in the distance. Ben immediately regretted his words, rushing forward to see what caused the commotion.

A fire was blazing in the building, and one alien was behind it. It might have been more accurate to say two aliens with one body, with Ben instantly recognizing them with their two heads. Covered in fire and magma all over, the powerful Heatblasts were in the middle of a fight, rolling along the ground and setting everything ablaze. They attacked their breasts with fiery hot hands, screaming with pain and pleasure. Only, instead of noise coming from their mouths, it was flames.

"Look dweebs, you're doing it again!" Ben yelled at the Heatblasts, having grown increasingly upset with his cousins. "You always get so caught up in your own world whenever you do this, not paying any attention to any of the trouble you cause!"

"Um Ben."
"That's not us."

"Not now Gwens. I'm trying to tell..." When Ben turned around he saw the Gwens, just as shocked as he was.
"Gwens!? But who're the Heatblasts then!?"

"I don't know," Gwen said.
"But we need to stop them," Gwen said.

The Gwens smack the Omnitrix, transforming into the tall, strong, and crystalline beauties call Diamondheads. While the Heatblasts were arguing the Diamondheads pounced, smothering the Heatblasts with their large diamond bodies. The Heatblasts were completely caught by surprise, gasping when they felt the diamond weight on top of them.

"Just like I told you!" One of the Heatblasts screamed at the other. "Now the Gwens are here and it's your fault!"

"No, it's your fault!" The Other Heatblast screamed right back. "If you just followed my lead then we'd be out of here by now!"

"Um..." The Diamondheads were confused. "Do we know you?"

One of the Heatblast heads laughed.
"Looks like we need a reintroduction," she said. "I am-"

Before the Heatblast could explain something happened to their body. It was getting bigger and bulkier, toughening itself up within seconds. Without the characteristic flash of the Omnitrix the two had transformed into Four Arms, and did so so quickly the Diamondheads were caught by surprise by a rapid punch.

"Hey," one of the Four Arms complained. "I wasn't finished explaining!"

"Well we would've been crushed before you could finish," the other explained.

"That doesn't give you free reign to my body though! This alien is clearly the worst choice for this situation!"

"This is my body! I can turn us into any of the alien heroes I want to!"

"Well you better stop now!" Before the conjoined impostors could continue arguing the Diamondheads charged at them with a diamond blade for an arm.

"Your days of impersonation are over!"
"Now tell us who you are and turn yourselves in!"

"NOW is the time for our introduction." One of the Four Arms had a big grin, preparing to introduce herself. "Well we've already met once before Gwens. My name is-"

Before she could finish her body started changing once again. The Four Arms found their bodies growing smaller, each head gaining a separate chest while still sharing a pair of legs. They changed from Four Arms to the small and quick XLR8, once again without the flash of the Omnitrix.

"What gives?" One of the XLR8 clearly wasn't impressed. "You're the one who wanted an introduction!"

"I told you that alien was the worst choice for this situation," the other XLR8 said. "So I changed us to this form."

"Are you serious? In what way is this better?"

"Overwhelming defense is weak to blinding speed. This form is more suited for combat."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." The two found themselves transforming once more, returning back to their Four Arms form. "I chose this alien form, so we're staying like this!"

"You're not telling me what to do in my body!" They transformed again, shifting back to their XLR8 form. "My body, my rules!"

"You mean MY body MY rules!" They transformed back into Four Arms.

"This was never your body, it's mine!" They transformed back into XLR8.

The Diamondheads just watched with shock as they saw the impostors' body shift and change wildly. Was there a point to fighting these impostors when they were already fighting themselves? Watching them was irking the Diamondheads quite a bit though, and if they were left to their own devices they could completely wreck their reputation, so leaving them was probably not a good idea.

The Diamondheads shot crystals in their impostors' direction, not hitting them but close enough to make them stop. The impostors were mid transformation, with the legs of XLR8 and the chest and arms of Four Arms. One head was Four Arms and another head was XLR8, the two still very clearly mixed up.

"Explain yourselves," the Diamondheads said coldly. "Now."

The Four Arms head spoke first. "NOW is time for introductions. I- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

The heads of the impostor started to get closer to each other, seemingly fusing together like they were made of clay.

"Going back to my original form," the XLR8 head said. "Or at least just the head. I'm going to introduce myself to these two."

"MY original form, and warn me before you do this!"

As the heads fused they also seemed to morph, becoming something that was neither Four Arms nor XLR8. It was smaller, more human, with black hair and dark brown eyes that the Diamondheads immediately recognized.


The guy they thought they could trust, they thought they could love, but ended up being pure evil. Last time they saw him he absorbed power from the Omnitrix and used it to transform into one of the Gwens' alien forms, but he didn't show anywhere near this ability.

"Surprised?" Kevin smiled wickedly. "Turns out I sucked out a bit much from that watch of yours, so I can only become human again for about ten minutes."

"What do you want?"

"You made me like this! I'm barely human, I'm no longer a man, and you've even given me a second head! That thing is always claiming to be me, its voice doesn't fade when I become human again, and is always insisting I become the wrong alien. What we need in this situation is pspoweeder! HEY!"

The Diamondheads just watched in sadness as Kevin seemed to argue with himself. They didn't like him, but from what they experienced they could tell this wasn't pleasant. Even after Kevin was able to get it together the two still felt a bit bad for him, or them? It was going to take some getting used to.

"You ruined my life so I'll ruin yours!" Kevin screamed at them with hurt and regret. "If I do crimes with these alien forms I can ruin your reputation as heroes, and who will be able to stop me?"

"We will," one of the Diamondheads said.
"Good always triumphs against evil," the other Diamondhead said.

"Really? Then PROVE IT!"
Kevin transformed as well, and in one swift motion he no longer had the features of either XLR8 or Four Arms. Instead he looked exactly like the pair in front of him, having transformed into the Diamondheads before tackling straight into them. As their hands interlocked with each other and both pairs attempted to shove the other, one truth became clear to them both: they were exactly the same.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Some government agents came by the scene, holding up their guns and pointing them right at the two. "We're with the Special Alien Containment Team, and we need you two to stand down and come with us!"

The Kevins just smiled. "Guess this is our time to fly."

One of them instinctively wanted to become Stinkflies and blast away while the other attempted to become Heatblasts. The result was the Heatblasts' body with one Stinkfly head and two pairs of wings on the back. They wanted to shout at each other but there were bigger problems now, so they just quietly took off.

The Diamondheads weren't so lucky. At least they were bulletproof, but avoiding so many government agents was a bit tiring. They did manage to shake the agents off of them when they turned back into Gwens, but the two were still left exhausted when they went back to the RV.

"Nice to see that you're safe," Grandpa Max said. "Going against the government would be difficult."

"So Kevin's the one behind all of those crimes?" Ben spoke up with a slight hint of worry. "If he can become all of your forms and switch between them that quickly it may be almost impossible to restrain him."

"Relax." One of the Gwens pumped her chest out with pride. "As long as she doesn't hold me back, we're going to be okay!"

"Hold on," the other Gwen said. "Isn't it usually you that's holding us back?"

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

A loud scream could be heard from outside, distracting the Gwens from their argument. All the Tennysons looked outside to see an out of control trolley, speeding down the roadside like a racecar. The trolley was black with blue lines over, a pattern that looked familiar to the Gwens.

"They're using Upgrade," Gwen said.
"That's Kevin," Gwen said. "Or should we say the Kevins now?"

"Language doesn't matter right now," Ben said. "People are in danger!"

"Then we need to go Upgrade!" Gwen pressed a button on the Omnitrix and turned the faceplate. "We need to un-upgrade what they upgraded!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Gwen turned the faceplate the other direction. "They can do everything we can do, they'll find a way to re-upgrade it."

"Well do you have a better idea?"

"I'm sure any idea with more than a second of thought would be better."

The two accidentally pressed down on the Omnitrix, transforming into a bestial pair of Wildmutts. One of the Wildmutts growled at the other. The other blew a raspberry back.

This wasn't the time for arguments. The two reluctantly leapt out of the RV and ran after the trolley, catching up quickly and gripping right onto the roof of the vehicle.

"Hi Gwens!" The head of Upgrade peaked out from atop the trolley, the eyes curling down as if they were grinning. "Unfortunately this ride isn't allowing pets!"

Black spikes emerged from the roof of the trolley, making the Wildmutts jump around in attempt to dodge each one. It was impossible for them to go on the offensive, the two were struggling in their attempts to avoid every possible spike. How were they supposed to stop Upgrade like this?

Upgrade just laughed and set their focus forward, prepared to crash the trolley into the distant sea. The trolley zoomed through the streets, weaving and bobbing chaotically back and forth, but soon the road split in two.

"The sea is over to the left!" One of them turned the wheel left. "Let's go, quickly!"

"Don't be stupid!" The other one turned the wheel right. "The sea is to the right!"

"Didn't you read the map? We're making a right here!"

"I read it, and I'm pretty sure it said make a left!"

The trolley's original drivers was terrified as he watched the steering wheel move by itself, going left and right over and over endlessly. The two tried their best to pull the trolley in their direction, groaning and straining as they pulled the steering wheel in separate directions. The wheels were turning in separate directions, slowing the trolley down as they got closer and closer to the parting.

The two were so busy fighting they failed to notice the Wildmutts leaping in front of the trolley. Their fighting may have slowed it down but the Wildmutts managed to slow it down even more, bringing the vehicle to a complete stop. The passengers rushed out for their safety, screaming in fear.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Upgrade's slimy body leapt off the trolley, forcing itself around the Wildmutts instead. Their liquid metal body gripped onto the Wildmutts' limbs, pulling them apart like chains. While they couldn't merge with something living, that didn't meant they were useless in a situation like this. They used their body to completely smother the Wildmutts, seemingly drowning them within them.

The Wildmutts weren't going to go down like this though. They used their mouths like shovels, "digging" through Upgrade in order to escape their slimy attack. Upgrade tried to keep them buried within, squeezing harder onto their breasts and making it harder for anyone to force themselves out, but the Wildmutts were able to pry themselves away surprisingly simply.

Upgrade tried lunging at them again but the Wildmutts were ready. Incredibly long arms were pinned to the ground by the Wildmutts, and before the amorphous alien could slip away the Wildmutts bit them on the breasts. Chomping and pulling right where the nipples would be on a human, the Wildmutts caused an explosive reaction from Upgrade. It was just payback for getting their nipples hurt so much earlier, nothing more, nothing less.

Upgrade responded in kind by attacking the Wildmutts breasts, wrapping themselves around the aliens like a chain that forced breasts to smash into each other.

The Wildmutts responded by tossing them and yanking Upgrade's boobs, stretching them and twisting them until they were like a long rope coming from a shared chest.

The breast attacks continued for some time, both sides hurting and pleasuring each other's chests for a long time. However, before either side could claim victory the Omnitrix flashed red, and the Wildmutts went back to being Gwens.

"Oh look at that." Upgrade seemed to grin once more. "Looks like time's up for you two. No way to defend yourselves."

"Like we need a way to defend ourselves," Gwen said. "We're being chased by chumps."

"Well one chump at least," Gwen said, an idea forming in her head. "Kevin would've probably ended us already if it weren't for Kevin holding him back."

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Kevin was the one doing most of the work there."

"No no no, it had to be Kevin."

Upgrade still continued to smile in front of them.
"That sort of trick won't work on us," they said. "We both already know who the boss is around here."

"Really?" The Gwens spoke at the same time. "Then may the one who's NOT boss speak up please?"

Upgrade was completely silent.

What originally seemed like grins on their faces seemed to morph themselves to look more like faces of complete rage as the two imploded on themselves and each other in battle.
"I'M THE BOSS!" The two attacked each other in a rippling ball of metal goo, giving the Gwens a chance to escape back to the RV.

As the RV drove off and left the Kevins in the dust, the Gwens laid back while completely exhausted. The reality of the Kevins' power was just now starting to get to them, the threat that they were facing was becoming more obvious. If the Kevins could become any alien to counter their own, which form is the right choice? Is there a right choice when the Kevins could become the perfect counter?

A question like that would need a long time to think about. The perfect alien would need a long period to think about, and a great plan would need to be formed. But what if the plan isn't able to come to fruition? There was one chaotic element that could ruin any plan either of the two formed: each other.

"Looks like the Kevins are making their way to the bridge over there," Grandpa Max said. "I'll be on their trail."

"I'll focus on the news," Ben said, opening his laptop. "Just in case we get any reports of danger nearby.

The others were distracted, which meant no one was going to stop them if they happened to come into conflict. They just needed to keep quiet and not kick up much of a fuss, and then they could fight to their heart's content.

The two slowly stood up, glaring at each other with an intense fury.

"This is going to be a dangerous battle," Gwen whispered. "And I can't have you messing this up."

"Do you actually think I've been the one messing things up!?" The other Gwen quietly snapped back. "Leave the fighting to me and follow my orders."

"The only way we have a chance of winning is if you follow MY orders."

"You would kill us, I have the much better plan."

The two quietly stuffed their fingers into each other's pants, shocking the both of them just a bit. Each had two fingers slowly inching their way into each other's womanhoods, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Listen to me," Gwen quietly growled. "Or else."
"Listen to me," Gwen quietly growled. "Or else."

Deeper within them their fingers plunged before coming back out again, the two sending a great shock straight through each other's bodies. In and out of each other their fingers went, sending waves of pleasure through each other like intense shocks through their bodies. Their faces were flushed red, covered in sweat and hot with arousal. They wanted to scream with pleasure but they couldn't alert the others to their fight, so they just forced themselves to be silent.

Their fury acted as fuel, pushing them to strike each other faster and faster in their sexual battle. With the speed and power of pistons they pumped their fingers in and out of each other, desperately trying to bring each other to orgasm first. And when it came it blasted through them, making the both of them want to scream from the assault.

They plunged their fingers deeper into each other, wanting to absolutely ravage each other. Until one of them finally backed down, until one of them finally listened, the two were going to strike each other as much as they could.

That was when they noticed something: they were acting just like the Kevins.

This was how the Kevins were endlessly arguing and sabotaging each other, how the Kevins were always arguing about which alien to become, the Gwens were doing the exact same thing. Even before the Kevins were doing it, the two were just sabotaging themselves. At this rate, there was no way they were going to beat the Kevins.

The two sat down and finally faced each other with no anger at all.
"Let's talk."


Large explosions left holes in the bridge, the result of a two-headed diamond-headed alien crashing through the surface. The Kevins would transform into Four Arms and leap high into the air, before transforming into Diamonheads and  smashing through the bridge. This amount of public damage would certainly damage the reputation of these alien heroes, probably to the point they'd get arrested on sight. They could hardly hold back their laughs thinking about this possibility.

"Stop right there Kevins!" The Diamondheads looked back to see the Gwens standing tall in opposition, now in the form of the Four Arms. "It's payback time!"

"So you haven't taking enough of a beating huh?" One of the Diamondheads smiled, shifted their hand into a diamond axe. "I guess we should cut you down to size."

"Hold on for a moment." The other Diamondhead seemed to strain, and their body seemed to slightly shift, only to just shift back to being Diamondheads. "What the heck are you doing!?"

"I'm not letting you transform us yet again, we're staying with the crystals."

"You don't get say over my body!"

"Ahem!" One of the Four Arms  loudly cleared her throat. "I can't believe the two of you are so incompetent that you need to plan out the best counter to our aliens."

"You said you were stronger than us, right?" The other Four Arms chimed in. "Then why do you need to become the stronger alien."

"That's because you're scared that we're stronger than you, isn't it?"

"If you carelessly went the same form as us, you'd lose horribly."

The Diamondheads growled, their form slowly shifting to that of the Four Arms.

"Try it."
"You'll regret it."

The large and towering four-armed behemoths slowly closed in on each other, all four heads glaring at each other. To onlookers the conjoined pair were indistinguishable, like an alien warrior was about to battle with its mirror image. Who was good and who was evil was impossible to tell, it was just one pair of aliens versus an identical pair.

The two first attacked each other's breasts, four arms targeting each other's four breasts with incredible strength. Each hand gripped onto one of their large and bountiful breasts, squeezing and mashing and compressing the targets strapped to each other's chests. The pairs winced, not expecting the sudden rush of pleasure within them. No human hands were strong enough to do this much to their breasts, so the Four Arms lacked any defense against such an attack.

The four gnashed their teeth, struggling to keep their voices from leaking out. With this much strength applied these breasts were more sensitive than human breasts, or maybe it was just the result of having double the breasts of a human. Whatever it was, the two still pulled and tugged and mashed each other's breasts, trying their best to make each other submit.

"Pull harder," one of the Kevin Four Arms said. "You're holding us back!"

"Me!?" The other Kevin Four Arms snapped back at his bodymate. "You're the one who needs to put in more effort!"

"Scared?" Both of the Gwen Four Arms smiled. "Afraid you're about to get crushed?"

"Says the two who look like they're going to burst at any moment," the Kevin Four Arms said.

The pairs released their hands from each other's breasts and made them fly towards each other, all four hands of each Four Arms interlocking with those of her opponent. Their large breasts were now forced into conflict directly, smashing into each other with enough force to smash concrete. Holding in their moans was starting to become impossible, the four barely stopping themselves from blurting out just how aroused they were. Yet the most frustrating part of all was that they were still equal.

The Gwen Four Arms slipped their hands off of their counterparts' and moved their arms behind their back, squeezing their fellow aliens in a tight bearhug. The Kevin Four Arms were shocked but it didn't take them long to fight back, the two squeezing the Gwen Four Arms back in return. Their breasts were being crushed to their absolute limit, like they could pop or fuse from the amount of pleasure placed on them.

If they didn't already have red skin their faces would still be red, flushed with the power of the arousal upon them. Eight nipples were in the middle of combat, making four heads shake and tremble in pleasure. Two hearts beat faster as they anticipated the climax of this battle, and in one special moment it came to the both of them.

The orgasm came to both pairs at once, making the four of them scream as they fell to the ground. They saw their nipples spraying milk as they fell, all eight breasts spraying as they collapsed to the ground.

Kevin got up, roaring with anger. He wasn't going to go down here. Unlike last time he wasn't going to be destroyed without a fight. He was going to win. He was going to beat them. He will destroy those that turned him into a freak...

Kevin looked down at his body, realizing his lack of four arms. He was no longer big and red, and he didn't have that annoying voice in his head. He tried to transform into that form again, any form, any of the alien forms, but they were gone. He was human again.

"You're back..." Even the Four Arms couldn't believe it.

"You actually transformed back!"
"Does this mean we've won!?"

Four Arms jumped up and cheered, the two of them celebrating their victory.

Kevin hated it.

Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. Hated it.

Those two ruined his life and made him a monster, laughing while he was suffering. So what if he was in a better place now? So what if he might be fine now? He didn't care if he fell to the depths of hell anymore, as long as he could bring those two down with him.

He tried his best to transform, tried to bring out any of the alien forms from within his body. It seemed to change all at once, he could feel so much pouring through him. He got the strength of that four-armed alien, the heat of that fiery alien, the wings of that bug alien, he could feel everything coming to him. His head felt like it was splitting apart, his body felt like it was exploding, but he didn't care. He was going to destroy them, no matter what!

"Kevin..." The Gwens looked at what Kevin had become, terrified.

Four Arms four arms.
Heatblast's fiery fist.
Diamondheads' diamond fist.
Wildmutts' wild forearms.
XLR8's long tail.
Stinkflies' insectoid wings.
Upgrade's technology on their back.
Ghostfreaks' creepy markings.
Grey Matter's large brain.
Ripjaws' anglerfish lights.

And two heads.

Kevin had somehow morphed into all ten forms at once, shocking himself just as much as the Gwens. The two heads were somewhat fused together, sharing a large eye that was reminiscent of the Grey Matters. They had two large breasts with a third somewhat smaller one lower between them. The feeling of their crotches in what used to be pants seemed to tell them that they had two pussies now, but they weren't concerned with that right now.

What the Kevins were mostly concerned with was each other. Just when they thought they were cured, just when they thought they were okay, why did this happen again?

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" The Kevins instinctively blamed each other, struggling over a shared body. The top arms went to the two biggest breasts, turned to the middle breast and crushing it in a tit sandwich. The bottom arms went down into their shorts, confirming that they did indeed have two pussies. They roared and screamed and attacked each other and stumbled about, until they fell off the side of the bridge and plunged into the waters below. The Four Arms looked down to see some bubbles rising up that slowly disappeared, like the Kevins disappeared themselves.

And that was the last they saw of the Kevins... was it?



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