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Unknown to most people was the existence of a faraway paradise known as WB Land. This was a paradise with many different versions of cartoon characters that appeared in movies and cartoons. In the center was the auditioning room, where many characters sat down for the chance to be in the next animated movie.

Lola Bunny was waiting to be called in by the director. She was a tall anthropomorphic bunny with tan and white fur. Her long ears were tied together and went down like a long ponytail. She had amazing curves, only accentuated by a sexy basketball uniform that showed off her midriff.

Finally she was called up. Nervously she walked up. It was a long time since she was last in feature, having to be replaced by a smaller version of herself when they wanted her in a cartoon. She was disappointed, but this may have been her chance to come back. Her first role was in the movie Space Jam and a sequel for it was being made. They couldn't reject her now!

"We're sorry," the director said. "But you're not getting the job."

"But how!?" Lola shouted out in an instant, unable to comprehend how this happened.

"A few anonymous complaints were given to our studio. Whoever it was, they said that you were too sexual last time and that no one would watch a movie with someone like you in it."

Lola growled. "So you got another version of me as a replacement?"

"Correct. Come on out."

Into the room walked another version of Lola Bunny. This version was shorter than the one there before. Her bust was clearly much smaller, and the basketball uniform she wore was large and baggy. Walking in, she smiled smugly towards the unlucky loser of this role.

The director continued without noticing the tension. "This Lola Bunny offered to be a replacement. We hired her since it seemed like she'd alleviate the complaints. Sorry we couldn't take you."

"No need to worry." The original Lola feigned a smile. "Is it okay if I talk to her outside for a bit?"

"Sure. I don't mind."

The original Lola walked out with the new Lola following behind.

"So," the original Lola said as soon as she was sure no one was around to listen. "What the fuck is your deal?"

"I'll tell you," the new Lola said. "After that first movie you're always strutting around as if you are the sexiest thing alive and I'm sick of it. So I was the one who sent that letter. Someone had to knock some sense into a bitch like you, and I was the one going to do it."

The original Lola smiled. "Is that so? It seems like you were just a jealous bitch that couldn't handle someone as hot as me."

"You…" The new Lola started to growl. "I'll have you know that I could fuck you up anytime I wanted to."

"Prove it then. Let's meet tonight. If I win then tell the directors the truth, and if you win I do anything you request."

"Fine, but where?"

The original Lola had to think about it, because it was hard to get privacy in this place. She then recalled a room that everyone was forbidden from walking inside, and figured that it was okay to use it for a bit. "What about the Forbidden Room?"

The new Lola was taken aback, but her anger took the better of her. "Deal!"

Later that night the two snuck into the auditioning room. There, the door to the Forbidden Room was opened and the two went inside the empty white room. The two were confused about why the place was forbidden, but thought nothing more about it.

"Are you ready?" The original Lola took off her shirt and exposed her large breasts. "We agreed that we fight until one of us quits."

"I'm certainly ready." The new Lola took off her shirt, and while she wasn't as busty the size of her breasts were bigger than expected. "I just hope you're ready to go down!"

The two circled each other for a moment before the original Lola ran in to slam her tits against the new Lola's. The new Lola tried to resist but it was not effective against the original, who pinned new Lola down on the ground with her chest.

As they were in that position something strange happened. The original Lola's body started to stretch and morph, and it slowly widened before completely splitting in two. Now there were two of the original Lola Bunny.

What the two didn't know was that this room was the place where new versions of existing characters were created. The director would put a bit of skin or hair in there and adjust their design in a separate control room as the new version started to grow. However, with no supervision whatever was inside could end up duplicating endlessly, and it already started happening to the original Lola Bunny.

"What the-"

"What's going on?"

The two were confused and a bit embarrassed upon seeing each other. Their first reaction was to try and cover their breasts but they calmed down before they could do so.

"Who are you?" One of them finally said something. "And why are you here?"

"I'd like to talk but I'm in the middle of something." The other Lola pointed to the new one being pinned down. "Move out of the way so I can show her who's boss."

"Hold on now! I'm the one going to show this bitch who's boss, move out the way whore!"

"Are you trying to steal my role too!? Get out of the way if you know what's good for you whore!"

"Bring it! My breasts could destroy yours any day bitch!"

While continuing to pin down the new Lola Bunny, the originals attempted to use their breasts to push each other off. The nipples of all three of them poked together and wrestled throughout this struggle.



"You bitch!"

The two originals got so angry at each other that they got off the new Lola and slammed their breasts together in an all out tit war. As they did this, they didn't notice the new Lola Bunny starting to split into two herself.

"Don't forget about me!" Two new Lolas leapt out, each of them tackling one of the original Lolas. They both pinned the originals to the ground and locked their cunts together in a trib, completely unaware of the other pair nearby. Both had their pants ripped off from splitting, allowing bare cunts to make contact.

"Looks like this little cunt can't handle my cunt," both new Lolas said.

The two rubbed their cunts against the originals, making the originals feel pleasure like they never did before. The new Lola's skill was not something to be taken lightly. However, before the new Lolas could pull off a victory they started to split again. Facing opposite directions and with their asses against each other there were two fights, each with two new Lolas tribbing one of the originals.

"Hey! Get off! I'm doing something here bitch!"

"Don't try to take my job here little shit!"

The new Lolas pressed their asses together and attempted to push each other off of their opponent. They continued to trib the original Lola while pushing back and forth to get the other away. The original Lola under them felt a great arousal, feeling as if this was impossible to overcome. The same occurred with the other Lolas.

Suddenly, the original Lolas started to split. The sudden surprise threw the new Lola Bunnies off of the originals, allowing four original Lolas to each pin down a single new Lola.

Forcing their legs open, the originals pushed their fingers inside the new Lolas' cunts. They pushed their fingers up and down in their respective cunts, fingering the new Lolas to surprising ends.

Unfortunately for the originals, their splitting didn't end there. The original Lolas split into two yet again, with both copies having their right hand in the pussy of a new Lola.

"Get out of here bitch!"

"This battle is mine whore!"

The two attempted to push the other's hand out by pulling the pussy away from their opponent. They tugged the cunt in opposite directions as if it were a toy being fought over by two children. The new Lolas tried to resist the arousal but the originals continued their assault on the cunts in front of them.

Pulling a bit more, both of them started to feel as if they were winning. After all, they pulled even further than they could before. Unbeknownst to them, this was just because the two started to split again. The new Lolas used this to pin the original Lolas down to the ground yet again. This time they spread their opponents' legs and started eating their pussies. The originals were incredibly aroused, but tried to keep themselves together.

The new Lolas didn't stop splitting though. They started to split yet again, putting two new Lolas heads on top of each original's cunt.

"Get out right now bitch!"

"You're the bitch here!"

The two attempted to push each other away as they continued to lick their opponent's cunt. Their tongues wrestled about as if they were in a French Kiss. They ate out the pussy before them like they were left starving for days. The pleasure upon the original felt like she was being filled up with pure goodness, but she tried to resist all the same.

They continued this until the original Lolas split yet again. Then the new Lolas split again, and the originals split again.

That morning, the director woke up and went to the Forbidden Room. Upon seeing a room full of Lolas he quickly shut the door.

"Oh crap," he said to himself. "Now there's no one to use in the new movie. What should I do?"

He probably would've given up if he didn't see the cartoon Lola walk by. If the other two Lolas heard about this, there would be a lot more trouble.



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