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"Please please PLEASE let me work here!" A boy in black was on his knees and begging within the office of O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. "I'll even be a janitor if I have to, just hire me please!"

Hera sighed. This guy's timeline was just affected by an alternate intersection, duplicating him in particular. He was brought back to get his personal timeline back together, and apparently the event impressed him so much he wanted to stay.

Hera looked down at the dude. His name was apparently Hephaestus. In the time she has been with two of them, Hephaestus has shown himself to be useless with direction, a bit of a klutz, and was kind of ugly in her opinion. His hair and body were mostly fine, even if he was a bit on the skinny and feminine side, she just really didn't like his face. He walked with a bit of a limp and was even missing one of his hands, which he was apparently born with. Handling many of these devices could be dangerous to both himself and the timeline, and he didn't look like he'd be able to handle himself out there.

"No," Hera said firmly. "It doesn't matter how much you ask me, you are not joining the team."

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" His head was down on the ground now. "At least let me bring back one of these cool bracelets, I want to see how they work!"


"Hera!" The short and beautiful Aphrodite walked onto the scene. "I need your help. I'm trying to get Zeus's attention but he's hitting on D-"

"ZEUS!!!" Aphrodite didn't even finish her sentence before Hera dashed off.

Aphrodite sighed. One could always count on Hera to have a one track mind when it came to Zeus, yet somehow this always surprised her. Hera was even dealing with someone as well, was leaving him alone okay?

Hephaestus stared at her with wide eyes and failed to speak. Aphrodite was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, like an angel descended upon him. On just first sight he was in love, blushing at just the sight of her.

"Umm..." Aphrodite would rather not talk to someone so ugly but with Hera gone this would be for the best. "Hi, I'm Aphrodite. What's your name and business here?"

"I'm Hephaestus and I'm... a new recruit." It was a white lie, but even lies that those made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Wait... REALLY!?" Aphrodite's previous disgust immediately went away. "Oh my god I love new recruits! They're like cute little babies just needing my motherly guidance! I wish I got to train the new recruits, Hera is lucky."

"Why don't you do it then? I mean Hera has left so..."

Aphrodite seemed to light up, quickly donning a smug smile and crossing her arms.
"I guess I can take a bit of time off," she said. "Follow me!"

Aphrodite guided Hephaestus around the office, enjoying each and every second of it. Hephaestus enjoyed himself as well, marveling at every little odd device that came across their path.

"But what are these things made of?" Hephaestus would point to the pods and the bracelets and even the computers and ask these sorts of questions.

"I don't know," Aphrodite said. "That's not where my expertise lies, you should probably ask someone else about this."

"Okay." He turned to a random worker he saw on one of the computers. "Excuse me, but do you know how these things work?"

"Not a clue."
"Leave me alone."

He asked all of the workers in the office, but no one seemed to have any idea of their devices' makings.

Aphrodite never really thought about the devices before, starting to wonder what exactly was behind all of these devices. Who made them? In fact, who made this entire organization? Time travelling abilities couldn't just come out of no where, so what was even going on?

"Guess I'll just have to dismantle them myself."

Aphrodite thought she misheard the guy for a moment before looking to see him somehow pulling what seemed to be a solid steel bracelet apart. These bracelets were meant to withstand even the greatest of forces, and it'd probably take the force of a dinosaur to rip it like this. What timeline was this guy from to make him so strong? She decided not to think of it.
Aphrodite always thought the bracelet was just a solid metal accessory, so to see some sort of gears and wires and springs falling out was a bit of a surprise. And some of these things were completely unrecognizable. Some disc with lights and sparkles coming out of it. Some marble that floated off the ground for seemingly no reason. Some golden syrup of sorts that just seemed to cover all of the parts. Many many parts of this device looked like no sort of technology she had ever seen.

"Amazing!" Hephaestus didn't care about the mess he was making, rummaging through it all like he just dismantled a pen. "Which part affects the timeline? Do all of these parts do something to the timeline? Is the make similar to all of these other stuff you use?"

"Um... well..."
Aphrodite only took her eyes off of him for a second and Hephaestus seemingly disappeared.

"The golden stuff is in here as well!"
As if he teleported Hephaestus was now dismantling one of the computers, finding just as many odd parts and mechanisms within. When Aphrodite found him she was in complete shock. Wasn't he just walking around with a limp before? How did he dismantle stuff so quickly with just one hand? Was this a prank? Was someone pranking her? This didn't make sense.

"And the floating ball thing can be found within here!"
And like he teleported once more Hephaestus was now picking apart the pods, leaving anything that didn't interest him as a mess on the floor. At this point Aphrodite was more impressed than anything, even if this was going to be very annoying to clean up. Oh well, she could always convince some simp to help her out for some sex later. Fixing the devices was going to be another story though.

Hephaestus didn't see this as a problem though, to him he was in heaven. This was the stuff time machines were made of. This was the stuff that could take control of timelines and send people to the future and show people world's they've never seen before. This was stuff he read stories about, stuff he'd dream of everyday. He could go back in time and change his own past, fix his mistakes and probably grow up more handsome. He could go forward and see a myriad of possible futures, probably some that could assist in making him more handsome. Maybe he was focusing too much on how he wouldn't be ugly anymore, but there were so many possibilities.

But still, how did all of this stuff work?

"THERE YOU ARE!" A Hera that seemed to be exploding in rage stomped towards the lone Hephaestus. "DON'T TRY TO SNEAK OFF WHILE I'M DISTRACTED!"

Hephaestus tried to run, sneaking as much as he could into his pockets, but Hera quickly got hold of him. Her eyes seemed to glow an intense red, the anger was palpable from a mile away, and then... and then...

He was home.

He couldn't remember anything that happened after being grabbed, from his perspective it was like he just teleported. Hera did say he'd have to get his memories removed, but he thought that referred to memories of O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. and the alternate intersection in general. Only forgetting what happened after being grabbed didn't seem like it'd be useful, did something get messed up during the process?

Hephaestus's hands immediately went to his pockets. With a sigh of relief it seemed like he was at least able to keep some of the items on his way down. Maybe all wasn't gone. Maybe he could find some way to recreate the items he saw, or even make better ones. Maybe his dream was still in reach.

Only seconds after Hera had sent Hephaestus back did the entire office erupt with alarms. Red flashing lights and harsh noises blared through the office, meant to indicate some intense and repeated timeline damage might be going on. Something of this sort was rare, mostly unheard of, only something short of war between multiple timelines could cause the alarm to go off.

"What is going on?" Hera ran to Aphrodite, who was looking worriedly at a computer.

"It's horrible," she replied. "So many unnatural divergences and intersections, and time is moving so very unnaturally around these timelines. It's like time itself is getting tangled around there."

Hera looked at the screen, unable to believe what she heard. And when she saw the timelines involved, she couldn't believe her eyes.
It seemed like Hephaestus was behind this.

It all happened instantly to those at O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. but it was over hundreds of years for Hephaestus. Some of that time was spent with time slowed to a crawl, every second feeling like a day, and some was spent with time sped up, with years going by in a second. Sometimes he even experienced time backwards or completely stopped altogether. Yet only after a few years of such confusing and messy movement through time he finally conquered it, finally understood how these little pieces interacted with the reaches of time. A prototype time travelling device was built, all compact within a little watch, and ready for his first test run.

This time travelling device had everything to it. One could go backwards and forward in time, travel into alternate timelines, speed up and slow down time, everything he could think of. Everything, except stabilize timelines.

Without stabilization the simple act of traveling a second back creates quadruple the number of timeline divergences than normal decisions. The simple act of shifting one's own body through time could disrupt it to incredibly great effect, making the act dangerous without a stabilized timeline. A non-stabilized timeline meant multiple timelines with time travelers within, time travelers capable of bringing their timelines together in a dangerous clash.

Hephaestus didn't notice at first; he was too focused on his makeover. With a quick trip to the past and future he easily got a cool new body, alongside a new and classy black dress. At first he just got himself an actually attractive face but the potential for body modification in this timeline was incredible. He could even give himself a vagina and breasts, all with working parts two, without having to remove his cock and balls. And he became a futanari in basically no time at all. This half-way sex change was great, leading him to wonder what else was out there in the nearby timelines. How far did he have to go to get to a significantly different timeline though? Well, he could just try it a bit and find out...

And that was the beginning of the end.

Hephaestus immediately stopped all that he was doing as he saw what was in front of him. Another him. Someone so incredibly familiar to him yet clearly not him. Him from another timeline. There he was standing in front of himself, another scenario he never thought he'd ever live, and yet there he was.


The two had spotted each other at the same time, immediately taking the time to analyze each other. Same eyes, same hair, even the new futanari parts were identical. This was a completely identical version of himself, a brand new alternate him right in front of him.

"Are you me? What is this timeline like? Is that time machine the same make as my own? Do you have ice cream in this timeline? Is this even your original timeline? How experienced are you at time travel? How old are you? If you're from the future then can you tell me the lottery numbers?"
A stream of questions erupted from the two of them, the two immediately trying to ask as many questions as they could about each other. It seemed to be a whole mess of words, the two speaking over each other in attempt to get their questions across, only growing more and more annoyed as they spoke. They didn't want to answer questions, they only wanted their questions answered.

"Stop being so annoying and just answer the questions..." The two growled at each other, speaking at the same time. This was nothing like the stories he read. Meeting your alternate self wasn't supposed to be this annoying. Was this person even him? Was this not actually him?

"Who are you really?" The question came from both at the same time, eliciting more groans. Did this person really not know who he was? Then why did they look exactly the same? Someone was clearly copying the other here, and to them it was obvious which was which.

"Are you trying to mock me? Trying to make fun of me with such an obvious copy? Or are you jealous of me? Were you jealous of my appearance and wanted to copy it? Did I do something to you? Is there a point to this copying? Why? Why? WHY?"
Once again they spoke at the same time, and it was the last straw.

The two screamed and ran towards each other, headbutting each other until blood dripped down their faces. Their hands were gripped onto each other's wrists, their perky new breasts were being rammed into each other, and their bloodshot eyes stared down each other's souls. This meant war.

The breasts they got themselves weren't the biggest, they thought it'd be best to start off small, but they were incredibly sensitive. Each impact seemed to send a shock through their systems, a jolt of pleasure that seemed to attack them, making them worry they made them a bit too sensitive. Still they pushed on, their faces now starting to flush red from the intense pleasure it provided.

"Oh? Are you a pervert that gets off to the idea of fighting me?" The two noticed each other's arousal and started to mock each other, only to groan as they spoke as one once more. The idea of getting off to fighting such a loser made both of them want to gag, even if they couldn't deny the arousal they felt. To be given such humiliation, they wanted to scream.

They separated their hands and brought them under each other's dresses, cackling wickedly as they intended to give each other payback. Their breasts were one thing, but the two made their new pussies incredibly sensitive. If the two were truly the same, if they were really prefect reflections of each other, this should hit them like a truck.

They put one finger in, and the pleasure hit them like a truck.

It was too much, it was too much, it was too much, it was too much, their pussies felt like they had minds of their own. So much pleasure, so much pleasure, so much, so much, they really should've tested these new pussies before getting into this mess because it was all too good. And when the orgasm came they only felt an even greater surge of pleasure. Too great, too great, too great, too great, they almost lost themselves in it.

The time devices on their wrists smacked against their bodies, sending them just a bit sideways in time. All they could see was a flash of light around them as they shifted to another timeline, and once it faded it seemed like nothing changed. Yet something seemed off to them, something they realized when they heard odd moans right next to them.

Before there were two alternate versions of Hephaestus, now there are four.

"Another me..." Once again all four of them spoke at the same time, and they were already at the end of their ropes.

The two pairs ran for each other, grabbing each other by the genitals once again. Not only did they finger each other but they had their hands around each other's cocks as well, pumping their hands up and down in order to pleasure two parts of them at the same time. They could feel their arousal spiking up again, peaking into yet another orgasm. This time the pleasure went through their cocks as well, spraying cum up into the air.

They hit the devices once again and then there were eight.

They hit the devices once again and then there were sixteen.

Again and again and again and again until there were over 2048 alternates battling. Each was doing whatever they could to pleasure their opponents, from fingering to oral to mutual penetration, and making them cum again and again.

Some went into other timelines to continue the battle there. Some went back to try and assist their past selves, only to just increase the number of combatants. Some tried to slow down time to attack each other at blinding speeds, only to get hit right away with the reverse. It was absolute chaos, with timelines beginning to combine and clash with each other, all so each Hephaestus can try to triumph over the others.

It may have taken a while, but fortunately O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. was able to intervene.

After the hours of rounding up the timelines and putting them all back together, and countless more time reversing the damages and fusing the alternates back into a single Hephaestus, the lone Hephaestus was forced to explain his actions to a very angry office full of pissed off officers.

"I guess that means I won't be getting the job now," Hephaestus said meekly.


Hephaestus sat down and thought about it. She was right, he did cause incredible risk to time itself. What could anyone do to make up for something like that?

"I guess you're right," Hephaestus said with disappointment. "Erase my memories properly this time, I'll go back."

Hera was a bit shocked to see such a willing relent.
"I'd do so," Hera said. "But the memory erasure device is actually broken. It's the reason you even left with some of your memories intact, so we can't deal with anything unless that's fixed."

"Really?" Like he teleported Hephaestus was right next to the memory erasure device. A high tech white chair with a helmet-like device attached to the top looked like a rather complicated thing to take apart, but it was already completely disassembled. "It looks like it's just a result of this part being a bit rusty, just replace it and it'll be fine."

Hera just looked at him completely dumbfounded.
"Is this sort of thing that easy for you?"

"Yeah..." Hephaestus didn't get what impressed her so much. Wasn't this easy for everyone? "Why?"

"Maybe we have a job for you after all.


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