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Heaven means different things to different people. To some it's paradise, to others it's a state of mind, but to this one it was the power to overwrite reality. Heaven meant ruling over all, and after over a century of hardship heaven was finally achieved.

With one punch this person was able to completely rewrite reality, altering events while the commonfolk below had not a reason to question it.


On April 4, 1868, George Joestar was blessed with not just one child but two. She gave birth to a lovely and healthy pair of twins, the two of them looking like radiant and bright rays of sunshine. In the Joestar family it was traditional to give your daughters traditionally masculine names, so these two were going to be named Jonathan. There wasn't much point in giving them different names in her mind, the two of them were basically identical after all.

Shortly after their birth was the death of their father Mary, who protected Jonathan and Jonathan in a carriage crash that could've ended them. George ended up raising the two as a single mother, teaching them to be the perfect ladies in honor of her late husband.

"Mother!" The twins would often look for the approval of their mother in their light blue dresses, often pushing each other out of the way as they tried to monopolize their mother's attention. The two had always been prone to fighting each other over the slightest disagreement, which George always struggled in trying to stop. The two were doing so at that moment, pushing and shoving as they looked up at their mom.

"Girls, stop pushing each other," George said. "I told you it's unladylike."

The two stopped and looked up at their mother, still standing rather close to each other however.

"So, what did you want to inform me about?"

"A nice gentleman had helped us just now!" The two spoke at the same time, like they didn't even mind hearing the other speak while they did. "Some older guys were picking on us but he came by and defended us from them. He said his name was Erina Pendleton, and he seemed so nice."

The girls seemed to giggle as they talked about him, which made George smile. Aw, young love, a topic like that just made her nostalgic. She could still remember her first crushes, and how she would talk about them as excitedly as this all the time. Seeing her two girls talk about such feelings so happily just reminded her how pure they were.

"How nice JoJo." George would often refer to the two collectively with the name JoJo, combining the two Jo's that made up the beginning of their names. "Never thought I'd see the two of you have a crush on the same person."

"Well I-" The two seemed to start taking notice of their speaking at the same time, glancing at each other with slight ire in their eyes. George had no idea what it was she said, but something in her words had trigged JoJo.

"Oh, it's getting late," George said, trying to change the subject. "Do you want tea?"

"Yes please!" JoJo loved tea, and the two happily agreed to take a sip for the night. George softly sighed with relief, hoping that whatever angered them wouldn't be of any problem again.

George was completely wrong about that. Later that night when the two were in their room the two had grabbed each other by their collars, rolling along the floor and thrashing each other into the ground. Such unladylike behavior would certainly have gotten them yelled at by their mother, but they waited until she was asleep before they went on their attack.

"Erina is mine!" Jonathan slammed her twin into the ground. "Don't you even think about talking to him ever again!"

"I will talk to him as much as I want!" Jonathan slammed her twin down under her. "Erina is mine, he's too cool to talk to you!"

The two rolled about along the ground, pushing and shoving each other into the floor. They kicked and punched and shoved each other, both wanting complete exclusivity over their crush, but neither was superior to the other.

The next day their mother had a surprise to show them, leading them to the mansion's courtyard with some anxious anticipation. That day was JoJo's birthday, and the two were celebrating it with a cake and a song just earlier, so it was reasonable to expect this to be a gift of sorts. What sort of gift would require them to go to the courtyard though?

"I have a surprise for you," George said with a smile. She turned away and looked towards the courtyard before whistling as loudly as she could.

For a bit, nothing happened.

Then, the sound of rapid footsteps became louder and louder, before a large spotted dog ran into George's arms. George gave the dog a treat before looking towards JoJo, who were looking at this new dog with glee.

"You've been asking for a dog for a long time," George said. "So I decided it was finally time for you to accept such a responsibility."

JoJo was speechless, simply staring at the dog in awe.

"Let's name him Danny," the both of them said at the same time, shocking the both of them.

"Don't copy me!"
"You're copying me!"
"I came up with it first!"
"I did!"

Before they continued the two of them suddenly felt a sharp pain in their hands, yelping as the newly named Danny bit them on the palms. George immediately pulled Danny away from them before checking to see their hands were okay. The dog just ran next to the river without a care, sleeping peacefully like it didn't just bite someone.

"JoJo, you aren't hurt are you?" George cared for their fingers before bringing her attention to Danny. "That dog hasn't been trained yet and is still rather tense around people. For now it's best to keep your distance for a while, I'll find someone to train the dog."

"I'm alright mother." Johnathan hid the aching hand behind her back. "It didn't pain me in the slightest."

"I'm quite well actually." Johnathan quickly put the hurt hand out of sight. "No need to worry mother!"

George sighed. One of these days this behavior was going to get her daughter hurt.
"Alright," she said. "Please, just stay safe."

The next morning JoJo went out to find Danny, seeing the dog running around the yard like it owned the place. Johnathan attempted to pet the dog once more, only to experience a similar fate to the day before. Her sister pointed and laughed at her, only to find her own outstretched arm chomped on by the dog.

"Ha!" Johnathan laughed at her sister. "Danny clearly doesn't like you."

"He bit you first," Johnathan said. "That clearly means he hates you more."

"No way, Danny definitely likes me much more than you!"

"Impossible. No boy would like you, not even a dog!"

The two turned to where Danny was standing, hoping to get some indication of the truth. Unfortunately it seemed like Danny had ran away, bolting far off and away from the squabbling girls.

The two glared at each other.
"He was definitely running from you."
The two sighed, upset at their eternal similarity.

"Even if their dogs any bot would run from someone as horrid as you."

"You say that as if your ugliness wasn't what got us bullied in the first place."

"Want to play a fair game then?" Johnathan smiled. "Let's see which of us can get Danny to like her first."

"Fine then." Johnathan said. "But the one who wins has to agree to leave that nice Erina alone for good."


JoJo smirked. The two of them went their separate ways, ready to find the dog and get its attention in any way possible.

Danny was laying on the grass, enjoying an idyllic breeze, before noticing a familiar young girl in the distance. Johnathan was slowly creeping towards Danny, with a few small fruits in hand as she did so. She approached Danny like the dog was a wild animal, slowly extending her arm out to it as well.

Danny wasn't fond of the way this rich girl and her twin smelled, and didn't want to associate with them in any way. The dog went to turn around, only to notice something rustling in the grass nearby. On the other side of the dog, in a place Danny could just barely make out, was the other Johnathan with grapes in hand.

Danny ran off, leaving JoJo to chase after.

Over the next few days the twins chased after the dog, trying whatever they could to win its affections. Giving out food, singing songs, attempting to get close, they did everything they could think of. The only results were either the dog running away or biting them though, which was a bit frustrating. Still, the twins never seemed to give in, which left Danny as the more frustrated one.

"Well then," Johnathan said as she met her twin. "It doesn't look like things have been going well for you."

"It's the opposite," Johnathan said with a smirk. "I've been noticing that it's been taking Danny longer and longer to bite me as opposed to usual. I think he's starting to like me."

"You sound crazy. I've seen how Danny acts around you, he doesn't like you in the slightest."

"Oh really. And you think he's starting to like you?"

"Look at the way he looks at me, he clearly wants to get close but he's just shy."

"He's a dog. He's not looking at you the way you look at Erina."

"Like you have any idea what he thinks!"

"Much more than you at least!"

The two glared into each other's eyes, so much so they didn't notice their foreheads coming into contact. Bright green eyes were only focused on each other, only reflecting each other's frustrated and angry gazes. It was like the world stood still as they glared at each other, and the only ones that mattered were the two of them.

"Be honest," Johnathan growled. "He doesn't like you. He never will."

"He doesn't like you," Johnathan growled. "So get out the way."

The two grabbed each other by the hair and pulled, now bringing their noses into contact as well. Their hair felt like silk under their fingers, enhanced by the most expensive shampoo and conditioners of the era. It made them just want to tear it right off of each other. Their lips brushed against each other with every slight breath, making them blush with both fury and a newfound arousal. All they wanted to do was maul each other, tear each other to shreds, something that would usually get them in trouble with their mother, but now they didn't care.

They pulled, finally smashing their lips together. For a while the two just stayed like that, the shock of the impact just staying with them.

Then it was all out war. The two fell over as they pulled and scratched and attacked at every part of each other they could. They pulled at each other's hair, ripped parts of each other's clothes, and clawed at each other's breasts. They rolled down the fluttering grasses of the field, attacking each other in every which way. Their breasts were pressing into each other every other second, repeatedly smashing into each other over and over. Their knees went under each other's skirts and struck their panties over and over again.

The two were red with so many emotions. There was fury with the two having hated each other for as long as they could remember. There was jealousy, with the two trying to convince themselves that the other truly wasn't as close to the dog as she said. There was arousal, with the two finding themselves shaking with the knees against their thighs and their breasts being attacked. All of this and more fueled their assault, making the only thing they saw each other.

Danny was just lying by the river like always, until getting smacked into the river by the rolling bodies of JoJo.

JoJo gasped as they barely stuck their heads out of the water. They failed to pay attention to where they were going, and worse yet they had no idea how to swim. They couldn't scream, coughing too much as they felt some water fall into their lungs. Their vision was growing blurry, their limbs were growing weak, where was their mother at times like this?

As they tried the best they could to float they noticed something else floating up near them. Danny had fell into the water as well, still in shock from the sudden impact.

As their vision faded JoJo tried to push Danny towards the shore, feeling sorry for getting it caught up in this.

When they awoke, they were on dry land. Lying in between them was a whining Danny, who seemed to look at them with concern.

"JoJo! Are you alright!?" Their mother George was above the two with a concerned look, alternating chest compressions on both girls until she saw them awaken. Once they did she immediately embraced her coughing daughters in a hug, tearing up at such a happy outcome.

"What... happened...?" The twins had a bit of trouble speaking immediately after regaining consciousness.

"I noticed the two of you drowning and ran over as fast as I possibly could. Luckily Danny dragged the two of you out by the time I got there. That dog must've tired itself out dragging you two all the way to shore."

Danny didn't pay any mind. The dog was originally going to just leave them behind, and it's not like the help from JoJo was especially needed, it could swim after all. But the kindness of the twins was going to be missed, and it was going to be hard ignoring them as they actually drowned.

So Danny ended up pulling the girls out of the river, and now the two were hugging the dog and celebrating.

"I knew he liked me," Johnathan said. "He only saved you because you were next to me."

"He clearly likes me," Johnathan said. "I'm sure he went to grab me before realizing you were there."

George sighed with relief. The two must truly be fine if they were able to argue like this, though she would have to reprimand them for being unladylike later. Also, did the two never realize that Danny was a girl?



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