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Today was going to be the big day for Balor, the day that he finally lost his virginity. He and his girlfriend had been getting close this past month, and she was finally ready to do the deed with him. He had been waiting for the day he got to graduate from being a virgin for years now, and it was finally going to happen to him.

The setting was his girlfriend's room, the girl sprawled across the pink lined bed. This was going to be it. This was his star moment. He took off his trousers and crawled onto the bed...

...only to hear a laugh come from his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry," she quickly said, closing her mouth. "I just didn't expect it to be so, well, for a lack of any better words, small."

Small. It was small.

Balor still graduated from his virginity. He had done it. He was no longer a virgin. It didn't feel as great as he expected though. Why? Why'd his dick have to be so small? High school was years ago, he should be completely grown, why did parts of him still look like a child? His chest and muscles weren't big, he didn't have a pinch of body hair, and to his disappointment his cock never grew a single centimeter. Why? Why did he have to live like this? Was there nothing that could be done?

After graduating college he started to lock himself away from the world. His hair grew long and his eyes seemed darker, and the guy seemed more and more anxious about revealing himself to the world. Why should he? No adult should be this small and this child-like, he might as well spare others from seeing him. He worked from home as a writer and barely went out, only doing so when he wanted to get some books from the library. Reading was the only way he could take his mind off of this bad situation.

And it was in the library where he found the book that would change his life.

It was an old mysterious book, one you'd expect in a fantasy story instead of a public library. The pages seemed tattered and dusty, but the cover and bindings were adorned in what seemed to be golds and other metals. No one seemed to notice such a book on the shelf despite its odd appearance however, and Balor was initially the same. Only when he accidentally knocked it and a large number of other books off the shelf did he take notice to the book.

"QUIET!" One of the guys in the library yelled at Balor after he made the mess. "We're trying to read here!"

"Calm down Alpha," his friend said. "You're being loud too."

Balor initially winced before turning his attention to the odd book he found. The Phallunomicon seemed to be the title, printed in bright gold letters on the front. No words were on the spine or back, which was quite suspicious. Upon opening each page looked like dirty soiled paper, and not a word was legible. Yet the more he looked at the words the more visible they seemed to appear, like ink was actively seeping into the page.

The words didn't seem to be arranged like a story, and the pages looked more like they came from an encyclopedia or scientific journey. Weird scribbles of odd patterns made up the space where images would be, and the words seemed to be made up of odd symbols and shapes.

Yet somehow he was able to understand it all.

"Penis Magic!?" Balor's sudden shout caused many parents to hide their kids and another yell to quiet him down from the same guy as before. But Balor didn't care about that, he was just dumbstruck with what he saw. Balor has tried many different "tricks" and "remedies" in the past to increase the size of his penis, but it was like some god up there wanted him to remain small. And yet, he didn't try magic...

He didn't need his card to take the book out of the library, in fact the library let him keep it without any issue. A bit odd, but didn't disturb him one bit. He just ran straight to his house and shut the door behind him, opening the book as soon as he could. He looked for any spell that could possibly increase his size, anything that could make it just a bit bigger, only to see nothing of the sort. He looked back at the first page only to see:

These spells of the divine and occult are meant to summon, control, and manipulate phalluses of extra dimensional beings and creatures. With this power one will have full control over all penises that aren't their own, capable of manipulating them in all sorts of ways that can't be grasped by the human mind. One must never make an attempt to manipulate their own penis however, else they cause multiversal calamity.

So it seemed like the book was useless to him.

Balor was about to toss the book away, only to start realizing something. Maybe he wouldn't be able to change his own penis, but maybe it would be possible to replace it? He simply needed to find some large enough penis out there in the world or multiverse if possible, and put it on top of his own. He didn't have any attachment to such a small penis anyways, so why not?

According to the book all living creatures in the world had some amount of magical energy in them, and the penis was where it built up the most in males. That made manipulating the penis the ultimate pathway to manipulating the universe, twisting it capable of twisting the fabric of existence. And all of its techniques were in this book, ready to be put to use.

Balor's first tried out the penis summoning spell, making his first attempt to manipulate the magic energy in his body. He didn't get any response, not even the slightest buzz or flash of light, but he wasn't expecting anything immediate. Apparently it took some people weeks to even learn a single spell, but with the amount of free time he had Balor could probably practice twice as much. This shouldn't take too long.

Balor continued to practice for over 100 years.

Five years after getting the book he summoned his first penis.

Ten years after getting the book he could call forth the penises of the great elder ones.

Twenty years later he could make a penis cum with only a single glance.

Fifty years later and he could create a penis so powerful it could tear through reality.

Over a hundred years he didn't leave his house, only staying inside and practicing as much as he could. The power that resulted was incredible.

The power of this was unbelievable. If he saw that power firsthand back when he got the book he would've he never would've believed what he saw, and never would he think it was in his hand. To think he'd be this powerful from penis magic of all things, that was even more of a shock. He gained strength from the penis of Odin, gained speed from the penis of Mercury, and stayed youthful with the penis of Eros. He could have everything he wanted, except a bigger penis.

Cutting off his existing penis would cut off his source of magical energy, making him unable to use any of his other spells. No matter what spell he tried, there wouldn't be a way to attach a new penis right after his original one was cut off. From all sources he seemed to find it was clear the magic would disappear too quickly for that sort of thing to happen.

Yet that was the only reason he even learned such power. What was the point of practicing magic for over 100 years if he can't even make his penis bigger? Was he bound to live a lonely life with a small penis for the rest of his life? Certainly there had to be some way, any way. These 100 years weren't all worthless, right?

Maybe he had one option left. He knew penis expansion spells, he's used them many times on some of the penises he's summoned, why didn't he try it on his own penis? He already knew why he never tried, it would supposedly break the multiverse or something, but was that really true? The multiverse was an odd concept, it was hard to visualize. Multiple universes on top of his own, he could barely believe the fact. Balor has practiced penis magic for years yet he never saw a single sign of the multiverse getting scratched. Were the warnings even accurate? Maybe they were being dramatic and nothing of the sort was going to happen. Maybe he could expand his cock and nothing would happen.

All he had to do was try.

"⸘⌂₣₳৹¤﷼‥ϙ" The words he spoke were unintelligible to the human mind. He circled his hands around his head, making a circle over the front of him, golden sparkles coming from his hands and marking the path. His mind was focused on his cock, surrounded by the same yellow sparkles. The magic was willing to make the penis change shape, it was starting to do its job. There wasn't any danger to the multiverse-

He heard the sound of glass shattering, almost spooking him out of the spell he was doing. He didn't have any glass nearby, nothing should have made that sound. What in the world was going on?

A bright gold flash seemed to radiate out from his cock, and it shook and vibrated like it was glitching out in a video game. Cracks seemed to appear in midair, opening up to pure space and stars beyond. Balor was starting to see double, or were his surroundings actually duplicating? His desk looked like it was three; red, blue, and yellow desks somehow inhabiting the same space.
Was he breaking the multiverse? Was this what he meant? What was this sort of thing supposed to do? He couldn't tell, and that scared him.

He had to stop the magic, he had to stop everything from ripping apart. Yet what he wanted was just a few meters away from him. The larger dick he wanted, the penis of his dreams, it was right in front of him. He's waited over a hundred years for this, was he going to stop now? He just needed to push forward a little bit while not far enough to break the world, that's all he had to do right?

But it seemed like everything around him was breaking down even more. Cracks spread through the sky, and now it was more than stars he was seeing. Other worlds seemed to be peeking at him from beyond, all of them seeming to be glitching out like the world around him. Balor just kept focus and slowly moved forward, stretching his cock just a bit bigger. All he wanted was a bigger penis, he'd be okay if it was only twice as long, he just needed to hold on for just a bit.

Once he released the magic it felt like the world stood still, before everything burst back to normal. It happened so fast it was like the dimensions never broke in the first place, and everything was so eerily normal Balor forgot to breathe. Everything was alright, he was fine, the multiverse was fine! And his dick...

"It's still small."
"It's still small."

The voice made Balor jump up a bit, glancing around to see who could've made the noise. No one was in his room, there shouldn't be anyone else there, he was alone this whole time. The desk and the bed and the mirror seemed completely okay, there wasn't any sign of anything or anyone new inside the room. Wait... he didn't have a mirror in his room!

It was like his reflection had materialized in real life, every feature on his body flipped on the newcomer. Hair covering one eye on one Balor covered the other eye on the other. a small mark on one cheek would be on the cheek of the other. That wasn't the biggest surprise though, as Balor was just as shocked to see how pretty he looked. It was his first time seeing another person in person in over a century, and it looked like such a pretty girl. Once again Balor forgot to breathe, struggling to speak up later.

"Um..." A flush of embarrassment suddenly went through Balor, staring at someone else for the first time in years while nude in his room. He didn't smell, right? Whatever, he just had to push through it and speak. "Y-Y-You're not... no... Are you... some other version of me?"

"I think..." Balor's voice almost trailed off, still in shock at what was happening. "Who was your first crush in high school?"

"Sarah Clancy. What was the name of your first pet?"

"A dog named Thomas. What's your favorite color?"

"Heliotrope Purple. How old were you when you stopped wetting the bed?"

"Well... that's... It's twelve, but don't tell anyone!"

It seemed clear to them that the two were truly the same person, even if one looked like a mirror of the other. They seemed to have all of the same memories and mannerisms, and both of them even had the same knowledge and skill in Penis Magic. It seemed pointless to argue who the original was, as each was certain it was them. There was no way the other could believe the same considering he was a completely mirrored version of him, right?

"Wait a minute," one of the Balors said, realizing something. "You may be me, but you're not me..."

Balor didn't realize what his double was implying until he started to peak down at his crotch. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Maybe we can help each other with our problems?"

"Sounds like a deal to me!"

"⸘⌂₣₳৹¤﷼‥ϙ" The two chanted once again, focusing on each other's penises this time. A few cracks start appearing above them and they immediately stop, not wanting to go through that again.

"So for all intents and purposes it's the same penis."

"Well that just sucks. Thought we finally had it."

The two sighed. Over a century of training, the multiverse nearly breaking, and the two still had yet to get a bigger penis.

"Wait a minute." Balor had a thought. "Remember the original plan."

"Cutting the penis off and replacing it?" Balor was confused. "But we determined it would fail."

"Because there wasn't another person that mastered Penis Magic there to help!"

"I see. That's genius! So I guess you should be prepared as soon as I chop off my dick."

"Huh!? Wait a minute, shouldn't we start with my dick?"

"But if we do that then... oh..."

Without the original penis to use for penis magic the two were unsure what would happen. Maybe the replacement penis wouldn't be able to give them magical energy, which meant that Balor wouldn't be able to help replace the penis of the other. There was a good chance only one of them would be able to come out of this with a new penis.

"Well we should probably start with me," Balor said, getting scissors from a desk drawer. "This will probably hurt but if you're fast enough we can avoid any major pains."

"Wait just a moment, I should go first." Balor grabbed another pair of scissors from the same desk drawer. "I mean, what will we do if you aren't able to use penis magic afterwards?"

"We'll figure it out as we go along. And I've been waiting for this for a century, so I should go first."

"Waiting for what!? You're a mirror of me, I was the one waiting for all this time! Let me go first!"

"Are you crazy!? You're the mirror of me, isn't it obvious I should go first!?"

"Do you hear yourself right now!? I'm the original and you're the mirror image!"

The two were growing a bit upset, unsure of what to do. They didn't have any image or portraits to prove which one was right, and they had been out of contact with family and friends for over a century now. Neither of them had proof of being the original, only knowing in their minds they should be correct.

"Well get ready!"
"Well get ready!"

Both of them tried to immediately strike down their own penises, grabbing each other's arms in the middle of the act. Both of them were just centimeters away from cutting it right off, their hands gripped right at each other's wrists as the only things stopping each other from going through with the attack.

"¶⁂⁙₥↺⨃" With a chant large penises seemed to pop out of midair, and right next to their hands as well. The force seemed to knock their scissors far away, preventing any immediate danger.

The two stood up as scowled at each other, not wanting to wait any longer. Their dream was so close, a little setback like this shouldn't knock them back. All they needed was just a little bit of magic.

"©•¥°®•₡°" The penis hypnosis spell was used, summoning a giant cock in front of each Balor meant to hypnotize the opponent. This spell would entrance their doubles, make them do their bidding, draw them in to whatever they wanted the longer they stared at it. And the cocks were right up in both of their faces, and it was impossible to look away from them. Slowly but surely the cocks seemed to draw them in, and all they wanted to do and all they could think about was putting their mouth on such large... big...

The two jumped, each feeling the other put her lips on the cock floating before them. When penis magic was used to summon a penis, that penis would have its sensations magically linked to the summoner. The summoner could feel any touch on that penis as long as the magic was active, only breaking when the magic was stopped. There were spells that would forcefully break this link, but that would take another 100 years of practice for Balor.

The two broke out of their hypnotic trances from the slight touch of lips against cocks, angering them even further. They had almost fallen into each other's traps, this close to being completely subservient to each other. If that was how things were going to go, the two were willing to play dirty.

"¥£৲₸⨇⩥" The hypnotic penises disappeared and two new flaming penises were now floating where they stood. Those penises flew through the air and smacked into each other, smashing together like swords looked in battle. The two winced as soon as they made contact, feeling the contact transmit to them immediately. It was hard to resist, but they continued to push on, struggling to strike each other with flaming shafts.

"•°©°§№™¨⁜⁊" The flaming penises disappeared and were replaced with sparkling silver penises. These penises floated back and faced each other while firing big white beams from their shafts. Those beams clashed right between them, the two pushing as hard as they could to dominate each other. While the penises weren't touching each other this time, they felt like something warm was going through their shafts. It was still pleasurable, still making them blush and shake a bit.

"¦⁅₢₥ɑ▢∀⨛⨂λ" The silver penises disappeared and two stone penises took their place. Those two penises were thrusted into each other at intense speeds, like spears being shot at their doubles. The front tips and glands were pressed straight into each other, making the Balors jump and shake in arousal. They found themselves in an orgasm thanks to that contact, the gigantic stone penises exploding in muddy brown cum. One orgasm from such powerful penises took a lot out of them, immediately leaving them out of breath and exhausted. Yet they could not, and should not stay down.

This continued over and over again, the two attacking each other with many different types of penises and making each other cum many times. Over and over and over again they made each other explode in pleasure, finding themselves to be equal at each and every attack. After an hour they were starting to waver, faces flushed red with the two completely out of breath.

"Are you willing to listen to reason now?" Balor scowled at his double, not sure how much longer he could go on. "You're a fake! A mirror! A reflection! Don't think for a moment you're the original!"

"I'd have to be stupid to start believing that!" Balor had to gasp for air after yelling, feeling like he'd suffocate. "Unless you want to die then it's in your best interest to give up!"

Balor growled at his opponent. It was clear now that neither of them were going to give in, which put them in a tight spot. Their energy was quite minimal at the moment, the two were practically on 1% battery, the next move could decide everything. It was all or nothing, and in an all or nothing situation why not throw everything!

"⸘⌂₣₳৹¤﷼‥ϙ ¶⁂⁙₥↺⨃ ©•¥°®•₡° ¥£৲₸⨇⩥ •°©°§№™¨⁜⁊ ¦⁅₢₥ɑ▢∀⨛⨂λ" the two chanted as much as they could as fast as they could, golden sparkles of light flying right out of their beings. Every penis they knew how to summon was starting to appear, each penis summoned by one side mirrored by the other. All sorts of shapes and sizes, many looking like normal human body parts but some with alien colors or textures or material make up.

And every attack they knew how to pull off was blasted at each other at once. Penises smashed into each other, wrapped around each other, penetrated each other, blasted each other, fused together, anything and everything that gave the two pleasure. The Balors screamed and shook, unable to take it all. They came over and over and over again, every single penis bursting in cum. So many orgasms, so much pleasure, all of it was far too much...

The two of them fell unconscious, not to awaken for another month.



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