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Sirens blared as an incredible high speed chase took place. Police cars sped through the highway as fast as they could, but were still completely unable to catch up to these criminals. Yet when all hope seemed lost a pillar of diamonds stopped the criminals in their tracks, with a two-headed diamond alien there to put a stop to it.

All across the country there were reports of incredible alien heroes. Four arms of immense strength, two legs of incredible speed, slime that can merge with any technology, more and more people were becoming aware of these extraterrestrial saviors. They were the talk of the town, frequently shown on the news, yet Earth wasn't the only place that knew them.

Floating above the planet Earth was a single intimidating figure. In a spaceship that looked more like a railgun than an aircraft, a large muscular mass of tentacles watched the alien heroes from a monitor.

So far he's only been able to track the Omnitrix when it's been in use, having no idea what its user even looked like. That being said, now that he was able to analyze all of this data he could pin down a rough idea of where the Omnitrix's owner was, and that meant it was almost in his hands.

"The Omnitrix was not meant to be used for simple heroics like this!" He punched the monitor so hard it snapped in two, breaking quickly and easily like a potato chip. "Soon I will have my hands on that device, and once I do the universe will be under my control!"

The Gwens immediately shot up from their bed, looking at each other with the same shocked faces.

"Same dream?" The two spoke at the same time, seemingly confirming their worries.

"I never thought I'd be okay seeing you two up in the middle of the night." Ben yawned, his eyes a bloodshot red. "You two were far too loud in your sleep."

"You seemed to be having a nightmare," Grandpa Max said. "Anything wrong?"

"It's been a similar dream for quite a while now," Gwen said. "I think it started when we beat Rojo."

"There's this big green guy who wants to get the Omnitrix," Gwen said. "And I can't remember well but I think his name was…"


Upon hearing that name something seemed to change in Grandpa Max. His expression became deathly serious, like hearing that name flipped a switch within him.

"Change of plans." Grandpa Max went straight to the RV's steering wheel. "We're going to Mount Rushmore."

"Right now?" Ben looked at the time. "It's like two in the morning."

"The earlier we leave the sooner we'll get there."

And that's how the Tennysons set out for Mount Rushmore at two in the morning.

Ben and the Gwens were definitely concerned. Grandpa Max never did anything of this sort before. And that look on his face, he seemed almost scared of something. Try to ask him what's going on and he'll just repeat the importance of going to Mount Rushmore.

"Was it something you two said?" Ben went to the Gwens with his question.

"I didn't do anything," Gwen said. "Ask her."

"Don't immediately try to put the blame on me," Gwen said. "How do you know it's not your fault!"

"There they go again." Ben sighed before opening his laptop to play games.

A loud explosion was heard in the distance before the arguing could continue. It was followed by some smaller bursts, the source being a city nearby. They couldn't see what was going on, but stuff were exploding and catching fire, which usually wasn't a good thing.

"There's danger in that city nearby," Gwen said.

"Then I guess that means it's hero time," Gwen said.

"No!" Grandpa Max's voice was loud and clear. "We are not going hero until we get to Mount Rushmore."

"But people are in trouble!"

"Not as much as you're about to be if we don't get to Mount Rushmore."

The Gwens looked at each other in disbelief. People's lives were in danger here. What about Mount Rushmore could ever be more important than that?

"I'm not taking no for an answer," Gwen said. "If the people need a hero they're gonna get one!"

"Finally, something we can agree on," Gwen said. "Let's kick some butts and save the day like we always do!"

Before Grandpa Max could protest the Omnitrix was activated. The two fused together into a singular body with two heads, one made of pure molten rock. Their bodies covered in flames and lit up to complete the transformation, turning them both into the flaming Heatblasts.

They propelled themselves out of the RV with a stream of flames, traveling miles in what felt like seconds.

When they got to the city it was worse than the Heatblasts feared. Mechadroids were everywhere, gunning people down like they were livestock. The people ran in fear of this gunfire, for if they stopped even once it'd spell death.

But such troubles weren't going to accost them any longer. Now that the Heatblasts were there they were able to absolutely destroy the incoming Mechadroids in absolutely monstrous streams of fire. It was so effortless and easy it was like the Mechadroids weren't even fighting back. Were they even fighting back? It was hard to tell, it didn't look like they fired any shots when the Heatblasts arrived.

"This is surprisingly easy," one Heatblast said with a sigh. "I might as well not do anything."

"Then go ahead," the other said. "It's not like you're doing anything anyways."

"Hey, I'm putting in more work than you!"

"That's not what I'm seeing!"

As the two began erupting into an argument a spiky metal ball started tearing through the town. It seemed to appear out of nowhere, completely destroying everything that was in its way before stopping at the Heatblasts' feet. This spike ball seemed to be many times the Heatblasts height, made of some bronze-like metal that wasn't even scratched during its assault.

Then, as if things couldn't be weirder, the ball opened. It split in half, exposing what seemed to be some sort of pod inside. The front door of this pod opened with a large huff of smoke, allowing a giant green muscular mass of tentacles to walk out. The Heatblasts trembled as they recognized the muscles towering before them.

"You're the guy who appeared in our dreams!"

The alien just looked down on them, his expression unclear.

"I suppose that saves me the trouble of introducing myself," he said in a low and rumbling voice. "I'm Vilgax, and I'm here for the Omnitrix."

"And what if we refuse!?" The Heatblasts immediately jumped into action, trying to overwhelm Vilgax with a flurry of flaming punches. Their hands moved so fast it was like they hand a million arms at once, yet despite the smoke Vilgax seemed unfazed. They immediately followed their punches with an intense stream of flames, hot enough to turn a whole mountain into lava, and yet Vilgax didn't even budge.

"Interesting," Vilgax said. "I thought the two heads could've been an alteration that improved combat performance or power, but it hasn't seemed to have done any of that."

The Heatblasts were in shock. Vilgax was not just taking their attacks, he might as well be ignoring them! They tried to increase the heat, pushing their flames to the limit, but Vilgax just seemed to ignore it.

"Looks like I'll have to take it by force." Vilgax grabbed them by the shoulders, his hands not showing any signs of burning from the fire, and threw them threw the city. Their shared fiery body smashed through many many skyscrapers, tearing through the walls like paper before landing on the ground below in a crater. Despite being many miles from where the fight started, Vilgax is easily able to follow them with a single large jump. His fists continued to pound the Heatblasts into the ground, the crater growing with every strike.

The Heatblasts were in shock. Their previous opponents were strong, but none of them were on this level. Hoping to slow Vilgax down by even a little bit they increased their temperature as much as they could, melting the city cement around them into sticky tar. Vilgax seemed to be surprised by the sudden liquid, allowing the Heatblasts a chance to crawl away.

Suddenly the RV drives by the aliens, opening its doors and picking up the Heatblasts in the blink of an eye. The Heatblasts turned back to Gwens, only able to watch as Vilgax started to rise from the tar.

"That guy was way too strong," Gwen said. "I couldn't do anything."

"We couldn't do anything," Gwen said. "Don't act like I wasn't doing anything."

"Save the discussions for later," Grandpa Max said. "Now that he's here, we're going to get to Mount Rushmore as soon as possible."

"Mount Rushmore!?" Ben was confused. "Some huge green alien just showed up and you want to go to Rushmore!?"

"I'll explain when I get there."

"We can't just leave that Vilgax guy to do what he wants!" Gwen stood up with pride.

"He may be strong, but we're stronger!" Gwen stood tall and proudly. "Let's show him who's boss!"

With a hit of the Omnitrix the Gwens became Stinkflies, large green and blue bug-like aliens that shared a single head. Grandpa Max tried to protest but the two opened the door and flew off, heading back to where Vilgax was.

"This was my best idea yet," the Stinkflies said. "If we just keep to the skies he won't be able to hit us. Hey! Just because we share a head doesn't mean you can take credit for my ideas! That was my idea!"

While the two argued they shot smelly green goo down at Vilgax below. They didn't do much damage, but it wasn't like Vilgax could do anything back. After all, they were like flies high above the ground, quick and nimble and certainly not going to be beaten by someone that couldn't fly...

A single leap from Vilgax made him shoot through the air like a bullet, catching the Stinkflies in midair with great precision. They tried to shoot him down, but at this point he was practically riding them like midair horses and driving them into the ground in a dusty explosion.

The Stinkflies tried to crawl away, incredibly hurt from the intense fall, but Vilgax wasn't ready to let them off the hook. He picked them up by the shared head and pressed on the Omnitrix's faceplate, transforming them back into Gwens with a flash of red light.

"Huh!?" The Gwens were shocked. "But how!? Why!?"

"No wonder the alien forms have been reduced to conjoined freaks," Vilgax growled. "The Omnitrix wasn't meant to be used by two at the same time, especially not two small and weak human girls like yourself! Now hand it over!"

Vilgax put his hand on the watch, but at that very moment a green spark started to emerge from the device. A wide green burst blasted Vilgax away from the Gwens, giving them a bit of time to crawl away.

"Seems like it's already bonded to your DNA." Vilgax's voice sounded just a bit annoyed. "Fortunately I have just the tools for that."

The Gwens were lifted into the air by the Omnitrix bound arms as Vilgax walked away. His destination: his spaceship.

As the Gwens were finding themselves taken to an alien spacecraft Ben was groaning in the seats of the RV. There they were, finally having made it to Mount Rushmore, but the Gwens were now hundreds of miles away. Grandpa Max still refused to speak about why they were there, even as they were now driving through spots tourists likely weren't allowed to visit. He finally stopped his frantic driving at a Road Closed sign around the back of the mountain, giving Ben a chance to breathe.

"Great," he said. "We're finally here at Mount Rushmore. Now can we stop being tourists and go back to help my cousins?"

"We're not tourists," Grandpa Max said, pushing a button at the bottom of the RV. "We're tenants."

The ground below them seemed to shift, caving in to a square-shaped hole before sinking below the RV. It was like an elevator, slowly dropping the Tennysons to an underground facility that seemed completely unreal. Stepping out, Ben found the place similar to a giant filing cabinet, with endless walls filled with nothing but drawers and drawers.

Grandpa Max immediately burst out of the RV, dragging Ben with him. He perused the cabinets until he seemed to happen upon one peculiar one, one that looked the exact same as the others to Ben. Opening it up seemed to reveal a gigantic chest mounted blaster, and Grandpa Max latched it right onto his person immediately.

"This weapon is keyed to Vilgax's DNA," Max said. "One blast would send Vilgax to his knees."

"What is this place?" Ben looked around, amazed yet confused. "How do you even know about this? I thought you were just a plumber."

"I was," Max said. "Just not your average plumber."

As Ben and Max were getting armed the Gwens found themselves strapped to an odd alien device. They were in the middle of a metal ring, all limbs suspended by some sort of energy, except for the Omnitrix bound arms. Those were surrounded by a thick metal cylinder, glowing as it attached itself to the watch.

"Your DNA is identical, are the two of you twins?" Vilgax walked over to them, analyzing the data he saw on a screen. "Or maybe the Omnitrix malfunctioned when it applied to you, creating a genetic duplicate? Whatever it is, two people shouldn't be bonded to the Omnitrix at once, it's bound to cause complications."

"What do you know about the Omnitrix!?" Gwen snapped at her captor.

"You probably don't even know a thing about this device," Gwen said.

"FOOLS!" Vilgax glared at them with his glowing red eyes. "The Omnitrix is the key to a power struggle so ancient and so vast and so beyond you that you can't even comprehend its power. Imagine an entire army, with each soldier equipped with their own Omnitrix. An alien armada that can melt mountains, morph technology, and travel at supersonic speeds at will. And the device capable of granting that power has been reduced to some little girls' plaything. But no longer!"

The Gwens felt a surging pain run through their body, like their skin was getting burnt and torn off. Within the metal device the Omnitrix was being pulled from their arms, but it stayed fast on like glue. The skin on their arms stayed stuck on the back of the device as it was pulled, stretching and tugging as Vilgax tried to pull it off. The device didn't want to let go, and it was pulling on their skin in its attempts.

"Soon the Omnitrix will be mine, and all of its alien forms and secrets!"

Before Vilgax could continue to bask in the glory one of the walls of the spaceship broke to pieces. The RV burst through it like cardboard, and Grandpa Max jumped through the windshield with his anti-Vilgax weapon equipped. With a single blast Vilgax was blown out of the ship, falling at least ten yards to the ground below.

"Good thing I put that tracking device on the Omnitrix." Grandpa Max ran straight to the Gwens, Ben right behind him. "How are you two feeling? We'll get you out of there right away."

The Gwens were screaming, their bodies wracked in pain. Electricity surged from the Omnitrix, sparkling and glitching out as the dial rapidly shifted through various alien forms. The Gwens found their legs drawn to each other, pulling themselves together as if they wanted to be fused into one, yet the energy chains that bound them to the device kept them from coming together. They felt like their legs were being pulled in two directions, being tugged in a bodily tug of war, and all they thought was "this is all her fault".

The energy chains eventually gave way, snapping and allowing the legs to fused together into a solitary blue pair with balls at the end of the feet. The rest of their bodies followed that color scheme, transforming them into the speedy XLR8 in an instant.

The Omnitrix didn't seem to stop, surging and shifting even more. The object that held their Omnitrix bound arms was started to get crushed, constricted as their chests started to become attracted to each other. The cylinder splintered into many sharp metal shards, poking themselves into their flesh as they crushed it more and more and more, and all they thought was "this is all her fault".

That cylinder was blown to pieces as the two transformed again. They now shared an entire body save their two heads, the entire form made of living crystal. They had transformed into Diamondheads, weighing down the entire device with their heavy crystalline form. Their arms were still bound to it though, but the Omnitrix wasn't stopping there.

"Going from one form to the other so quickly..." Ben looked at them with shock. "Is that even possible?"

"The Omnitrix seems to be glitching out," Max pointed out. "Vilgax's machine must've broke it."

The feeling surged through their body again, and the two transformed once more. Their bodies mostly separated with a forceful transformation into Wildmutts, nearly ripping the energy chaining them away. They came back together in a clap, fusing together into Four Arms, snapping the structure that held them and allowing them to land on their feet.

The two screamed, absolutely furious. It was all her fault. If only the two weren't sharing the Omnitrix, if only one could follow the other's orders, none of this could've even happened. They should have settled this a long time ago, and they were going to settle it now. They reached out to punch each other...

...only for the Omnitrix to flash and the two to transform into Ghostfreaks.

The two were now back to back, or ass to ass would be more appropriate. What were punches that went towards each other before were now going away from each other, hitting nothing but air.

A minor setback, but they didn't care much about that. The two pulled, trying to rip their shared arms away from each other, and pressing their asses into each other. Ben begged them to stop, trying to grab them to force them to listen, but he simply phased through like ghosts.

They shrieked like banshees, tugging and pushing and pulling as much as they could. The Omnitrix activated with a flash, transforming them into Grey Matters, but they didn't stop tugging. They kicked each other in the face, pulling and tugging on the small area they were fused, feeling like their pussies were getting split in half.

"Get it together Gwens!" Ben picked up the Grey Matters, only for another transformation to occur. They fused into a single body of liquid metal, seeping out of his hands like water.

Now that they've become Upgrade, their shared metal slimy body surged and spiked as it bounced around like a metal ball. The two minds within the one slime pulled the body in separate directions, stretching it like a single ball of slime stretched thin.

"The two have gone crazy!" Ben looked at them in complete shock. "They're going to kill each other at this rate!"

"That's the least of our problems." Grandpa Max looked down at the ground from the hole made in the ship. "We're losing altitude, quickly."

Once Grandpa Max left the room to take care of the issue, Vilgax suddenly burst through the floor. Upgrade was grabbed very easily, pulled through the ground by Vilgax as he grabbed at the Omnitrix's dial on their shared chest. The two burst out of his hand and managed to escape, but they didn't seem to notice him. They were simply continuing the fight from before, pulling and tugging on a shared slime body.

Another transformation suddenly hit them, this time transforming them into Ripjaws. They fell onto the pavement in a dry slap, immediately feeling the effects of the sun beaming on them. They couldn't breathe, they needed water. There wasn't a single lick of anything wet around them, the surface around them was pure rock, they were panting out of dehydration in the warm sun. The look of the saliva glistening on their tongues, it was the only water in the area.

The two immediately got into a kiss, but it was less of a kiss and more of the two trying to swallow each other. Their mouths were like vacuums, trying to suck as much of the other's saliva into themselves as they possibly could.

Their mouths were suddenly separated, their necks were pinned to the ground. Vilgax had the two caught, choking them with his muscular tentacled mass. Granted, they didn't actually breathe through those necks, but it still hurt like hell.

Another transformation occurred, allowing them to slip away. They had become XLR8, stumbling speedily on two legs. While they were more aware of Vilgax's existence they refused to face him, facing each other quite literally. Perky breasts were smashed right into each other, attempting to crush each other like wild animals. Two hands were pushing against each other while the other two were at the shared pussy, pulling it back and forth in their anger.

Despite merely stumbling they were still fast, buzzing around like a conjoined fly. Vilgax just held his fist out and waited patiently, before suddenly striking the XLR8 precisely in the waist. They smashed through a rock, but fortunately another transformation saved them. They became Diamondheads right before the impact, their diamond body absorbing the pain.

The two still refused to divert their attention from each other, smashing large diamond mouths together in a kiss. Arms morphed into diamond blades, thrusted deep and far into their shared pussy. It made them squirm, but it didn't last long, as Vilgax's punches brought them back to reality.

"This device is one of the strongest weapons in the universe, and you use it to solve such petty squabbles!?" Vilgax punched them over and over and over again, cracking the diamond that made up their body. "Pathetic!"

The girls winced in fear as Vilgax aimed right for the heart, prepared for him to strike a killing blow, only for the hand to go right past them. They had become Ghostfreaks in the blink of an eye, so fast they didn't even realize it.

They phased through the rock, emerging from the other side to continue their fight anew. One hand went for each chest, grabbing and groping the left breast of each Ghostfreak, making them scream and moan in pleasure.

They ended up on Vilgax's ship again, now floating thanks to Grandpa Max's efforts. They transformed into Wildmutts right on deck, clawing at each other's faces and rolling about. Breasts crushed each other, pussies pressed into each other, more and more they only wanted to destroy each other.

"Stop!" The only words that could be heard were from Vilgax, but even he wasn't able to separate them. "Stop it this instant, or these two get it."

That threat was the one thing able to get their attention. The Wildmutts stopped to see Vilgax towering before them, holding Gwen and Grandpa Max by the necks.

"So what will it be? The Omnitrix, or their lives?"

The Wildmutts whimpered like dogs, for this wasn't even a question to them. They bowed their heads and sheathed their claws, showing that they submit in whatever way they can.

"Good." Vilgax tossed his captives aside before approaching the Wildmutts, pressing the Omnitrix and turning them back. He dragged the Gwens away, the two feeling rather dejected from the loss, yet Grandpa Max didn't say a thing. He and Ben simply went back onto the RV, cold smiles on their faces.

"Your loss Vilgax." Grandpa Max started the RV's engines, before riding off and out of the spaceship.

Vilgax was a bit confused by this behavior. He's known Grandpa Max for quite some time now, behavior like this usually meant he was planning something. That suspicion seemed to be validated as an alarm blared in his ship.


"That bastard!" In his anger Vilgax dropped the Gwens, which ended up being a huge mistake.

The Gwens looked at each other in that moment. The two definitely didn't get along, hated each other more than anyone else, but in this moment they were united. They slammed the Omnitrix at the same time, transformed into Heatblast, and sprayed Vilgax with a synchronized stream of fire.

The flames increased the temperature, and the temperature increase sped up the explosion. Ben and Grandpa Max looked up from below the bright orange ball of flames and smoke, hoping the Gwens were alright. A streak of red light seemed to emerge from the explosion, but a closer look revealed it wasn't just a light. It was the Gwens, riding a board made of molten magma down to Earth.

As the Heatblasts touched the ground once again, transforming back into Gwens, the two each whispered a small truth that the other couldn't hear.

"You actually do a great job out there. Thanks for the help."

Neither would admit she said that for the rest of their lives.



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