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Out in the depths of space, in a large alien spaceship, three bounty hunters were showing their prowess to one alien overlord. One was a guy in a somewhat mechanical purple suit, with lots of high tech energy weaponry. One looked relatively humanoid but with the legs and a single large pincer of a crab. And one was a mysterious figure in an all black suit, with amazing strength and power. The bounty hunters, named Sixsix, Kraab, and Tetrax respectively, were about to go to Earth, and there was where they were going to retrieve the greatest weapon in the universe: the Omnitrix.

Also on Earth were a pair of heroes, currently training within the desert. Grandpa Max had set up an obstacle course for the Gwens to go through, and they were fit and ready to go. They couldn't just go as Gwens though, and swiftly transformed to the alien they called the Diamondheads. Wearing a blue bodysuit with a sharp and angular body with two heads seemingly made of diamond. The Diamondheads stood at the beginning of the course, with many targets dangling in the air and ready to be launched.

"Ready?" Grandpa Max lifted up a small contraption, ready to fire at the Diamondheads.

"Ready!" The Diamondheads stretched their arms, ready to begin their training.

"Start!" Grandpa Max started the course by firing the contraption, throwing a few small targets at the crystalline conjoined aliens. The Diamondheads responded in kind, firing small shards of diamond that burst the targets instantly.

The Diamondheads didn't stop there, running through the course and firing at the dangling targets. More small targets were launched and thrown at the two, with the Diamondheads easily and swiftly smashing through them with small shards of diamonds. They were fired like their arms were machine guns, blasted with an insane velocity, and before long nearly all of the targets were blasted through.

On their left three targets were swiftly making their way towards the duo. The left head noticed those targets first, taking control of their legs and rushing towards them as fast as she could. But some targets were fired out in front of them that she didn't notice, but the right head did. She twisted their body in that direction, trying to take control enough to defend themselves against those targets.

The result was their body jerking around unnaturally, suddenly shifting thanks to how it was pulled in two directions. The arms that were originally going to fire at the targets missed them completely, the diamond shards instead puncturing the RV's gas tank and making it burst in a fiery explosion.

"My Sumo Slammers game was in there!" Ben ran into the RV in shock, desperate to remove any damaged objects inside. Grandpa Max was speechless while the Diamondheads yelled at each other, each blaming the other for the outcome.

"There were targets coming this way," one yelled. "You should've followed my lead!"

"But you didn't notice these targets," the other yelled. "You should've followed my lead!"

"Girls," Grandpa Max said, getting their attention. "Neither of you should be 'in the lead' or whatever, you need to work together more! Speak with each other instead of arguing!"

"I try, but she doesn't listen!"

"You're the one who doesn't listen!"

The two went back to arguing, which was a disappointment to Grandpa Max. His RV was still burning too, but at least Ben was able to safely get his stuff out. Good thing they were near a town, or the group may have been stranded out here with no ride.

Grandpa Max got the RV towed to the nearby town, a rustic mining town known as Slaterville. While Max fixed the punctured gas tank Ben and the Gwens went to explore the town. Ben ran into an old warehouse, disappearing into the dark while the Gwens followed, thinking they had to watch him.

"Ben? Where are you?" The two screamed his name, hoping he wasn't completely destroying something inside. It was almost like he disappeared, the only sign of his existence being the ominous footsteps slowly approaching them from behind...

"BOO!" The Gwens jumped, screaming for their life, only to realize that it was just Ben jumping out from behind a crate. The boy laughed, embarrassing the doubles.

"You should've seen your faces!" He just laughed and laughed while the Gwens angrily stomped away, hiding behind a crate before activating the watch.

"I guess a bit of payback is warranted," one Gwen said, turning the dial until it covered a familiar ghostly alien.

"And I can't think of any aliens better to scare him with," the other Gwen said, slamming it down.

The two became a ghostly form, joined from the waist down with their rears pointed against each other as well as sharing the same pair of hands between them. Becoming Ghostfreaks was a bit uncomfortable and a little creepy for the two girls, but if revenge was what they wanted this was the form they needed.

Their conjoined bodies became invisible and intangible, slowly creeping behind the laughing Ben. The boy felt a chill in his spine, looking back to see the creeping conjoined ghosts looming behind him.

Ben smirked. Those two weren't going to scare him like that. He looked up again ready to laugh in their faces, only to find himself shaking with fear. A shadow loomed over him as a large figure came into view.

"We must've scared him good," one Ghostfreak said, snickering.

"He's still shaking," the other Ghostfreak said, snickering.

Ben couldn't speak, simply stammering and shaking as he pointed behind them. The two looked back, finally realizing what shocked Ben. The large towering body of the bounty hunter Kraab stood before them, raising his giant pincer and pointing it at them.

"You..." Kraab pointed at the Ghostfreaks. "You freaks must be the owners of the Omnitrix! Hand it over!"

"The Omnitrix, huh?" One Ghostfreak faced the massive bounty hunter while the other went to face Ben.

"Do you have any idea what the Omnitrix is supposed to be?" The other Ghostfreak looked confused and asked Ben.

"I don't know," Ben admitted. "He must be talking about the watch or something."

"That makes sense." She flipped their body around, so now the Ghostfreak that was facing Ben was now facing Kraab. "You're not getting the Omnitrix you fiend!

"Hey!" The other Ghostfreak flipped them around, allowing herself to face the bounty hunter once again. "I can't see a thing from back there!"

"Well neither can I!" She flipped their positions around, only for her double to do the same, and the two were caught constantly spinning and turning and flipping their bodies around.

"If you aren't going to hand it over peacefully," Kraab said, lifting up his large pincer. "Then I'll have to use force!" Kraab's pincer slammed down on the Ghostfreaks, tossing them aside like rags.

The Ghostfreaks immediately reacted, seemingly disappearing as they went completely invisible and intangible. That didn't seem to bother Kraab however, with the alien switching to thermographic vision. They may have been invisible but they still emitted heat, or cold considering they sent chills down people's spines. He didn't have to look long before he could spot them near the door, and it looked like they were arguing about where to go as well.

Kraab sprayed them with an orange liquid in his pincer, causing them to suddenly become visible once more. He swung his pincer at them, the Ghostfreaks trying to go intangible to avoid it but failing thanks to the orange liquid. The Ghostfreaks were smashed against many crates, feeling weak as Kraab came to attack them more.

"I told you we should've attacked from behind!"

"We should've looked for a weak point and you know it!"

The two pulled and pulled in separate directions, trying their best to drag the other in the direction they wanted. The more they pulled the further apart their asses got, and the more exposed the Omnitrix was. Kraab was going to attack them but stopped once he noticed the Omnitrix, marveling in its sight.

Before Kraab could pick the watch's faceplate right off though the Ghostfreaks finally noticed. One Ghostfreak was shocked enough for the other to essentially pull her out of the way and avoid the attack. The inertia made them crash into a wall, and as if the universe wanted to make things worse the watch seemed to lose power just then. In a flash of light the Ghostfreaks returned to Gwens, powerless to do anything against the alien bounty hunter.

They ran out of the warehouse, Ben not too far behind, while the massive body of Kraab burst through the door and chased them. They leapt into the RV, and fortunately Grandpa Max was finished fixing it up. He didn't need to hear an explanation to know that he needed to get out of here. Once they stepped inside he hit the gas and sped out of there.

"We could've beat that guy if you just followed my lead," Gwen groaned.

"You mean if you followed my lead," Gwen groaned. "I was the one who saved us at the last moment there!"

"But you crashed us into a bunch of crates!"

"And that wouldn't have happened if you followed my lead!"

"Stop arguing!" Grandpa Max yelled as he tried to drive out of town as fast as possible. "The important thing here is just that you two stay safe."

The RV shook as something seemed to clang against its roof. The bounty hunter Sixsix had landed on top of it, and started slashing through the roof with a laser sword. Grandpa Max drove left and right in attempt to launch the bounty hunter off, but Sixsix stayed gripped on like an animal. That was until Grandpa Max suddenly braked, finally able to fling the bounty hunter right off. Not wanting to deal with such a danger any longer, he hit the gas and ran right over the purple bounty hunter.

The good news was that this succeeded in knocking Sixsix out, but the bad news was that the sharp armor punctured and burst the tires of the RV. No longer able to drive away the team was forced to hide inside the nearby mine.

"Come on," Gwen said, messing with the watch. "When will this thing recharge!?"

"It never will if you bang it like that," Gwen said, yanking the watch covered arm away.

"Don't argue," Max said. "Just run!"

A large rumbling could be heard in the mine tunnels and Kraab was quickly catching up to the gang, and to make things worse the path seemed to end with a large chasm. Grandpa Max was able to find the switch for the cable car though, and the group climbed in and went across the chasm. Kraab stopped in his tracks, unable to follow them now that they dangled over the deep abyss.

While Kraab couldn't follow them Sixsix could. He woke up from his brief nap and flew overhead with a jet pack. The purple bounty hunter landed on the edge of the car, pointing his gun right at the Gwens.

"Watch out!" Grandpa Max tried to put himself in front of the Gwens and block their bodies from any attack. "I'll try to block them off, stay down and don't do anything rash!"

"I'm not just going to let you do that!" The Gwens slammed their hands onto the watch, transforming into Diamondheads once again and firing a diamond at Sixsix's gun. The gun burst before Sixsix could fire it, and the Diamondheads tackled Sixsix out of the cable car. The two fell down the deep chasm, not to be seen by the others for a long time.

As they were falling the Diamonheads and Sixsix got into a fistfight. The Diamondheads punched as much as they could, attempting to crush the bounty hunter under their diamond fists, but Sixsix was a skilled combatant. Each hit was perfectly countered, deflected, or dodged, and Sixsix's hits seemed to crack the crystalline body just a small bit more with each strike. While the Diamondheads tried to dodge, each attempt to dodge left would be interrupted by the other's attempt to dodge right, only bringing in more attacks.

Sixsix grabbed the Diamondheads by the shoulders before tossing them into the air and out of the chasm. They were brought back to Earth by Kraab, who smacked them out of the air with his giant pincer. While they were at least still out of the pit, the Diamondheads didn't really enjoy being forced to eat dirt.

The Diamondheads got up and into a fighting stance, facing the powerful Kraab and the jet pack riding Sixsix. They ran forward, turning their arms into diamond blades, ready to slash at the two targets.

All Sixsix and Kraab had to do was walk away in two separate directions, and the Diamonheads ate dirt once again.

"What are you doing!? The purple one is the bigger threat!"

"No, it's the crab-like one! That one needs to be prioritized!"

The Diamondheads argued, leaving enough time for Sixsix and Kraab to strike. They try to fight back but the two overwhelmed them, punching them twice as much as they could punch. Before long their vision was starting to blur, and soon they couldn't keep themselves up.

What they saw next was a bit shocking. The two seemed to celebrate, lifting their hands up in joy, only to seemingly begin arguing about who should take credit for the assault. While arguing they didn't seem to notice the smoke bomb rolled next to them, and a black figure using the chance to grab the Diamondheads and get out of there. Riding on a hoverboard, he was in and out before they could even speak.

Outside the mines the black figure got the Diamondheads to stand up, and while his face was covered something about him made it easy to tell he was disappointed.

"So this is what happened to the Omnitrix," he groaned. "What a disappointment."

The Diamondheads were cautious, getting into a fighting stance.

"Who are you?"
"Are you another bounty hunter?"

The two kept their guards up, anticipating an attack.

"I'm Tetrax," the guy in black explained. "I'm a double agent, pretending to work with these bounty hunters to stop them from damaging the Omnitrix."

"The Omintrix?"
"Do you mean our watch?"

"The Omnitrix is more than a watch, it is the most powerful device in the known universe! It's the key that can turn the tide of war, the secret to unlocking the potential of multiple alien species, and it certainly wasn't made to be used by two humans at the same time!"

"How do you know so much about this thing?"
"Yeah, how can we trust you?"

Tetrax must have been smiling under his helmet before quickly taking it off. The Diamondheads were shocked, surprised to see that the face under the helmet was a lot like theirs. Similar material, similar shape, the two looked like they were from the same species.

Of course there was one major difference between them: the Diamondheads had two heads, Tetrax had one.

"Like I said," Tetrax continued. "The Omnitrix wasn't made for two to wear it at once, and your poor performance in that battle is proof of that fact! Hand the Omnitrix over to me and I'll hand it over to someone more suited for the job."

"You're mistaken," one Diamondhead said. "It's because she doesn't follow my lead-"

"Because I'm the one who leads," the other Diamondhead said. "You need to follow me!"

"You're the reason we keep failing!"

"You are!"

"Do you see what I mean!?" Tetrax was furious. "This is the most powerful device in the universe and the two of you can't help but argue every time you try to use it! More aliens will be after the Omnitrix, more powerful foes will appear, and if this continues it will be snatched right under your noses! That's why I'll be taking the Omnitrix with me."

"Not if we take it first!" Kraab burst out of the mines, blasting Sixsix with a powerful laser from his pincer. Sixsix followed, firing at Tetrax with his energy gun. Tetrax held them back, making circles around them with his hoverboard, while the Diamondheads hid as their Omnitrix flashed red.

The two Gwens peaked their heads out from behind some crates as they watched Tetrax run into battle. He was far more agile than the two were when they were Diamondheads, easily avoiding any attack the two sent at him. He leapt over blasts, ducked under pincer swipes, and any attack lucky enough to hit him seemed to just bounce off.

That didn't seem to last long though. Kraab's pincer grabbed Tetrax and lifted him off the ground. Sixsix grabbed the hoverboard and tossed it away before preparing an energy blade, slowly slashing at Tetrax's body to try and cut it away. Tetrax squirmed, trying his best to break himself free, but failing completely.

"We need to help him," the Gwens said at the same time, activating the Omnitrix. One Gwen turned the dial clockwise, the other turned it counter-clockwise, and the two grew frustrated at each other once more.

"Come on," one groaned. "Follow my lead!" She turned the dial, looking for Four Arms.

"Come on," the other groaned. "Follow my lead!" She turned the dial, looking for XLR8.

Frustrated, Gwen kicked her double, only for her double to do the same. They dug their legs into each other's pants, digging their feet into each other's crotches, angrily trying to grind them and rub them to dust. They growled and groaned as they angrily grinded each other's crotches, aiming to inflict as much pain as possible.

The two roared and charged at each other, grabbing each other's breasts with their free hands and squeezing them as hard as they could. Their knees went into each other's crotches, kicking as hard as they could, and the two headbutted each other so hard they could faint. Over and over and over again, they smashed their heads into each other, their breasts were squeezed tighter and their knees grinded up against their crotches. The two hissed and roared as they wanted to completely destroy each other, wanting to finally force the other to follow their lead...

...but Grandpa Max's words rang through their heads. The things Tetrax said made them stop. Right now he was in trouble, and they needed a plan to save him.

Tetrax was reaching his limit, with the energy blades having nearly completely cut through him. Sixsix probably smiled under the mask, raising the blade high and ready to cut the crystal alien in half.

But before the blade could be lowered he heard a crack. It sounded like something sparked, and that something seemed to be his own jetpack. The jetpack suddenly went out of control, launching him in the air and throwing him around every which way before he crashed into a water tower.

Kraab just watched, only to find his pincer letting go of Tetrax by itself. Before he could realize what was happening his mechanical body spun around rapidly like it was out of control. Smoke and sparks leapt out of every pore in his metal frame, until seemingly powering down and shutting off. He tried all he might, but Kraab couldn't move.

"So it looks like you chose a Galvan form." Tetrax could recognize what was going on, noticing the Gwens' alien form leap out of Kraab's body. Small grey frog-like creatures connected by the pussy, the two had transformed into Grey Matters and used their size to mess with the electronics. Tetrax smiled at the ingenuity. "Pretty clever."

It took some time to contain the bounty hunters, and it took a bit more time to get Ben and Grandpa Max from the cable car. Everyone was packed up and ready to go, but there was one problem left to deal with.

"So Tetrax," Gwen said. "About the Omnitrix..."

"Aren't you going to take it now?" Gwen lifted up the Omnitrix clad arm as if she was handing it to him.

"I'll just leave it in your care for now," Tetrax said with a smile. "The device is in good hands after all. Though a few more tools wouldn't hurt."

Tetrax tossed his hoverboard over to the Gwens before he left, letting the two keep it. They looked at it in awe excited and full of wonder, until one question crossed their minds: who'd be first to ride it?

And just as quickly as they learned to work together they fell apart and fought.



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