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If there's one thing that twins Jessie and Hilda Stein wanted to make, it was the perfect cloning machine.

It started when they were three, seeing another pair of twins on TV. Whenever there were twins the two characters would always be completely in sync, acting like two halves of a unit and the young girls really wanted to do the same. Being identical twins (even if they would say they look completely different if asked) Jessie and Hilda tried this twins act. They would immediately fail however, not actually being in sync and saying completely different things at the same time or walking in different directions and not agreeing where to go. While they may have looked the part of the twins they liked so much on TV, that was where their similarities to the characters and each other ended.

This frustrated them, and they thought the life of the ideal twin wouldn't be possible for them. That was until they watched science fiction shows and the idea of cloning came to mind. The thought of a perfect copy, one that had the exact same mind as you, made for the perfect type of twin for what they hoped for earlier in life. The only problem was that cloning didn't exist, or at least in the way portrayed on TV. They couldn't put a bit of DNA in a machine and create a grown and perfectly identical copy to the original in a few seconds. The two were a bit disheartened by the notion, but had a realization: if it didn't exist, they could just make it.

And that was the start of their scientific careers. The two majored in biology, studying the human body and relentlessly searching for ways to create a perfect copy of an individual. After getting their PhDs they bought a lab in the countryside, using it to continue their studies and attempt to create the cloning device of their dreams.

It took years for them to make progress, learning how to make copies of and transfer one's memories, and replicate physical impacts and changes on the body in a simulation. Combining this with efficient 3D printing technology would allow for them to create a clone that was exactly like them.

Salivating at the thought of making a perfect cloning device, the two went out the next day to buy supplies. They went to the same hardware store, picked up the same supplies, and all in pursuit of making the same thing. And they did not speak to each other at all.

The two weren't really on speaking terms. Despite living in the same lab, Jessie and Hilda were getting tired of each other's company. The two were quite hostile to each other, known for stealing some of each other's research and parading it as their own, or sabotaging each other out of spite. They were always a few hairs away from blowing up and trying to destroy each other, but cared too much about creating this cloning device to do so. So they simply agreed to go their separate ways, ready to make the cloning machine by themselves.

But the two only had one worktable, and it wasn't a large one, so the two were forced to work right next to each other. With no clear dividing line between where each of them were working the two would accidentally steal some of each other's supplies and use each other's tools, and at some point even the parts. They each started work of half, and when one would leave to use the bathroom while the other continued to work, the remaining lady may have seen what the other was working on and just assume it was a part of their creation they finished earlier. Hilda and Jessie could be a bit absent-minded like that sometimes, and that made the process much faster than they anticipated.

And it was done! It looked like an unassuming black box connected to a weird helmet, but this was meant to be the perfect cloning device. By placing it on the head for thirty seconds it would read the wearer's memories and scan the DNA through hair and skin cells. All that information is then transferred to a large 3d printer the two kept in their lab, which would use that information to completely recreate their bodies.

"Finally!" Jessie sighed as she wiped her brow, a large smile forming on her face. "I have finally finished it!"

"Yes!" Hilda cheered, slumping back in her chair as she relished in her victory. "After years it is finally complete!"

"MY CLONING MACHINE! Huh!?" The two spoke at the same time, shocking each other.

"What are you talking about!? This is my machine!"

"No, I made it! Isn't yours supposed to be over there!?"

"What!? No, yours should be over there! This one is mine!"

The two argued for quite a bit, but after such a long day of building the two didn't have the energy to do this.

"Whatever," Hilda said after a while, completely exhausted. "Let's just say we both built it, what's really important now is testing it."

"True," Jessie replied. "Luckily I've already prepared to test this device on myself, so there's no need to worry." She turned the machine on, a red light glowing as she put the helmet onto her head.

"Wait a moment, let me test it!" Hilda pulled the helmet off of Jessie's head and placed it on her own. "I've prepared for this moment as well, and I think having the lead engineer be the one cloned would be the safer option."

"No need, I've been preparing for this for a while!"

"So have I, and I bet I've been preparing longer than you!"

The two started to fight over the helmet, both trying to plant the helmet on their heads and shove each other away. Like earlier in their lives the two were obsessed with gaining perfect twins, but that obsession has grown magnificently. It was to the point that the two were incredibly aroused at the idea of selfcest, and desperately wanted to clone themselves as soon as possible.

The helmet would be on Hilda's head for a second before being on Jessie's head the next. The two fought over it, each barely getting bits of it on their heads before the red light became green. The thirty seconds had passed, and the machine had enough data, so the large 3d printer in the lab started to activate and create a clone.

The two groaned. This wasn't going exactly as they expected, but it was important to test for bugs and kinks as well. This data was still going to be useful, even if the clone turned out incomplete or unwell. It would've been more useful if they had a normal clone to compare it to, but they had to take what they could get.

If there was one thing 3d printers were known for, it wasn't speed. The two waited hours until the printer dinged to notify that it was ready. They ran straight to it, opening the door and shocked at what they saw. Despite the fighting and arguing it didn't seem to malfunction in the slightest. The person standing in front of them was a fully formed human being, that to the untrained eye looked like a long lost triplet to this pair of identical twins.

"It worked!" The two of them nearly cried, shaking from excitement. "My own clone!" The two leapt forward, jumping toward the clone as they could hardly seem to control themselves for much longer. However, the two didn't account for the both of them leaping at the same time, their skulls smashing together and shocking them before they could even touch the clone.

"What are you saying?" Jessie got up and embraced the newly created triplet. "Look at her! She's clearly a 100% clone of me!"

"Now that's absurd!" Hilda got up and embraced the newly created triplet. "As you can see she looks far more like a clone of me!"

"Let's just ask her, I'm sure she'd be able to tell us!"

"Yeah, tell my sister here that you have my memories and nor her!"

"Um..." The newly created clone tried to think back to whatever memories she had, hoping it could clear things up. However, the memories that swirled within her head seemed contradictory and confusing. She can remember receiving a reward that only Jessie received, but can also remember cheering her on from the audience like she was Hilda. She can remember being asked out by a boy that only asked out Hilda, but can also remember watching the confession from afar like she was Jessie. Memories of her being referred to as both Jessie and Hilda flooded her mind, and it was impossible for her to tell which one she was supposed to be. "I... I don't know."

Before the clone could continue to search her memories for the answer Hilda grabbed her head and gave her a kiss on the lips. It was a strong kiss, their tongues moving against each other like wild animals. But what was really unexpected was the surge of Hilda's memories that she felt. It was as if she was getting flooded with Hilda's essence, almost convincing her that she was Hilda.

But then Jessie pulled her head away and decided to kiss her instead. She thrusted her tongue straight into the clone, wrapping them intensely and wringing them within their mouths. Like with Hilda before her, the clone suddenly experienced a surge of Jessie's memories entering her. It was like she was transforming into Jessie, she was almost convinced she was Jessie.

"That's my clone you're touching!" Hilda pulled the clone back, bringing her in for another kiss.

"You mean my clone!" Jessie pulled the clone back, bringing her in for another kiss.

The two pulled back and forth, each of them trying to get as much time kissing the shared clone as they possibly could. The two pulled the clone back and forth, as much as they possibly could, attempting to monopolize the clone as much as they could. Soon it became a three-way kiss, with the two of them invading the clone's mouth at the exact same time. Their tongues pushed against each other within, surrounding the clone's tongue and trying to bring it to their side.

Desperate to bring the clone over to their side in any way possible the two each grabbed one of the clone's breasts and squeezed them. They massaged the breasts as much as they could, played with the nipples as hard as they could, trying to make the clone succumb as soon as they could.

The other hand reached over to the other's side, and the two fought over the right to grope the clone's chest. Their hands pushed each other, struggling to grope and massage as much of the breast as possible. At one moment their fingers would be grasping onto the clone's nipples and massaging them, but the next their twin would be doing it instead.

"Screw this!" Jessie pulled away from the kiss, grabbing the clone and tugging her away. "I'm not letting you mess with my clone any longer!"

"Stop calling her your clone!" Hilda pulled the clone's other arm, the clone being stuck in a tug of war. "She's mine!"

"She was never yours! She has my memories, and looks just like me, to think she's anything like you is just being in denial!"

"Have you looked at her!? What part of her looks a bit like you!? She looks just like me and has my memories, so let go!"

The two pulled and pulled as hard as they could, the clone screaming in pain in the middle. The two seemed equal, but Hilda slipped and ended up letting go of the clone's hands. Jessie nearly fell over from the whiplash, but upon realizing that she won started to show a big smile on her face.

"I think I know a way to restore your memories," Jessie said, taking off her clothes. Now as naked as the day she was born, she opened her clone's legs and placed her pussy onto the clones. The two squealed, feeling an insane pleasure surge right into them as they touched.

"Hey! Get off her!" Hilda ripped off her clothes and ran straight to the two, placing her pussy right on top of the clone's in a scissoring position. She pushed Jessie, attempting to get her sister off of her clone, but Jessie held onto the clone's leg tight. Jessie pushed back by slamming her pussy against Hilda's, but Hilda also grabbed onto one of the clone's legs and refused to let go.

The two of them were shaking, the both of them attempting to scissor the same clone at the same time. Each pussy was partially on top of the clone's own, their clits clashed as they fought over the space. They each grabbed onto one of the clone's legs, pulling and slamming their pussies together, attempting to push each other off the clone.

They pulled back and slammed their pussies together, doing this over and over again to try and push each other off. The clone screamed, thousands of memories entering her head as the two fiercely smashed their pussies together. Like waves crashing together, the pussies splashed and spread juices with every confrontation. Slowly pleasure built up within the two, but the one who felt the most of it was the clone they fought over.

"She's mine!" Hilda pushed against her twin, her body quivering with rage.

"She's mine!" Jessie slammed her pussy against her twin, the two shaking from the repeated contact.


The clone screamed, feeling an orgasm rip through her entire body. It was the greatest orgasm she had ever felt, technically the only one considering that she was a clone, but it was still more than enough. She broke away from the other two, feeling so hot that she could practically melt.

And she basically did.

Hilda and Jessie Stein watched in shock and horror as the clone they just fought over slowly melted before their eyes. In less than a minute their new triplet had been reduced to a semi-transparent puddle, destroyed even faster than she was created.

"This is all your fault!" The two turned away from each other, frustrated and upset. Stomping away, they immediately went to figure out what was wrong with the clone they made, hoping to finally create the clone they wanted.

A few months past and they managed to fix the problem. The biological materials that were used to create the clones seemed to be weakened in the presence of certain hormones, so a new material closer to human cells had to be developed. Loading their 3d printers with the material, the went back to the cloning machine and grabbed opposite ends of the helmet, glaring at each other.

One more clone was fought over that night.


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