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Hello everyone!

As you may recall, I aimed to release the next update to early update patrons sometime in March, with a free public release two weeks after that. This update focuses on the expansion of the max day from 50 to 80, and the day 60 exam and party. This party is what's taken the most time, it's a huge undertaking!

I'm happy to say that my first pass at the party is now complete! It clocks in at over 1,000 images and more than 120 animations, making it my largest single scene to date by far!

Since I finished this slightly ahead of schedule, I've taken some time to update a mechanic that's been in the game since the beginning - the, uh, "self care" you can do in your bedroom. There were so many different options it was a little ludicrous, not to mention took up a lot of file space. I've trimmed the options down to just two in each category, and reshot many images and animations whilst removing lots of old, now unused ones.

Testing will begin fairly soon. The party is extremely complex, so I expect testing to take longer than usual. So long as nothing major crops up however, I'm still on track for that March early access release.

In other news, the recent polls are in, and Madelline just about beat Maple in the wallpaper poll. Meanwhile, the community create-a-character was much closer between a sporty/preppy look and a nerdy/geeky one. On the regular poll it was a tie between the two, but in the extra votes sporty/preppy took it by a single vote!

That's it for now, thanks for all your support everyone! <3


Frank Baum

Sounds great! Looking forward to it!