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Hi everyone!

I made a public post talking about my progress in broad terms, but I wanted to give you wonderful supporters a little sneak peek of the party!

Usually when I'm making a new scene, I like to make all the images and animations first, and then write it and bring it all together. However as this scene is so large, I'm breaking it up and doing bits at a time, which means I have some previews with dialogue to share with you!

There will be some spoilers, so click away if you want to go into it completely blind!

This will be the third group party, and probably the biggest. Ezri has once again planned the event, and has dubbed it a celebration of sexiness. That means everyone will be wearing their most revealing outfits ever!

(Disregard the day number shown, I'm still early in testing!)

In broad terms, the party is broken into 5 sections. In the first section, you will be mingling and chatting, being able to choose who you want to talk to.

You will be able to talk to up to 3 people, so choose wisely! When talking with them, you'll have a few options to choose from, depending on your progress with them...

In between chats, you might see your other housemates fooling around with each other...

This first section of the party is fully complete and implemented.

I won't go into too much detail about the rest quite yet, but the second section is the largest and is what I'm working on right now. In it, each character gets their turn in the spotlight, and can each have one of two options happen, depending on your progress with them and choices in the first section. I'm nearly half-way through shooting and writing that section.

Keen-eyed readers may have noticed the new meter in the bottom right of the images. This is a unique mechanic for this party that I'm testing out. It's still being worked on, so no promises on how it will work quite yet!

That's it for now, I'll post more previews in the future!

Thanks everyone, you rock <3


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