What's happening now (Patreon)
Hello everyone,
As you may have seen, I put out a smaller update which just includes BFF's relationship level 6 scene. This is what I talked about in my recent "personal events" post, but I thought I'd take a moment to discuss what happens now.
In a few days I'll put out a poll asking about who your favourite side characters are. Partly for my own curiosity, but also I'll pick one from near the top that I already have a good plan for, and start working on a new scene for them. If I'm able to complete it before my hiatus, I'll release it as a v0.62.5 update.
In the mean time, when I'm able, I'm working on several sets of wallpapers. I'm planning on scheduling them to keep that reward going as best I can.
When I do need to take my hiatus, I hope to be able to post an announcement, but I can't be sure of that. Another thing I'm planning to do is unpublishing most of the tiers. Since I won't be actively developing during that time, I won't be able to provide rewards.
I will leave the Second Year and Master's Student tiers available. Those are the cheat codes tiers, and so I want these to still be available. They are also the wallpaper tiers, so as I mentioned I'll try to prepare as many of these as I can.
If you're already subscribed at a different tier when it becomes unpublished, you'll remain subscribed until you cancel it. Again, I'll do my best to post an announcement when this happens.
Thank you all for your support, you've helped make YU the game it is today. I look forward to seeing what it becomes in the future <3