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Hello everyone!

As you may remember, I talked about the need to cut a few planned things from the last update in order to get it out in a timely fashion. One of those things was a texting system.

I really wanted to implement this, so I decided to add it to this update! This first version is relatively simple, but lays the foundation for future expansions, whilst still having enough to feel like a good addition.

When you open the phone screen, you'll see a new option in the bottom right called "Message".


Pressing this will open a little menu where you choose who to text. At the moment, only the five main characters, as well as Violet & Sabrina, are available to text.

Once you've chosen one of the main characters, you'll have two options: "Chat" and "Call back to room".


"Call to room" allows you to move characters from their current location to their bedroom (unless they're in physics or art class). If you've ever wanted to progress a character but been annoyed at waiting for them to go back to their room, then this feature is for you!

"Chat" will earn you an affection point with the character, and a short conversation about what they're doing. If you meet a small voyeurism threshold, and they're somewhere other than the house or in class, you'll then be able to request a selfie.


If you have a high enough relationship level with the character, there's a chance they'll send a cheeky selfie.

You can only text each person once per day. Doing so does not move time forward, which means you can easily get a little extra affection with each character every day.

This feature was a surprising amount of work. Although each conversation is very brief, there's a huge number of them depending on both location and whether the person is alone or not. Despite that, I'm very pleased to finally include it.

The update should be ready for early release patrons quite soon - I'll let you know when I have a firm date.

Thanks everyone! <3


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