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Valve has approved our Playtest demo.

BUT... it's not out yet...

Turns out we are the first mod to use playtest features that valve has provided.
Now valve is having a rough time trying to allow us to continue our "playtest" feature.

Since we were ahead of the curve and basically immediately implemented "PlayTest" once it was released. Valve aut-approved the new APPID & Demo features included. This is clearly not their normal process and I'm sure we'll get some backlash for it. The kicker is. I've done everything correctly and everything had the approval stamp by valve in order to release this feature. Store page & App was reviewed.. "Approved & Approved"

(Hopefully) Checkmate Valve?

Time will tell...

Our playtest demo will be a limited version of Hard-Life which does not include everything in the patreon version. There will be less maps & information provided in this playtest. This playtest is just for persons who would like to try and perhaps we could gain some traction on patreon & review feedback for gameplay. Our patron's should be able to use their version of Hard-Life to play multiplayer with the playtest users*. 

* = ( I will be testing this tonight)


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