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Experimental OpenGL screenspace raytrace shader[9:41 PM]I've been tuning it for awhile, the goal being something similar to the early HL concept art where images were composites between 3D, pre-rendered, and hand painted 

also code changes include

agrunt arm position effects moved to actual arm position of gun.

barney callforhelp (to be determined how it works but is implemented)

barney pistol effects now on actual pistol rather than bip01

barney shotgun drops shotgun now & submodels fixed when it does (was missing an "==")

barney added some debug code in case in the future i'd like to mess with any AI options

barney removed old HSNAT code which helps body groups change for barney - Fury has now set up a system where it is completely up to him on which body groups are acceptable.

barney is "allegedly" to call for help on barney::takedamage

barney investigate code left alone

removed barney "if provoked" will yell GRENADE! (bits for provoking doesn't seem to work) future notes to be done.

deadbarney "blood" is now exported - not sure why that was a thing.

hldm - removed displacerspinup - less ents thx

basemonster fallinit code (bodies now line up with angles)

func break lives longer

dlight/elight cvars for future use

gauss glow code

monster_sdk RPG code implemented to possibly have a future boss that does crazy stuff

battery glow code (does not work on saveload - need to look into that)

hgrunt idle code fixed

hgrunt effects on actual gun

mp5 grenade adjustments , velocity with player will have cool slight turning effects on the grenade - longjumping with it will make it go maybe 2ft further.

flashlightturnoff on deathmatch when dead.

weaponbox fixes & physics

points per monster kill

RPG Fixes allegedly

node graph rebuilding text moved to an earlier stage of node generation

dead scientist blood now exported to avoid console bugs

snark fixes to size + health + kidsandtheirforkknife

cd player fixed for all players in multiplayer

bodyhit.wav now moved to actual blood splatter location



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