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Hello, amazing Patrons!

We're excited to bring you the latest updates and improvements we've made to the Hard-Life mod. Here's what's new and improved:

Current June Branch (Password : taynetheceleryman )

Weapon Flamethrower & Will be changed

  • Overall Introduction to the weapon_flamethrower

  • Performance Issues: We are aware of slight performance issues with the flamethrower. Rest assured, we're working hard to clear these up for a smoother experience.

Weapon Gravity Gun

  • Overall Introduction to the weapon_gravitygun

  • New Feature: This powerful tool is now available for map developers and sandbox gaming enthusiasts. Have fun manipulating your environment in creative ways!

Bindable Commands and Slots

  • Stuck Command: You can now bind the "stuck" command via the options menu, making it easier to free yourself when you get stuck.

  • Slot 6 & 7: These slots are now bindable via the options menu, providing more customization for your controls.

Bug Fixes

  • Monster Assassin: We've fixed crashes that occurred when using the "notarget" command with the monster assassin.

  • Monster AI Director: Changes to strings and return values have been implemented to fix crashes and improve overall performance.

Flamethrower Particles

  • New Particle System: We've added flame particles for the flamethrower, thanks to the code templates from "Cold-Ice Remastered". This enhancement brings more visual flair and realism to the game.

Dynamic Ammo

  • New Feature: Introducing dynamic ammo! This system provides ammo and health only when you need it. If you're doing exceptionally well, dynamic ammo might not give you anything, adding an extra layer of challenge.

Snarks and HGrunts

  • Behavior Update: Snarks and HGrunts will now lose interest over time when the player is not visible. This should make encounters with these enemies more dynamic and strategic.

Python Script for Entity Fixes

  • Extensive Python Script: We've developed an extensive Python script that fixes all the entities in the Valve VMF's. This powerful tool is helping us push forward the development of new maps, ensuring a smoother and more efficient map creation process.

We hope these updates enhance your gaming experience and make Hard-Life even more enjoyable. Thank you for your continued support and feedback. Keep playing and stay tuned for more updates!

Happy gaming, The Hard-Life Mod Team




There are new maps included in this release but are in early development and can be accessed via console