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I got commissioned by @natalia to draw this full illustration of her OCs. This was a challenging commission, ngl because I still have much to improve with my background work. I know, it may seem like a simple forest background but I still struggle with how to balance it with the characters. I don't want it to look like a green screen if you know what I mean. I want to be able to draw it like the characters were actually in that place, interacting in that place. And, I think I succeed 😄  

What I love about doing commissions is, I get the chance to draw something out of my comfort zone, and while I make money from it, I also got the chance to study and learn from the process. When I do commission works, I always question my ability because, in the middle of the process, I feel like idk what I'm doing haha. Buttttt, like what samdoesarts always says, "JUST TRUST THE PROCESS" ✨ and it always works. 

I'm happy with how this turned out and so is my client 🥰 Thank you Natalia for believing in my skills to draw your OCs 💕

// I'm trying to post videos again. stay tuned 😊



Jack Newbill

They're delightful! Thanks for sharing them!


Nice work. I'm glad their picnic wasn't ruined.