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The flames were in the process of consuming the hospital. Sweat beads formed on her forehead as she walked the ruined halls, blood splattered on the walls accompanied by the bodies which the blood had come from laying lifeless and cold. 

Her stomach churned as she recognised some of the bodies. Her squad that rushed into the building to neutralise the threat..here they were. Dead. 

She paused in her tracks, feeling like she wanted to vomit. Regrets filled her mind because she knew each and everyone of her squad mates. They respected her...and she respected them. She took another step forward, unholstering her gun with a heavy heart. Those men and women died and she was all that remained...so in their honour...she would complete their mission. 

Her mind was fixated on this whilst she walked down the corridor...but that was until she figured out who was actually behind this.


"What..what have you done..?"

The woman she called out to turned around, her puffy red eyes showing that she had been crying for a while made it seem like she was a victim..but the blood splattered over her indicated that wasn't completely the case.

"You...of course it's you."


Vivian Ashikabi

I did a silly thing and referenced some quotes and song lyrics in this audio~ Felt very fitting :3 One that is very clear is a quote from The Walking Dead!

Helheim Hellhound

Amazing work, I loved the emotion in this, different that there's no "listener" this time but I like it, it's like listening to a story, and you give each character their own voice and it's easy to tell who's who, and you put so much emotion into each of them. Just to take a swing at it, from what I understand these two went into a forest, Callie was lured away and was either possessed or "infected" (for lack of a better word) by a supernatural power and was subjected to visions and hallucinations, and every time she asked for help or talked about it everyone dismissed her (who believes in the supernatural anyway right?) and now she's reached a breaking point and went rogue, even if I'm mistaken it's a fantastic story. Hearing from her what's happened to her really sells the feel of being alone and feeling abandoned by people who don't understand, don't want to believe, or think they know when they don't, it was very heartbreaking. I hope to hear more stories like this, and this one makes me think of a quote from a movie, saying how people only seem to act when the stakes are at the highest or when it's too late. "It seems the knowledge of your sons impending death is causing you to act. Why is it we're only willing to do that when a life is at stake?" John Kramer - Saw II

Vivian Ashikabi

You got the story super bang on! That quote fits perfectly with the story honestly and it is so good. Thank you so much for the feedback! I definitely plan to do stories like this more in the future. A lot of my wholesomes cater to being wholesome but I want to also do sad, emotional, powerful and bloody stories that can paint a very vivid picture on the world I am creating within that audio