New Banner (Patreon)
2022-09-16 05:18:23
2022-09-16 05:19:32
Now my Patreon banner is showing two of my flagship comics~ You must be curious when is the release date of The Princess is a Baby, i'm hoping to release it in super later 2022 or 2023, since i'm still working on the page~
The synopsis is
An adult girl from a wealthy family is forced into diapers and act like a baby by two alien entities disguised as her parents who wants to raise the girl as their own offspring.
There is a boy (adult male) too in this story getting forced to wear diaper, so you'll have your weekly ABDL content fulfilled~
It will be on $10 Tier, and by subscribing to those tier, will grant you Nappy Boarding House, as well as The Princess is a Baby with a total of 8 pages of fun each month