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Why do I make my YouTube videos available as mp4 file downloads?

Many headset owners who do not own the Quest 2 may not be able to watch my videos with the full 3D effect because they do not have access to the recent versions of the Youtube VR app. For those of you with headsets lacking Youtube VR support, you may download the original mp4 file yourself and watch it in a VR video player like SkyboxVR or DeoVR!

Watching with DeoVR may require you to strip the video metadata. I have detailed instructions written out here.

The rest of my recent video files are available to download to my Tier 3 & 4 patrons!





Another good reason is that the Youtube app for Quest won't let you rotate the image up and down if you want to watch while reclined or laying down. Plus the compression can be distracting.


I was unaware that other viewers allowed you to rotate the images up! What do you use? Also can you speak a little more to what you mean by compression? Thanks!


Skybox VR will let rotate the video up as will DeoVR (Both free on the Quest store). By compression I mean the information in the image that Youtube throws away in order to stream efficiently. Like a jpeg image, youtube's encorder looks at the video and decides that some pixels are close enough in color to each other that it keeps one and throws out the other, lowering the quality of the image. Now there is likely some compression on your video already from the recorder you are using, then again in your edit, then again from YouTube. each time the video gets a little more degraded. In a perfect world you would want to set your recorder to uncompressed video (if it even supports it) and again your video editor export, the same so that there is only one pass of compression when it gets to YouTube. BUT the filesize would be huge, and not everyone has a massive amount of hard disk space to work with, especially at 4k+


That's good to know, thanks! Not only would hard disk be a concern with huge files, but the video processing in Premiere Pro would take even longer than it did now... Man, I wish I still had my PC as some more GPU juice would be nice for editing!