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I have been struggling with this for a long time, but I want to start the Zookeepers story in Patreon.

I would like to make Little Nun's post every other day for this purpose.

I have always been troubled by the current situation where I want to create new works but have not had the time. Also, I would like to have funds for creative work.

Little Nun's is not only for me, so I would like to hear everyone's opinion.🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️


N.R. Rowley

Seeing a series on the Zoo Crew sounds awesome.


Don't burn yourself out. I don't know how you do it everyday. But do whatever you think is comfortable. It's not like your with a publisher, this is what you want to do. You set the schedule, you do what you want to do. The people that support will support. You want to start a new series, go for it.


Of course! Why not post them here?


That actually sounds amazing


I personally love what you express through your art Diva, so please do what you feel like to do! Please don't forget to take care of yourself though if you need to though! We will be here to support you as always ❤️


I'd hate to see less of Little nuns in favor or zookeepers, but at the end of the day it's about what makes you content in your life. Don't feel too pressured


My partner was wishing for this! <3


Lets goooooo Zookeepers , Hopefully there will be a Polar Bear


Whatever you want. I like the nuns but I’m sure I’ll love the zookeepers too


You are an artist, if you want to try new things i'm rooting for you :)


Will zookeepers have different animal hidden in the art? 🤔


Yay for Zoo keepers!