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I learned that in English we call our best friend a dog. Is it true?😅




Kinda, yeah


It can be used in the same way like “What’s up, my man?” It’s an informal way to say hi to someone that’s your friend 😅

Gabriel Pedroza

:D yes in a way homie dog buddy = friend!


It was very popular in the early 2000s but I feel like I've heard it less and less over the last decade.


Yes that's true, sometimes it's spelled "dawg". Like, "What's up my dawg?"


"What's up, my duck?" sounds amazing and I am absolutely going to start saying it normally

Joshua sanders

Yeah it was a popular term in the African American community 20 years ago but I still use it sometimes it pretty fun.


It's funny because based on context dog can be used both as an insult and another word for friend. When used as an insult it can mean someone who is uncouth, uncivilized, dirty, etc. But then you have "dawg" it's a term of friendship.


If their a really good friend you can call them “Home Dawg”


It was a slang term meaning “friend” and not the animal. Now it is not as popular but can still get used. English can be hard to translate since certain english phrases have different meanings with context.