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Fluttershy is ready for public play! Big lewd hugs to bbsartboutique for drawing all the art. :3

This build is a huge change from the previous public version. The game has been revamped to be simpler and more interactive, thanks to many suggestions from the community. The gameplay wasn't in a good spot in the last public release, and I think the new changes have helped a lot with the problems it had. 

Please remember that Love Collector is still in alpha. The gameplay and content are incomplete and subject to sweeping changes. If you'd like to support the game's development and play new dev builds as soon as they become available, check out the big, conspicuous orange button that says "Become a Patron" <3

Play it here:

http://dailevy.space/lc_builds/0066a1/game/  - Hover the mouse over the question mark in the top left if you can't figure out how to make it go.

A downloadable version is attached to this post (11mb) - Check the readme if you have issues

Hotfix update has been applied to the web version: Temporary fix for people getting stuck loading at 81%. The large texture sizes were causing the issue, so it now scales down the textures if your environment can't load them. It's a little ugly but at least it works. Hoping to fully fix so everyone can play with full hd textures in the future.

Expect some bugs! If you'd like to help squish them, let me know when you run into one. If it doesn't work at all, try enabling hardware acceleration in your Flash settings by right-clicking the game. Make sure your Flash is updated too. Also try switching browsers. The next game won't be made in Flash! xD

This game is naturally 1080p. At very low resolutions, you may have to utilize the camera's zoom/pan (scroll/drag) to see everything. There are some bugs with higher resolutions right now.


Changes since the last public release:

  • Fluttershy added. Rig drawn by the lovely bbsartboutique!
  • More animations and dialogue for AJ and Rarity.
  • Real names, stats, and dialogue for the stallions added.
  • Stallion personality types added. Personality affects how aggressive or timid they act.
  • Complete gameplay overhaul to reduce the game's complexity, increase player control, and try to reward the player for having fun.
  • Health, shields, and "dying" removed. You can no longer fail mid-round.
  • FTL-style mana points removed. Replaced with simpler skill points to unlock upgrades and abilities.
  • Orgasms grant skill points to spend.
  • Abilities and upgrades revamped. 
  • Removed wave mechanic.
  • Give control to a stallion by clicking on them. Animations respond to whoever has control. 
  • Adjust stallion thrusting speed with their speed buttons, or leave it on "auto".
  • Choose which orifice each lover uses. Toggling the "auto" button will make stallions fill all open orifices. Combined with the stallion's "auto" speed setting, this can make the game hands-free.
  • Edging added for stallions. 
  • Multiple orgasms for stallions added. They have an Energy stat which determines how many times they can cum.
  • Level select added. Choose which group of stallions to take on, then choose the character you're going as. WIP, will be fleshed out in later updates. 
  • Characters now have diffferent stats. For example, AJ cums more easily from anal, Flutters has a bigger belly, etc.  
  • New score type- Energy (WIP). This amounts to how much sexual stimulation you give to your partners. It's not very useful right now, but it'll be part of unlocking new characters.
  • Score screen with actual stats added.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • New bugs added.
  • Mute button added.
  • Back to menu button added.

Changes since the release candidate build:

  • You now start with some stomach/uterus capacity
  • Minor visual improvements
  • Minor bug fixes

What's next?


More content for Fluttershy, AJ, and Rarity.

Character progression and upgrades. The idea is you unlock characters and get to take on more advanced partners by collecting love.

More variety in partners. Mares will probably be included with the use of dildos or futa. 

I'm also working on smaller games to test out animations and different game engines. The hope is that, by the time Love Collector hits 1.0, I'll have some experience with a good HTML5 game engine. The next big game will be made in that instead of Flash.

My Patreon continues to grow, and I can't thank everyone enough for the support. We're getting closer to the next big Patreon goal, which means I'll officially be working full time on smutty content. Once we hit the goal, the plan is to set up an official release schedule, as well as a streaming schedule. 

Shout out to Skellitor301, Shane Hunter, Jet Grey, revenwolf, dazedpilot, Stewart Simpson, Nicholas Robertson, SWF, Webbie, Tony the Brony, Foy Wilderman, Ventress, Pumpkin Lily, Nox Tenebris, Stormyheart, DigitalDomain123, Electric Spark, RarityisBP, lovely_applejack, Silvia Windmane, and all my other patrons. You're awesome and I love you <3 




Requires moar changeling..


But... if the bugs were fixed, why are they so interested in sex?


This is a cool idea can't wait to see pinkie


Well done