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In this build, I'm continuing the effort to give more control to the player, and to make progression work better. This still feels like the right direction to go. I'm happy to leave the old stuff behind! This one focuses on multiple orgasms for the males, skill upgrades, controlling where the lovers go, and auto-speed options.

I also removed mana points entirely. It was a fun idea but ended up being clunky and distracting in-game. 

This is purely a mechanics update, so there's no new animation or dialogue. Fluttershy is still lacking/glitchy and I want to get to that soon! Pinkie is in the works too. The gameplay has been eating away at me for a while though, so this needed to be done.

Tier 2 patrons can try it here! 


  • Multiple orgasms for lovers. WIP. If you don't milk all the love out of your partner in one go, you can squeeze more out after a refractory period. Once you've drained them, they'll only be able to cum a tiny amount. Currently there's no limit to the number of orgasms possible. Click the X to remove the lover when you're ready to take on a new one.
  • Mana points removed. Replaced with permanent upgrades and skill unlocks. Player orgasms grant you skill points to unlock active skills or passive boosts to body parts. The actual upgrades/skills are WIP - I have some better ideas for them :3
  • Choose which orifice each lover uses. Wave system removed. The lover queue on the right now displays all upcoming partners. You can tell the next partner which orifice to use, and see their stats beforehand. WIP - the stats are labeled with dev names still, sorry :(
  • Lovers' thrust speeds can automatically adjust based on their arousal. You can still manually set their speed if you want. The "auto" setting is enabled by default, and disables if you click on any of the speed buttons. 
  • New scoring system added (super WIP) - there's a Fluid score and an Energy score. Fluid is based on final cum capacity, Energy is based on the amount of pleasure you give to your partners. Neither are useful yet, but hey, it's a start!

Also, I'm working on a small side project- Secret Horse Files #002. I hope to push it out for everyone to see soon! This one is written in Java/LibGDX, and compiled into HTML5. If I feel like this works well, then it'll be the engine I use for the next big game.

Things have felt slow lately. I really want to pick up the pace and get more juicy content out. I don't know if the next post will be LC or SHF, but my goal is to get it out in a week or less. <3




Any estimates on when the fluttershy update can be public? So anxious to wait XD


Today's dev build will probably be the last one before the public release :3