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Okay, I'm sorry to say I'm surrendering to the evil forces of time. I can't do it by midnight. We're at the eleventh hour and I'm STILL finding assets that need to be remade, and visual glitches that need more code and debugging to fix. There's still a list of existing bugs and unfinished pieces of UI to clear as well. So this'll be an October update.

The upcoming update will still be available at the link I posted earlier.

So yeah, this is the second month in a row where I've said "I'm almost done!" and then realized at the last minute that, in fact, I'm definitely not done. It's far from the first time an update has taken longer than I estimated, but the reason I'm having trouble this time is a bit different.

Most big updates have a big new mechanic that requires a lot of code, thinking, and bug fixing, all focused on the area of the new mechanic. For those updates, my biggest concern is usually preventing scope creep. I try to keep the scope of the additions as narrow as possible, and fit them into the existing game engine instead of building brand new architecture.

This update is different, because I can't find a decent way to shrink the scope and release the new content in parts. Literally every mechanic and system in the game interacts with the new content, and most of them have required expanding.  It's too interconnected to release piece by piece.

Technically, that's not really a problem. The problem has been that I've expected to be able to break this down into more manageable parts and release them, and I can't. I should've realized that from the start. I didn't, though, and I'm sorry for setting up expectations of when I'll be done, just to repeatedly disappoint. It's self-defeating on my end, and frustrating for players.

The good news is that I've been getting a fuckload of stuff done during crunch time. I'm gonna pass out for tonight and get back to it tomorrow. Instead of promising a date I'll be done by again, I'm just going to keep posting updates as I finish stuff. 

Since I'm not rushing to be done by tonight, I can put a bit more effort into some of the mechanics introduced in this update.

Current todo list:

  • Clone manes for characters' alternate body types (minor)
  • Finish fluid particle emitter positioning and bounding boxes for all character sizes (minor)
  • Force neck apparel to squeeze on anything inside the character's throat (medium)
  • Finish gagging mechanic (major)
  • Finish suffocation mechanic (major)
  • Finish cum through mechanic (medium)
  • Finish UI additions (minor)
  • Fix reported rig glitches (minor)





You've done amazing work, so far. If it takes longer to finish, we can wait patiently, yet excitedly. Don't sacrifice quality by rushing yourself. You got this.


(╯ಥ﹏ಥ)╯︵ ┻━┻


The delay just means that you're making sure that we receive an outstanding product. The wait will be worth it. I have full faith.


Hi Levy. I don't know if this is the right place to ask you this question, but are you planning to make "cock portals" so that the characters can actually interact with each other? that would be really cool! But whatever the answer, your work is awesome!

Bronze Inkwell

Actually, I believe that the 'link' function is the interaction between characters. When you link, the one you link it to feels pleasure as well, even if they have nothing on or in them. Try it for yourself, see how it goes.


Don't be too hard on yourself! You do such fantastic, high quality work that it's totally understandable to run into the occasional snag with so many moving parts. It's still the best game out there <3


Приятель, если ты ещё добавишь другие языки, игре цены не будет. А для перевода можно написать таблицу с исходными словами и предложениями и дать людям их переводить на их язык


Don't overexert yourself. It is not good. Still, it is better to try to do everything in a measured and high quality.

Rangarig Rex

The last 10% is always what gets you :)


"I'm delaying to make the game better" is an incredibly valid, completely acceptable reason. Wouldn't fault you for it anytime.


Any update on progress?


Updates? Or is it one post a month?




They said it was going to be an October update. They didn't say which October....

Quinton Crockett

come on its been a bit to long. What am I paying for if you cant even keep up with your own updates. can you at least let us know what going on as it happens? Because having to wait this long with no updates in between is a lot.


Yah if it's not good to ship that's ok. Just talk to us about it.

Quinton Crockett

You're right just hoped he would update us a little more. But the content is good though


No Offence all, but not only is he doing Rigging and Mesh work, but Coding and also Dealing with a Pandemic and likely a Work Life. Cut him some slack, it's likely he doesn't get much as is.


That excuse really doesn't apply to taking a few minutes to give an update. It does apply to the delay to the release though.




Levy, its been almost a month now since we last heard anything about your progress... can we at least get another update on how things are coming along?


Looks like it will be another message right at the end of the month saying sorry with no updates.... Glad this is my last month. This is super weak.......


Honestly? I would prefer the Silence over a Rushed Product, He is putting work into it regardless of if he is updating us or not and quite frankly? He is NOT Required to constantly post progress updates every time someone asks, so why don't you all pull up your big boy panties, sit down, shut up and give the Guy some damn room to do what he has to do.


"Silence over a Rushed Product" - false dichotomy "NOT Required to constantly post progress" - true. we are also not required to pay or feel satisfied. "sit down, shut up" - ah, same for you.


"Rushed Product" no but how the current status is would be nice. Something like "Finished that Feature" and a estimated time for the rest. He should get the time he needs but at least half a month an update would encourage us to "sit down and shut up".


Levy? You ok man? Hope you're doing well.


The fact he updates you Complainers is a Curtsy on his part, he doesn't have to tell you all anything so long as he is working on the game and putting out updates. All of you who complain are Entitled Wankers with the patience of a Coked up Chihuahua, so sit down, shut up and wait for the updated that will likely come out in the next few days.


so long as he is working on the game and putting out updates? 3 months with no game update...(I don't class saying sorry as an update) P.S your nose is way too brown....