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Thank you so much to my patrons, who are seeing this dev log early. It's awesome that I only just released the first LC alpha and I'm already getting this much support and interest. 

I have good news on a personal note- I've picked up a project in my day job that'll keep the lights on. This means I've been busy with that this week, but it bodes very well for work on Love Collector in the weeks to come. I won't be scrambling for side jobs to pay the bills this month :3

Here's a quick peak into the development process of Love Collector alpha v0.02!

Arousal and Pleasure

I'm working on something that's been done a hundred times before- an arousal/pleasure system for the player. My goal for each game mechanic is that it's different, simple and quirky. You can ignore it and just button mash, or you can use it to get a better score. For the tl;dr, see the graphic attached.

The current idea is to have two meters. Arousal fills up quite slowly, and Pleasure is very quick. You get Arousal from pretty much anything sex-related (so everything). As Arousal fills, it becomes a multiplier for your Pleasure. When Pleasure fills, the player orgasms, which causes all your partners at the moment to reach orgasm quickly too. However, you also involuntarily expel a lot of cum, so it can both hurt and help.

It's hard to make the Arousal go down, so the longer you go, the harder it is to keep from orgasming.

Multiple positions

A focus for one of the next releases is anal and oral. I want you to be able to have a gangbang going on, which is more technically difficult than it might sound. I want the player's body to move properly based on what's happening, meaning that the motions from just vaginal would be different from simultaneous vaginal + oral. On top of that, I want the player to be able to take on new partners while the current ones are still going.

This is Flash. While it's possible to make two asynchronous animations and use them together (for example, a loop of anal, and a loop of oral), it's difficult to really utilize that ability. Flash makes it so you can't see how they'll interact until you run the program, which means you're working half-blind. Nope, not useful unless it's for small loops like breathing.

The alternative is to make a loop for every sexy permutation. It's a stupid option, but I'm going to approach it smartly. That should even things out, I guess? Consider the following sequence:

Start round -> select vaginal partner -> select oral partner -> vaginal partner finishes -> select anal partner -> oral partner finishes -> anal partner finishes

In terms of animations, I also have a start animation where the partner mounts the player, and an end where they dismount. If you expand that out, it looks more like this:

Idle -> mount vaginal -> vaginal loop -> mount oral (vaginal active) -> oral/vaginal loop -> vaginal climax -> vaginal dismount (oral active) -> oral loop -> mount anal (oral active) -> oral climax -> oral dismount (anal active) -> anal climax -> anal dismount -> idle

Whew, that's a lot. But there's still a problem: it's all one animation, so mounting the butt while the oral loop is going on means you'll jump-cut to the start of the butt-mounting animation. No good. We need an intermediary animation that will allow us to transition a dick in/out of each kind of mounting. Basically, a pose the player will assume before any kind of mounting. I call it the rest animation. 

So here's what that means for our animation sequence:

Idle -> to rest -> mount vaginal -> vaginal loop -> to rest (v active) -> mount oral (v active) -> from rest (v,o active) -> oral/vaginal loop -> vaginal climax -> to rest (v,o active) -> vaginal dismount (o active) -> oral loop -> to rest (o active) -> mount anal (o active) -> from rest (o,a active) -> anal/oral loop -> oral climax -> to rest (o,a active) -> oral dismount (a active) -> from rest (a active) -> anal loop -> anal climax -> to rest (a active) -> anal dismount -> idle

Wow. That's stupid. To see how stupid, check out the list of needed animations in the attachments. 

So then. let's try to make this smart. 

  • To/from rest animations should be quick and subtle so as not to disrupt the flow when you add a new partner. The less frames, the better (smart!). 
  • Mounting and dismounting should be short for the same reasons.
  • Orgasms can probably be an asynchronous loop, meaning they won't add permutations.
  • Most similar permutations can simply be copy-pasted, then tweaked.

So the only animations we won't be taking massive shortcuts on would be the seven main, most important loops: vaginal, anal, oral, and every combination between them. 

Still a good chunk of work. To combat that, the animation and art will have to stay simple enough to change easily. Adding new characters will also be time-consuming until I have the main horse types all put in. For the end result, I think it's not so bad. 

And hey, it's fun work.




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