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Yay, quicker update! 

This version of SHF introduces functions on toys. In addition to a size setting, every toy now has a "vibe" and "shock" setting, with variable levels. I've also added two of each toy so you won't run out. 

This is a more complete version of last week's update. The new character rigs are still WIP, and there's only a limited set of them, but the gameplay is getting closer to what I imagined for this game.

Toy functions are actually modular, so I'm able to add more. I have a few ideas that I think will be interesting, but feel free to suggest your own! Feedback and ideas at this stage are helpful. :3

Last update (which I didn't make a public post for) added new character rigs, resizable toys, better genital interactions, and a futa option.

Tier 2 patrons can try it here!  


  • Added toy functions. For now, there's only "vibe" and "shock", but functions are modular, so I plan on adding a bunch more.
  • HUD shows the settings for the last item clicked.
  • Temporarily added two of each toy.
  • You can now force too-big items in again.

Changelog for last update

  • New character rigs
  • Size setting on toys
  • Better view of naughty bits

What's next?

This update rounded out the toys a little. Next one will probably round out the characters. The purpose of making the new rigs was to prepare for stallions and other body types. Eventually I want to add alicorns, non-pony species, changelings, batponies, etc. It's less work than adding new rigs to Love Collector, so I'm comfortable with setting that goal.

Love Collector update when?

Sit tight! I've talked to BB (artist) and I'll make a post here when work starts on the new rig (heads up, it'll be a few weeks at least). 

I intend to finish LC despite the recent blows to the Flash platform. But the HTML5-based Secret Horse Files series has a longer future. 

I've been slowly improving my artwork, so expect some art (comics) and animations as well. :3

I'm super grateful for the continued interest in my work. All y'all patrons are allowing me to improve skills I've always wanted the freedom to pursue, and I'm happy to put those skills into content you enjoy. <3




When will a public release happen? its been forever. ;-;


i've been asking him the same questions months ago, he said when he felt like it was ready.