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Anime I'm currently watching:

  • Frieren
    I don't think I have to elaborate it is peak anime and really shows how to find pleasure in a journey itself not on a destination... Every episode brings those cozy vibes and teaches how you should treat everything in life especially when you do something for fun like hobby... cherrish every single small thingie ♥ like when I make video... every frame should be nice cute and pleasing to watch... or in drawing... when you do a perfect stroke or you will get sketch just about right it hits different than simply pressuring yourself to finish the work and focusing only on results... remember to enjoy those small thingies along the way to your destination (whatever it is) and you will find happiness in life
  • Gushing Over Magical Girls
    Despite it being filled with Lolis I really enjoy it! A lot of anime focus on a loser sub mc that slowly grows throughout the anime... this time it is a loser dom that slowly grows throughout the anime! It simply fun to watch how shy perverted girl dominates other girls and all points aside it is rare for anime to focus on a dom side
  • Solo leveling
    Really fun anime maybe first episodes were kinda mid but then it blows into enjoyable show! I'm really fan of an mc that becomes not only stronger every episode but also more handsome (I would definetly suck and play with his cock whenever he got that glow up after leveling) 
  • Chained Soldier
    I would say it is definetly mid anime... mid action... no story... just boobs and peak male fantasy of a guy with a harem of desperate girls... I hoped it would be nice anime that focuses on BDSM but it is not a case... with each episode mc is slowly worshipped by every girl and it is like... meh... I wanted to see that guy getting topped and dominated but instead I see every girl drooling over him... disappointing
  • Shangri~la frontier
    Ok this is fucking real anime that focuses on action and not boring Jujutsu Kaisen... Creators know full well what to focus on battles... action... constant dopamine flow of fun new moves... and compared to Jujutsy Kaisen... monolouge... flashback to the past that goes for 5 min how fucked their childhood was... they fight for 1 min then stops... they must explain every move soooo slooow... if I want to watch Naruto I just watch Naruto instead... the only thing good about Jujutsy Kaisen was Gojou and how sexy he is that's all.... from this type of anime I expect never ending dopamine action pills not slow monologues and Shangri~la does this perfect I think every episode is a really nice animated fight without all this bs

Anime aside I know I have to draw some more because I am slacking... the problem with my drawings is I can draw anything I want! but... it takes like 20~40 hours of course it is logical because I am basically a beginner and I must take everything slowly... but It is still amount of time I can't spend... maybe I will just post sketches something like Pewdiepie and just don't care it is not finished... or finish it slowly over time with daily progress of it...? Patreon is my creative space and sometimes I forget I can just post whatever I want here and not only the hentai videos and quickies

About videos every time I make such long video like the one that I've just made it always reminds me why I promised to myself to never make them this long... it is like edging for 7 days without release... It's really hard to keep riding the edge the longer it takes... you just want that release... to finish soo badly... but you can't or video quality will suffer on it... and when it is finally finished you are like phew... finally... and not feel that much satisfaction only that it ended and you finally got your release...

Hope you still have fun watching my content I know I don't post as much... I just focus too much on a quality of a content I try to improve and with every improvement it takes more time to make anything from videos to quickies... it is like trap in the mind... when I made some really cool Quickie I shouldn't drop the bar lower but to keep that high bar or go even higher with quality and it's like... by definition it just takes more and more time... I'll try to find middle ground and maybe post something mid from time to time just to make more content



Hey, mistress, listen up. You don’t gotta push yourself to mind break to try and please us, although we love you for it. To be honest I’ve loved all of your content, even the very first videos you posted on PH when you were just starting. We all love you no matter what you post! And if people start complaining, screw them. We’re meant to be your little subbies right? So do what you want to do and don’t push yourself too hard! (Also I really like Frieren anime as well 🥰)


Hello Mistress. We still enjoy and love your videos and we can see how much effort you put in them, keep up the good work, but remember to rest and take care of yourself, we don't want our Mistress to overwork herself for us puppies