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SSD died today and with it my 6 years old PC

 It will take around a week until I'll get my new PC so I guess I have some kind of forced free time on my hand! I think it is a good thing tho... Almost every single day for the last one and a half year since I've started doing all these kinds of lewd stuffs I've been horny for like 8-10 hours a day... And I can feel my mind slowly cracks under this constant pressure... If you've noticed that my content is a bit more brutal/degrading lately it can be just because of it... Week without the porn, hentai, and internet should be enough for me to properly dominate my own body and take it on a short leash once again! To remind my body who's the boss here and take care of my mind a bit

I asked a computer service guy to transfer my old data from HDD to a new computer but idk... It can be that all my videos... All thingies that I need to make new videos... Can be gone and so I would have to start from the scratch with a lot of things...

Okay one thing I realized now~that on a HDD I have basically 1 TB of hentai porn haha (basically everything I've created so far) that means if a guy peeks inside He will be greeted with the most degenerate vile shit innocent human could ever witness! So I'll just pray for his soul that he won't see it hihi

See you cuties ♥️ I will be off the internet completely for at least a week (can be longer)... Don't try to communicate with me because I won't respond. I will use this time to touch some grass and read some books and just work my normal job! Basically I will now relax in my free time instead of making videos or other lewd content! See you ♥️



Bye bye mistress, enjoy the break and focus on yourself for a little 🤗

