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I will open video requests after I'm done with Exclusive video... and here's the problem where is it? it's my fuck up I'm not gonna lie... I got literally sucked into Baldur's Gate 3 sooo hard I couldn't stop playing...

Kohaku video was almost finished for a week now and like... today was supposed to be released Exclusive video and not Kohaku one...
I just couldn't finish Kohaku video, my mind was like constantly distracted by that game!

And speaking of game itself, it's like perfect role play game that imitates table top experience of Dungeons and Dragons top notch! it is mind blowing how good and big game is!

But enough of that game... when you can expect Exclusive video... hmm...
next week? I will try to push myself a bit harder we will see... for sure you will get video before next next monday! not this one!

I'm sorry for my bad time management issues in this month for now enjoy Kohaku video and few Quickies I will make along the way


Noah Hull

Dont worry! Also enjoying the hell out of Baldurs gate, hopefully wins GOTY . Enjoy your playthrough! :3 <3

Vincent Martin

Don't worry hahaha It's good to see you enjoying what you like, just do what you feel nice for you :)