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Today is my birthday and a year anniversary since I've started pumping videos more seriously and since Void actually exist! I rebranded into Void on 6th of July a year ago, back then I had around 30 patrons and now it is above 400!

I've met A LOT OF various people during this time, fell in love with few subs but there was always the same ending to these "relationships"... my broken heart. It is also partly why I don't have multiple subs now (I sometimes get too connected to them). Of course I've met a lot of wholesome people also and it's not only negative hihi I know from experience REAL good girls/boys just sit silently too shy to even hit me up with dm and lurk here, enjoying content in silence ❤️ maybe sometimes hitting me with a dm to say nice words or something

But the most important question did I change? Yes I have become definetly more productive than year ago... a bit lost that innocence I had at the beginning and became more harsh in a sense... (the more pepular you get the more people reach out to you and usually they just try to scam or use you so it's kinda natural I have to be more grounded and not have naive good faith towards new people)

Am I still passionate about my videos? I believe so... everyone has their highs and lows, sometimes you sink your teeth in the food and you have to finish it despite not liking it that much and sometimes I can spend 10 hours session of making video forgetting to sleep and then going to work half~dead hihi for example... I struggled with Poison Ivy video... it took longer to make than Ankha video.... and speaking of Ankha one... I've spent like 8 hours session one day on that video, I quite liked it partly because I added a lot of new thingies there but mainly also because I like character and their personality!

but enough about birthday! other info I will open video requests after I will finish and post on patreon this month's Exclusive so if you want to request sometthing just be ready to hit me up the moment I post Exclusive! (it should be within a week from now on)


Vincent Martin

Joyeix anniversaire 🎂 🥳🥳🥳


happy late birthday 🎉🎉🎉