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I try to keep it as short as possible!

- No more 50 min + videos! that means no more requests for 50$! only 40$ ones!!! 50 min videos always were something special (like I've never added 50 tier for a reason) I didn't want it to be a norm or sth. But now I feel somehow obligated to make for example 50 + exclusive video (the rest is me ranting so you can skip it if you're not interested lol) Videos now require at least double of work and time on them and I just simply can not keep making them at this pace. I mean I could but I really feel how I'm burning myself the fuck out to the ash. The worse thing however is I watch like hentai images every single day at least 5 hours and my body/brain can not handle it. It's like watching porn for 5 hours straight and I am for the whole time turned on af! I feel like I'm actually losing my mind because I can not stop being aroused even no matter how many times I'm cumming in one day. Other may say just outsource or hire someone to help you but there's no one who could help me making videos the only thing I could outsource is potential VA actors but I don't make voiced videos. Editors, writers and so on are useless for me (there's nothing to edit I just must MAKE the video and for writers like I don't think I need one because why have deep plot in porn video xd I myself make decent basic thingies

- Second info PH is sooo fucking bad! I don't know what lately is with that site but geeez! I couldn't post Astolfo vdeo on my channel because guees what? PH detected Astolfo as a real person and demanded from me his ID to post that shit! what the actual fuck! I wasted 3 hours trying various titles and soulutions and in the end I just posted video with as basic title as possible. This whole situation is soo fucking strange I simply can not!

- Last info I want to focus more on art (whether it is lewd or wholesome) no more 50 min videos also have something to do with it because with that pace of making videos I simply DON'T HAVE TIME to do anything else rather than working on videos. And I want to pursue art soooo bad!!! (I know there's an ai images and all I even used like 4 ai images in my exclusive but I don't care. I simply want to draw images like a hobby just like I make hentai jois as a hobby)



gotta ID a fictional character lol this is hilarious


50 minutes is too long for me anyway not enough time in the day


I always preferred the old style videos not longer than 20 minutes


Have you ever tried milovana? I think you could make great eos content on there.


I know of Milovana but learning how to make these thingies in EOS would take definetlu too long for my taste and additionaly I heard from certain someone who creates there that admin doesn't care about site at all and it runs pretty bad (there are often errors and so on)


Please , allways put your health first , dont push yourself over your limits. Anyway , everyone here prefers you healthy , and subs can handle denial.