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Hmm around 2 years of a void....

Soo many things happened during that period... Soo much content... Some of you might have enjoyed my content more when I started some might enjoy it more now

Change is inevitable for better or worse I've always tried to stay on the same course over the years and despite having the same formula for such a long time I've always tried to improve videos little by little

I think videos are perfect now... I can not make them better from technical perspective

When it comes to the writing however... I think I try to make too much sense out of porn video... Earlier I was following instinct when creating video and now I am more guided by logic... I try not to fall into this sort of lust trance and have mostly clear mind...

But I've noticed it's not really good for the video overall... Well it is good at the beginning whenever you try to introduce person to the video... get them into the mood... But then I think it is better to let the emotions take over... Cast away logic and go with the passion... Not everything must have sense just follow the heart to make experience enjoyable both for me and for the viewer!

I think you can feel whenever I'm not feeling something and despite not being able to notice that logically because you are in a stroking frenzy all that impacts your overall experience

Some things you can not express logically that's why art of seduction is so complicated... On one hand you must make that smooth logical entrance... And on the other hand you must know whenever you must let the breaks loose and go with your guts! I think if you're artist or if you were in an intimate relationship you know what I'm talking about

Keeping that balance is what could improve the video but like... I don't stress about it too much sometimes things click and sometimes not! You can not have perfect video but always you can strife to do best and that's what matters hihi

Hmm one minus tho... Videos take longer to make.... But I think it's worth it! I could go on the topic of my content but I think it's enough

I'm not feeling too good lately at least in terms of my physical body... I'll just probably spend my birthday and weekend in bed mostly watching anime and making my new video

Kisses ♥️



Void-sama is older


Happy birthdayyy 🎂🥂