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I must say I am intruiged by my own art.
As you should have noticed I draw not like artists usually do... I do one piece of the drawing at the time until it is finished like hands, apple, face and so on... and such an unusual approach gives strangness to the image itself...
It's like something feels off but you can't really tell what exactly... and I quite like it.
It's the unknown of what will come out from this amalgamation of pieces... that what's exciting!
It's like walking in the void and making sense out of this chaos which is the white sheet of paper... how we will create those pieces... will they fit together? I don't know... we have a base that's all... we can envision the end with our minds yet do we have proper skills to make it into reality? that blind approach to the art and trusting the process despite not knowing or seeing the end is like metaphor of a human existence in itself... you can envision it yes... but what will it be like?
It's sort of like domination where sub is trusting and giving out control to the dom... this unkown part is exciting... you want it... you desire it... and I as a dom use it... break you piece by piece slowly unmaking you... and molding you into my own creation... of course I wouldn't go too deep into it hihi I know I am an exception and most doms just dominate for money and to use weak beta brains for their own gains just like everything does to be honest from social media that rage baits you constantly to keep engaging into worthless social disputes... to TikTok/Youtube brainrot to not think and only mindlessly consume the content like a cute bambi. And speaking of consuming addictive content you should go back and watch my old content as well dumm dumm because most of you haven't even seen half of my shit I have around 600 posts on patreon and just like mentioned in the pinned post you should also see PH and joidatabase for all videos that are not on patreon or perhaps even my reddit account where some really old Quickies not posted on patreon




Personally one of my favourites are on PH… The Hentai maze game. Dunno, it’s different and fun. And the 2B ones pretty fun as well… I could go on. there’s many goodies in the deep ends of your marvellous work void~sama 😇


Great work