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For those who don't know first send template and ONLY when I accept your request ONLY then pay! don't pay beforehand dumm dumm unless you want to actually support me for that amount and not request video. Just on a side note I don't want this new video to be too long because I will have to work on the April's Exclusive video soon... so around 15/20 min requests are appreciated above that I will most certainly reject them

For the past 3 weeks I was busy with this video so I also accept ERP requests now if anyone wants some personal fun with me

Also I have around 50 patrons that have 10$ tier or above and NO ONE asks for a Quickie! I appreciate just normal support but if you want... just send me an image on discord and I will eventually make something out of it (I make Quickies every 2 days now so you may a bit wait but eventually it will show up hihi)


Character/s (optional)







Short description what you want and so on, you can write the beginning of the video story or leave it to me.





1$/1 min
Minimum video length 15 min
Maximum video length 40 min


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