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There's so much things that went wrong here that I don't even know where to start...

First of all...
People don't know what sub/dom relationship means!!! like wtf~do you actually watch my videos... or my quickies... or whatever else I create? the point of being a sub... is guess what? submission to the dom! is to satisfy the dom!!!
I can't believe most of my interactions were men who behaved sort of entitled... to give them pleasure??? why? because they paid??? if you want to satisfy your thingies just buy a hooker and tell her to be your "Mistress" and don't treat me like a prostitute dumm dumm

Not to mention other problems like... often subs have mental issues... please if you have mental issues you shouldn't be here... this is definetly not the a place to improve your life hihi treat it more like a fun and don't let it get into your head too deep

Another problem... most of you are boring stiff people!!! "Yes Mistress" "No Mistress" "Thank you Mistress" "Please Mistress" the same lines over and over again!!! I feel like I interact with some kind of bots and not human being! you are not in a video... you can express yourself MORE!!! tell me how you feel... your deepest desires... your fears... open yourself to me... your emotions... you bought this to interact with me! the key word is INTERACT! but the only side that interacts is me!!! you just are passive beta who does nothing but obeys orders. You are just a boring toy that does nothing but do what I say... is it really your interpretation of satysfiying me??? be more creative!

Another thingy... anger issues... this is honestly the most scary thing of all I mentioned thus far... often when I try to push you to be more interactive and let's say... deny you or give you punishment without a reason... I do this to see emotions and for you to stop being stiff sub who as I mentioned earlier is just a bot that does nothing but say "Yes Mistress" nothing more and so on... When little thing goes wrong in their mind... they instantly turn into passive aggressive mode or worse openly toxic and aggressive behaviour... I've never could understand men both online and IRL who does this kind of thing... it's just scary... IRL when I encounter such a man who is hitting on me and you deny him or ignore him the same thing happens... Idk whether it is pride thing or what...? what the fuck are you supposed to do in such situation...? online I just cut off/ban as fast as I can. No one wants to deal with your bs

Another thingy... some people are too vanilla for me... how the fuck did you find me... subscribed to my patreon... if you don't like feet/femdom/armpits/humiliation???? and there is opposite spectrum of people trying to push me to do more and more vile shit... you've seen my videos... more of them are kinda similar so you should know what I am like... don't expect more from me

All those incidents... disappointments slowly culminated within me throughout these months and pushed me slowly into mysandry which is bad... I am BI and I like both men and women... but with men... hmm... it is complicated... their bodies are sexy yeah... but whenever they talk and start with their bs... it's like... ughh... big turn off for me... I don't want to be another crazy misandrist on the twitter that says: "All men are bad" hihi
So I just decided to cut myself off completely from personal pup thingy and a bit less interaction with people in general... focus on videos... quickies... drawing... and maybe ERPs from time to time... but no long~time commitment sub/dom realtionships like personal pup



Hearing about these experiences i think its completely understandable. Its hard to find people who are in the same wavelength. There is no point in continuing it when people are not on the same page and its miserable for everyone especially if its not fun for you who is arranging it.

Viar CracK

I hope you feel better Void sama! Do the things you need ♡


Don't worry cutie Those kind of posts have always emotional part to it I'm totally fine


No worries, its all about having a healthy mindset both for you and the sub. at the end of the day, its a fantasy, its all in good fun, if this starts to affect some subs negatively, then its not good and they dont have the right mind set, its all about having a good time and having fun while doing it ! The guys that are like that, im talking about the entitlement and aggression, are most likely actual hateful incels, that are a vocal minority, that need to do some introspection. im sorry you have to deal with them, most of us understand its all about having a good time for both you and us 😍 oh i wanted to say that last video, what a masterpiece ! you're the best in the scene, BY FAR miss void !


sad to know it,but if most relationships like these maybe stop it is right,whatever,do what u want Void-sama


I'm really sorry this happened, but in my experience most "subs" aren't really subs. It's just a kink for them and they don't get there's an actual dynamic involved. And on the one hand it makes sense that they're unresponsive- after all, you don't usually know each other that well, and a submissive mindset most likely wants to be simple and mindless. There submissive because they don't want to do the thinking, right? But then that also ignores some of their responsibility to their partner, their dominant, in making sure they're also having fun. Of course that's assuming they're not just doing this for a quick jerk off session too. Either way I'm sorry that people are like this in general and I really hope you have better experiences in the future Void-sama!