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Long have you waited for this moment, long have you endured, but the time has finally come! And so shall you!

Okay, we will be the first to admit - it was rather cruel of us to end her story on a massive cliffhanger, and then blueball you for almost an entire year. Though we would want to say that it will never happen again, when you are dealing with a dozen of characters at a time, giving each of them enough attention is far from easy, even with our ridiculously rapid release pace. Still, we'd like to make it up to you for the wait!

This time we prepared not one, but two entire major updates for our beautiful pale lady! Part Four of her drama-ridden story is coming in exactly two weeks, November 9th, and it will be the end of Aurelie's currently ongoing story arc. That doesn't mean it's the finale of her route though, no, there is still much to come!

Now to the point that might have left many concerned after the last time — the redesigns. Well, there was none, and we aren't planning on updating her appearance in the future. Name was the only change, and we are still working on adding an option to freely swap it to whichever name you want.

Our game stays true to its nature of being a parody and we have no intention of changing that.

All of that is obviously nice, but what of the update itself? Well, we obviously don't want to spoil too much, but let's just say...

You are finally given a chance to f**k Chris up. Enjoy your revenge!


Added an option to skip time and to end the day by clicking on the energy bar. No need to run back to your room anymore!
— Added a new button into the settings menu, that will instantly unlock the entire gallery.
— Fixed numerous bugs and typos.
— Improved, but not yet perfected backwards save compatibility. In some instances you might still get locked of progressing story if you are using an older save. We will continue working on it, but in a meantime we strongly recommend not using saves from before Reina's update.


> https://youngnaughty.net/downloads/

Early access is open to high tier patrons! If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

IMPORTANT: If you plan to pledge only to get access to this update, do not cancel your pledge before downloading the game. It might cause update to be inaccessible due to Patreon API bug. Do it only once you downloaded all you want.


> https://twitter.com/young8naughty

Our Twitter page is filled with stuff we WANT to post for everyone to see, but can't due to very strict Patreon rules. So, why don't you check it out? It has all kinds of extra content and all for a fair price of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!



ben O'Brien

Cant wait to mess Chris up



Rikou Hogashi

Seriously! (Copy Paste) Chris strongly deserves a good cucking and an arrest under the charges of intense sexual manipulation and abuse at the very least! He is an Absolute Disgrace to the Academy as a whole