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We are finally ready to show you our first ever name change and design adjustments we are making to the characters you know and expect to see, while still keeping their core concept intact. This is the exact approach we are planning to maintain whenever it's possible, with rare exceptions.

On top of that, we will introduce the option to change names of any character to whatever you like. 

While we understand that some of our supporters might be bummed by the fact that we are stepping away from being a parody game, there is simply no other way around it. With the amount of support we have been getting in the past months, and the growth that is way beyond any of our wildest expectations, our project is getting a little too big for our own good. That being said, it also unlocked many possibilities for us to optimize the development and invest our resources into fixing everything that is fundamentally wrong with our game, such as the lack meaningful progression, barren wasteland of an open-world, if you can even call it that, static characters, pacing issues, and much more. 

We are already hard at work to make sure all of those problems will be addressed in the shortest possible time frame, so Academy34 won't feel as the parody of the genre itself, and will move into the category of the games you can actually play unironically. 

In the coming months we will be concluding a number of currently ongoing storylines, after which the first overhaul update will finally be sent into a production. More news regarding the things you should expect from the overhaul coming in Autumn!

And while we are still on the topic of making changes for the better, feel free to give us a honest review of our game in the comments and share your thoughts in regard of things you would like to see improved, or straight up cut from it, because it sucks.

Thank you!




Out of curiosity, will Zahera's intro be the only thing added with the next update?

Gabriel hurd

Only thing I can think of is I personally would like the first routes feel meatier aka more depth. Andre(personal fav lol) and tracer(name pending now?) Namely