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It's finally here. For real.

You all probably know the story by now: This update was one hell of a challenge to make. As we stated in previous post, around 30% of game's code has been rewritten from the scratch, which is no less than hundreds of hours of work, that our solo programmer had to do in the past couple of months, all while being extremely sick and most of the time bedridden. Which is also kind of ironic, considering the "otherworldly" nature of the story you're about to see. Who knows, maybe this update is cursed, and not only in terms of how broken it probably is.

But now, let's get to business.

The reason this update exist, is not to introduce Mothra as a new character, but actually to finally start reworking outdated or poorly performing game elements. Mothra is here to give it more substance, as well as to add more reasoning behind the appearance of the new in-game shop. You can say, her characters works as a glue to hold it all together. That being said, we put A LOT of effort in her story. Not only she's on par in story length with our biggest releases, but also her scene... oh, here scene! To say it's our proudest work would be an understatement! Not only it's first truly "pathing" scene, but it's also features content for all kinds of tastes. Her story is fully playable in this very update. Enjoy!

What exactly did we rework and add?

- Fixed a rather extensive list of bugs. As expected, the prolonged testing phase we set for this update was a true blessing, which allowed us to take enough time to fix all of the problems that our players encountered playing through the latest update. If we were to believe the results we've personally seen, as well as reviews we got from our Patrons, it might actually be the most stable version of the game up to date. Though take it with a huge grain of salt, it still can break in the most unpredictable ways, that's just the reality of things. 

- Mothra. We are really proud of how this story turned out to be, and even though she is not an Overwatch character, we put just as much love in her route, as we did with any other girl. Not only that, but she is a first character to get a proper pathing scene, that features juice-filled moments for every kind of taste. Well, almost every.

- Save system. This part of the game was overlooked for way too long, and the amount of bugs it caused started to become a real problem. So we finally reworked it entirely. In game, you probably won't notice any real difference, unless it breaks of course, which it might. But in reality it should help us to make sure all content that you unlocked will always be accessible on your save files, as well as improve stability and resolve some strange issues that people had, where saving at any point in the game will bring them to Sombra, sleeping on the street. We never found the reason behind this bug, no matter how hard we tried, so instead we just remade all of the system responsible for it.

- Gallery - Will be added in the later patch! - Just so we're on the same page, new gallery is virtually done, but we didn't get enough time to test it before adding into the game. To avoid any critical issues or gallery wipes, we had to delay it until later, but not for long. So, what's so new about it? First of all, the design. We finally switched to a more user-friendly interface, that will allow you to see previews of the scene as a "slideshow" before playing it, sort gallery by character, change skins for specific scenes and apply custom accessories. The last part is the most important, because customization is a big new thing, that we finally (almost) ready to introduce, so let's get to it.

- Customisation - Will be added in the later patch! - Same as gallery, it's almost ready to be released, but we still have to do some testings. Also, it's impossible to release it separately from the gallery changes, so yea, we still had to wait no matter what. But what do we actually mean by "customisation"? From now on, you will be able to acquire accessories for specific scenes, that you can apply instead of usual skins. Those accessories could be new piercing options, hair styles, tattoos, clothing, underwear, makeup, and basically anything you can think of. And yes, you can also freely suggest any new accessory you want to see added, and we will gladly do that in the future updates. In the beginning, only Sombra and DVa will have their own set of accessories, but later we will add a huge variety for every girl in the game. And, obviously, it's important to note that you will get them from the new in-game shop, the Altar.

- The Altar, new in-game shop - Will be added in the later patch! - The Altar is a big part of the new story and center piece of many mechanics you will see introduced in coming updates. It will work as a sort of a shop, where you can get accessories and skins in exchange for the new currency, obtained by exploring the Academy and visiting the mysterious shrine in the woods. What's unique about it, is that you can upgrade the shop, which in return will unlock more possibilities to get new content, as well as some other... surprising bonuses. We're not gonna tell any more, it will ruin a surprise.

All of those mechanics are virtually done, but they require much more testing than we usually do, so to avoid delaying update any more, we decided to add them later, but not much later, in a separate patch. We're not gonna promise anything, but hopefully you won't have to wait too long.


Mothra's route activates automatically once you have finished at least 2 of those storylines: Sombra, Andre, Brigitte, DVa. After that, an event will trigger, that will kickstart her story. Walkthrough is available in the in-game notes as always.


> https://youngnaughty.net/downloads/

Early access is open to high tier patrons! If you enjoy what we are doing and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, be sure to join high ranks and get access to this and every upcoming closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

IMPORTANT: If you plan to pledge only to get access to this update, do not cancel your pledge before downloading the game. It might cause update to be inaccessible due to Patreon API bug. Do it only once you downloaded all you want.


> https://twitter.com/young8naughty

Our Twitter page is filled with stuff we WANT to post for everyone to see, but can't due to very strict Patreon rules. So why don't you check it out? It has all kinds of extra content and all for a fair price of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!




I love emo bitches