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Good morning / day / evening. We finally been able to get some proper sleep, because siren didn't wake us up at 6AM. But, sadly, that's probably due to the fact, that all Russian forces been thrown to the Kyiv, because they're starting to get impatient with this war. 

By the way, did I tell you that they don't even call it "war"? They call it "special operation", and when first they announced it, it was aimed on stabilization of situation on occupied territories. Trying to destroy the capital of country you yourself occupied seems like a rather radical way of stabilizing any situation.

They also forbid their local Russian news outlets from talking about their losses, so instead our own Ministry of Defense together with Red Cross created a website, where they publish any documents they find on captured soldiers or deceased ones. Seeing how much Russia dehumanized not only us, people of Ukraine, but also their own people, it's sad.

Sorry for making this update so gloomy, we're actually maintaining relatively high spirits here. I guess I just wanted to share things that just blow my mind. 

Thanks again for all the support. Sometimes we don't even know whether we deserve community as good as you, guys, but damn we're happy to have you.



Keep it together guys. We are all rooting for you :)

Luke H

Hope you can keep safe guys, I just wish there was more I could do to help besides maintaining my subscription


I'm not religious but I actually prayed for you guys for the first time in years


Glad to hear Yall are ok, it's going to make sleeping tonight alot easier, I'm not joking when I say I've been thinking about you guys alot lately and every time you guys give an update it puts me at ease knowing your alright for the time being. Sending all my love to you and the team.

Nicolas HENRY

This situation is just unbeliveable and I'm so sorry that our goverments don't do more. You guys are very strong because a lot of us never experiment such hard times. And even so, you give us news, you stay positive. Every day, I'm coming just to see if you give us any update to have informations about you all and also the situation. When times are hard, the ability to rely on other ones gives hope and it changes everything. Stay safe !


We’re happy to be here. ❤️


Sorry to hear about the Russia and Ukraine stuff. but congratulations on having hit 1.716 patrons and 10.001$ each month and all the best to you and the team. from Australia.